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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 26, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Why didn't Trump build the fucking wall while the Republicans had control of both houses?



Senior lab rings a bell when he senses the potty training dog needs to go outside.

French Ardennes Stallions
"The Ardennes breed could be a direct descendant of the prehistoric Solutre horse and is thought to be descended from the type of horse described by Julius Caesar in his Commentarii de Bello Gallico. Caesar described these horses of Belgium as "rustic, hard and tireless", and recommended them for use in heavy cavalry units. The early type was used by many later Roman emperors for military applications. The breed's ancestors are thought to have been bred for 2,000 years on the Ardennes plains, and it is one of the oldest documented European heavy draft breeds."

An elderly Lion in his final hours.
Yeah, that's kind of how I feel.
I have accomplished just about everything I've ever wanted to accomplish, and now I'm ready.

A carpet python that was found with 511 ticks on him.

 I didn't know that they did all that.

Who would canoe in a place with such huge apex predators?

Every time I see such extreme life here on Earth, I think of what we are liable to find somewhere else.

The perfect segue for the next section.

If someone says it's raining and another person says it's dry, it is not your job to accept them both. You job is to look out the fucking window and find out which is true.



I had two friends in high school who went in together and bought a brand new muscle car to drag race in money fueled illegal races on back roads. The car was a disappointment so they decided to burn it and use the insurance money to buy another car.
They went to three different garages to complain about gasoline fumes, then drove it out in the middle of nowhere, poured gas all over the motor and set it ablaze. Everything in front of the firewall was burned but the insurance company had some bad news.
 They repaired the car complete with the old motor.

I've heard that if it looks like it's not moving then it's coming right at you. But knowing that many times those things have sisters that drop down with no notice, who in their right mind would stand out there filming it?

Just some dick riding his bicycle.

 Remember when you were a teenager and you thought flashing guns at the cops was a cool thing to do?


With the number of guns in America, who would dare get out of their car like that?



 Just another reason not to go visit anyone.

This makes me extremely uncomfortable.
When she looks away my asshole tightened.

Bowling balls are technically just very clumsy gloves.



This is the way we free stuck elk in America.

I've made many an art out of tile just like that.

Christopher Walken the dancer.
And, yes, I am going to post that every time I run across it.

That's very true.

I've done things like this, but there was always money being wagered.
At least he's no out stealing my TV.

A married guy I know got caught having an affair with a waitress at Waffle House. (true)



The Florida on the Okeechobee Waterway

The only problem is that some of the bridges are relatively low, so they have to take measures like this.

 Here's the math.

Holy shit that's a big boat.

"Over the past few years, Ossia has impressed us with demonstrations of its over-the-air power delivery system which promises to make charging cables and pads obsolete. But it’s always been just demos of prototypes, which feels like a constant tease of a future we want right now. For CES 2019, however, Ossia worked with accessories maker Spigen to develop the first truly wireless charging case for smartphones, and given us a more solid timeline of when the company’s wireless power tech will be available to everyone."
RH: Does anyone know if it uses a microwave signal?


Starship test flight rocket finished assembly at Texas launch site. The is an actual picture, not a rendering.
 Thanks, Elon.


The first person to call something cool must have been really cool because everyone started saying it.






Ladies and gentlemen, Arden Weenus...
 Please tell me that is bogus.

 I think that is a reflection in a round mirror.
But seriously, that fucker could use a dermatologist.




Not One Of My Very Own.

Everything you need to know about the English in one Gif.

 Story worthy image if I've ever seen one.


How do they say cat?






 I've been called a Communist for advocating universal health care.
The same guy told me that the richest 10% pay 50% of the taxes. Yeah, that's great unless you look at the percentages. I paid close to 50% of my income if you consider federal, state, and local taxes. I just ask the super rich to do the same.
I'm not a communist.



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