One Of My Very Own
How long do you think it took to calculate that this turn was makable? He didn't even swing it out wide. He went straight at it.
This church built into the side of a mountain in Italy.
I'm assuming you have to know what the fish are likely to do.
But what do you do if you don't have an umbrella?

Motherfucker looks particularly proud of himself, doesn't he?
I say if you got hoarders addicted to crack they would sell all their shit.
Woman Puts Steak Over Her Ex-Boyfriend’s Pictures
You have to love a woman like that.
I heard an actor tell stories about his time on stage. Two stuck in my memory. One involved a telephone very much like this one.

After years of acting in the same play, day after day, one of the actors decided to play a trick on his co-star had a stage prop phone wired to ring halfway through a scene while the two actors were sitting on a couch with the phone on a coffee table in front of them. One actor had the phone to ring halfway through the scene then smirked at the other actor to see how he would handle the befuddlement. The other actor simply answered the phone, said hello, then handed it to the prankster saying, "It's for you."
Another time two great Shakespearian actors fell silent on stage...just staring at each other. Let's just say it was Laurence Olivier and John Gielgud, but my memory fails me. So, they just stood there in the middle of the stage staring at one another and the guy offstage whispered a prompt.
"This above all: to thine own self be true."

The actors remain motionless.
"This above all: to thine own self be true," the prompter said louder.
Still no movement.
The prompter then screamed, "This above all: to thine own self be true."
Then Laurence Olivier said, "We know the line. We don't know which one of us says it!"
Speaking of acting...
Who knew?

This Belgian red roan stallion stood 6' 6" tall, weighed 3,200 lb, measured 10' 2" around, took a 40" collar, and required 30" of iron to make one shoe.
But shit like this is just cruelty.
Please research the health costs of such...cosmetics.
Baby faced Elon Musk
The internet loves this guy.
I like to watch Russian traffic accidents on Youtube while listening to children's music at the wrong RPM.
First seeing this image I wanted to relate the modern notion of doom and gloom around every corner being laid at the feet of 24-hour news, but that wasn't the story at all.

This man wrote:
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be"
It was the anniversary of Douglas Adam's death recently. Author of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
I'm the only person to drive my car in the last 12 years but I still call a mechanic if it breaks down.
RH: How do anti-vaxxer parents explain how they were vaccinated and suffered no serious complications? Seriously, does anybody know the answer to that?
Is there any thinking person in America today who doesn't realize that the power elite in Washington has been bought and paid for by big money? Seriously, taxing social security payments didn't even raise the ire of conservatives. What exactly does being conservative mean anymore?
Can you solve the two-fuse puzzle?
(NOTE: Answer at the very bottom)

Cleaver, but is it art? I think not.
So, do you tell people where it is or do you keep it a secret? Do you let every sick fuck know exactly where they can burn something to get them in the infamy hall of fame or do you risk keeping it secret and risking a logger felling it out of greed?
Anticipating throwing up is worse than actually throwing up.
I might not have killed every one of those bastards, but I can guarantee you they would never get around my child again.
Typical California traffic.
Stupid Shit
Not all of these are bad news...
When you realize the clock was wrong and you set a new world record.
Rare "positive" lightning bolt caught on video

I am so proud that none of those passengers seemed to be trying to take their carry-on with them. And notice how the passengers on the ground tried to assist the other escapees.
Women use vibrators during pregnancy then wonder why their kid comes out stuttering.
Just like my first time.
An oldie but a goodie...
My wife - every month - just like clockwork.
I have no idea what that means and any help you can give me would be appreciated.
I can just imagine an old fart like me secreted in the woodline watching the ladies removing said garments.
I'll leave this without comment...
Can you solve the two-fuse puzzle?
Light both ends of one fuse, and one end of the other. When the first fuse has burnt through in 30 minutes the second fuse is half-way through (30 minutes remaining). Light the second end of that fuse in order to halve the burn time to 15 minutes. When the second fuse has burnt out it’s time to stir.
Can you solve the two-fuse puzzle?
Light both ends of one fuse, and one end of the other. When the first fuse has burnt through in 30 minutes the second fuse is half-way through (30 minutes remaining). Light the second end of that fuse in order to halve the burn time to 15 minutes. When the second fuse has burnt out it’s time to stir.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Judi Online.
Dick Head
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