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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



 It was a pretty boring game, but at least it wasn't a blowout.


 Where is Left Shark when you need him?

This is me every time I hear news about a white guy getting into trouble for something he did 40 years


That is considered comedy. Help me understand.




 Overweight passenger says he needs help using the bathroom, to pull down his pants, and wipe his butt. At first, they refuse but he threatened to stay in the lavatory and urinate on the floor. One brave flight attendant wipes his butt after putting on three pairs of gloves as he moaned "deeper". Man is being sued for sexual harassment.

Did John Malkovich win best supporting actor for his role in Being John Malkovich?


Speaking of eating...
Fishing in Darwin, Australia

"Ends" only if you can convince people to take the fucking vaccine!

This woman really, really wants to get married...
The New Orleans Saints could have used that lady in the playoffs.


I beg to differ...

Can you imagine having that on your resume?


I watched the so-so movie Last Laugh. Richard Dreyfuss had a couple of provocative lines.

And Andie MacDowell is also showing her age.
One of my favorite characters I invented for a novel was named Lovejoy.

This guy's daughter interrupted him while he was playing a horror game.
What a wuss.

I wonder what this guy looks like now.

I'll just leave this without comment.

If dating sites allow women to include a height requirement, then they should also allow men to include a weight limit.






And because of that very thing the fashion industry bilk women for billions of dollars. 

Speaking of women...

An old print ad that wouldn't fly today.



I used to hate painting with yellow also. I don't know why. 


 I have never felt the need to look in anyone's medicine cabinet but apparently many people do.


 I find it amazing that this fad died so quickly. I used to see people taking selfies all the time in my bar, but not anymore.
Whenever I saw someone taking selfies I would make it awkward by saying "You are so brave."

Remember this classic?

If you only knew how the servers talk about discourteous patrons.
I would like to see a little tit for tat.

Relationships are an expensive way to watch someone slowly like you less and less.





Just something else we don't have to worry about...

Voyager 1 has enough energy for 1-4 years left of transmissions.
They have shut off the camera and other equipment to keep it going, but the nuclear reactor is almost out of fuel. In 1977 when it launched how satisfying would it be if a scientist programmed its lasts transmission to be space oddity by David Bowie to us.

Remember my discussion of robots eliminating so many jobs that there simply isn't work for huge percentages of the population. You can't just let these people starve - there would be a revolution. So, you simply give everybody money...money to buy the services that your robots provide.

Who could have guessed that we would still be fighting this battle?

What if we took a vote on whether people wanted your graffiti and the vote came out one million no and 2 yes. Would that give you pause? Well, we have taken a vote and you lost.

Making kids say “Mississippi” between counting seconds really gave Mississippi a lot more publicity than it deserved.



I'm thinking those are supposed to Bandaids.

Dr. Seuss could be a little frisky.

 If you are rich and don't have a secret room, then you disappoint me.

 How very wonderful. Imagine coming upon that in the forest.

The Eyes of Berlin









 RH: I want to have the right to end my life if I deem it appropriate.
Many times they just pump you full of pain meds and then starve you to death. Usually takes 3 weeks. Why not just kill my sick ass out right?




Crashsq said...

The band aids are really skateboards with no wheels.

Anonymous said...

True story: Andie MacDowell used to work at a bar a few doors down from a clothing store I managed. We often had her model for us but back then she went by the name Rose MacDowell.

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