About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

SUNDAY #3769

One Of My Very Own




California house of horrors couple WEEP while two of their 13 children give devastating witness statements as they are sentenced to 25 years to life for torturing, starving and keeping their kids locked in cages and shackled to beds
That's nothing, all it took to make Hitler cry was classical music, and he was Goddamn Hitler. 
But seriously, he deserves 25 to life for that haircut alone.


But this presidential lying issue was settled years ago when every democrat excused Clinton of lying...UNDER OATH!

Because of the storms, my wife got on Facebook to check on a mutual friend who lives in Alabama. When I walked into the room she said that Vicky was in her closet. I said that I didn't even know she was gay.

More on that woman who said nurses play card a lot...




I didn't believe that, but it's true.

Welcome to college, boys and girls.


If you have never seen a young man who just didn't give a shit, take a look at this guy.

But now they have this system...

Ungrateful little bastard.

Voted the worst part of the game by every man, woman, and child on Earth.


Just how do you go about discovering that this would work?

The best 'werewolf' transformation scene ever.
I actually watch movies like that. 


I'm developing a barely decipherable font for authors to use for the drunk character.



Spring has sprung

Wouldn't that be a delightful event to come upon?

But spring thaw is not all fun and games.

Be careful out there, Gentle Readers.


 Sinkholes in central Turkey raise fears among locals.
It kind of looked like a hole in a carpet, didn't it?

 We've all seen the truck mishaps...
But the insane curb design even involves cars. 

When I was a young boy, my father told me a story about explorers returning to a shelter in Antarctica after being abandoned for years. After heating it up again the bread thawed and was edible. My father was amazed at this.

Most young people today have no idea that Japan occupied parts of Alaska and it took a Herculean effort by American forces to dislodge them.

Nepali men carrying the 1938 Mercedes Benz that Adolf Hitler gifted to King Truibhuvan of Nepal (1940).

90s Scientists: We cloned a sheep and landed a robot on Mars.

Scientists Today: For the last time, the Earth is round.



Denim panties are a thing now.

[verification needed]

I've shown you this before...

Now this...

Chinese ironworkers making a fence.

I know...
But it is just so educational I wanted to make sure no one missed it.

Extreme close-up of a Space Shuttle launch.
 Such power takes my breath away.
Falcon Heavy... hopefully launching soon. This should carry us to the moon and mars!

 Move over NASA.

Integration of Boosters on a Falcon Heavy
Falcon Heavy is derived from the Falcon 9 vehicle and consists of a strengthened Falcon 9 first stage as a central core with two additional first stages as strap-on boosters. The Falcon Heavy is 230 feet tall (70 meters) and can lift nearly 141,000 lbs.

Oh, look, another songbird is murdered by your cute little house pet.

This wall design is exceptionally strong.
We have one in my city. Unfortunately, it is on a corner of a busy intersection and is rammed by cars a couple of times a year. 

The Birth of Rollerblading, 1923

 I'm amazed there are that many different colors of keyboards.

I've never seen this design before.
Maybe it is only for wood. 

The world's largest go-cart? 

3” rocket stove.
 Focuses the heat, thus requiring very little fuel.
Your bong appears to be autistic. 

When the shape of the wave reaches 90 degrees, it must roll over.

 And here's how humans deal with that...
Seakeeper Gyro system is designed to virtually eliminate boat roll on vessels and according to the manufacturer, it eliminates up to 95% of boat roll.
I think the last clip I had of this was too large to load on Blogger.

Flashlight Illusion children´s book
I have no information as to how that works. 

We have all seen one of these.

But few of us have seen the inside the Wienermobile.
 Yeah, shine a black light in there and tell me how many hotdogs you wanna eat.

Hitler at the presentation of the Beetle, the 1940s.
Designed so that fenders, bumper, doors and even the motor could be changed with only a wrench. I once changed a motor on the side of the autobahn. It took about an hour.


For years I thought I was lactose intolerant but turns out I just shit my pants a lot.




Being old allows me to tell young women they are beautiful without coming across as creepy. 
I picked my own name for my grandson to call me. I don't leave shit like that to chance.

RH: Unless you're in prison. 

I watched a documentary about that very thing. 



Please stop making new flavors of Coca-Cola. Either put the cocaine back in or leave it alone.



And this is why we love the game.
Sure it's a mere distraction, but I win a bunch of money betting on the outcome. 

And many young men say that in the same way, video games are a mere distraction. But wait...

I ran across a trailer for a new game. I thought it was great in that you build settlements on another planet and had to consider every aspect of survival. Think how educational that would be.

Then it turned into just another shoot-em-up. How very, very shallow.

And whatever happened to the American Dream of wanting your children to have a better life than their parents?

There aren't just two black and white choices - Capitalism or Communism.

Wanting to see how the American’s lived, Boris Yeltsin made an unscheduled visit to Randall’s supermarket in Houston. Between trying free samples of cheese and produce and staring at the meat selections, Yeltsin roamed the aisles of Randall’s nodding his head in amazement.
Any thinking person should realize that most people in a collective have a real motivation problem. But capitalism today has been tainted by the cheaters at the top.
Oh, look, an example of just that.




(Why not wash my face in the shower?) 




 I know people who think horoscopes are silly, but they still believe in talking snakes. Go figure.





Anonymous said...

Oh man, what’s the name of that werewolf movie? I’ve got to watch that train wreck.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the list of advice including the one about antibiotics reducing the effectiveness of oral contraceptive birth control. there is actually no evidence for a vast majority of antibiotics...only a couple. and those are ones that most people would not be prescribed.
There is a "theoretical" basis for why there would be a problem, but it actually has never been shown to occur. I would bet $100 however if a woman got a prescription for an antibiotic and she were already on birth control, the pharmacist would counsel the patient to use alternative forms of BC until the antibiotic is finished. Every pharmacist is taught this in school but there is no evidence as I mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

*Just say NO to those awful denim panties!
*Why would a truck driver not know the height of his truck when approaching a bridge???
*The keyboard portrait is amazing!

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