About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 19, 2019

FRIDAY #3858

One Of My Very Own



I had a skin biopsy done by my dermatologist a couple of days ago and they told me they would inform me if I had cancer. Then in a few days, I got an email that read more or less like this:

Crystal Cancer <Crystal.CancerXXXXXXXXXXXX.org>
Jul 8, 2019, 4:52 PM (10 days ago)
Good afternoon,
We received your email stating that your insurance xxxxxxxxx was not listed on the bill. We do have both insurance information in our system and this account has a zero balance. Thank you!
Best Regards,
Crystal Cancer

Patient xxxxxx Coordinator

I will swear to you that that was factual. Have you ever heard of anyone in the insurance business named Cancer....fucking CANCER!!!!???

That is for my dear friend Mel whom I miss even though I know he's busy.





4th of July leftovers...

There are plenty of Americans who believe that using the American flag design for such things is unpatriotic. Ask an American Legionnaire.

Motherfucking bootleg fireworks shit!
Notice the Jesus Counter in the corner. It counts the number of times this numbskull says that word. 

She anything odd?

Matching Top.






 I say "Andrea," you say "Aun-dray-uh" and that's why nobody likes you, Andrea.


etc, including but not limited to boats, wagons, scooters, ships, and a golf cart.

Player 4 has entered the game!


Today in a city where 22 raindrops fell...
I gave up counting the cars involved. What a clusterfuck.

Those people really like white pickup trucks. 

I know, I know, but it fits so well in this section.

Wow. It's half VW Beetle! 

It never pays to get in too big a hurry...

How many bad decision can you make in 10 seconds?

But if there is one thing I know for sure it is that you can't allow yourself to get angry when both of you are in command of a 2-ton killing machine.

A perfect example of expert situational awareness...

And now a total lack of same...


Wait for it...

"Let's let women drive," they said...


This mattress is floating high above the roof held down by thin twine...

The most Russian thing you will see all week. 
(I know it is a repost but I needed a wagon in this section.)

And while the boat keeps sinking she keeps trying to climb aboard. 

Well, that's not supposed to happen. 

If it works...



That face.



Yeah, that's what I want to do - crawl out of my fucking automobile. 

Want to guess what this man does for a living?


Ran my first 10k this morning. Just kidding, I’m on my fifth donut.



This is a new way of extracting gold dust from river silt.
 The water sends the particles over a special metal mesh that traps the gold in the voids.

 Last week NASA reopened the Apollo mission control center after a complete restoration to transform the room back to its Apollo-era configuration. From ashtrays to coffee mugs to clothing items.


The phrase "more perfect" must have been composed AFTER the party. 

Solar crown, captured in a total eclipse.

Rethinking seawalls...


Awesome MRI footage of a fetus busy as hell in mom's uterus.


 *holds a flashlight under chin*
When I was a kid we only had one uncoated pain reliever that started dissolving the second it hit your tongue.

*3 millennials faint, 2 vomit*


I don't know what that means but it reads as something profound.



 All I'm saying is that if you ever wanted to meet a largemouth bass who has every Patsy Cline album and 6 DUIs now is your chance.

Are all these people faking it?

I think not. It's called mass hysteria and we all know how powerful the placebo effect is.

 Well, everyone needs a hobby.
I was disappointed when I read that he was clogging them with items and not massive turds. He deserves this.



The jester speaks the truth when no-one else dares.
 You don't have to love war to love a soldier, and regardless of how you feel about the actions of our government, we as society entered into a contract wherein our troops literally risk their very lives in exchange for some pretty simple benefits.  Benefits that we, as a society, fail to provide.  Patriotism starts at home, and it starts with honoring our commitments and taking care of the men and women who put their lives on the line in service of the nation. 
You will need sound.

People get caught up in terminology. One could say that Capitalism's main goal is the acquisition of money whereas Socialism's goal is the welfare of the people. 

And you create a much nicer environment in which to live. 

I'm not sure I know what "being cut off" in traffic means, but I assume it is this.


I've always enjoyed learning.

Art School was the perfect environment for someone like me.

There are no rules...more or less. I was free to try anything and everything. The problem with that is that my failures far outnumbered my successes.






 Want to have some fun? Ask a believer to describe heaven and hell then sit back and take notes.






Scott James said...

Monday Punday = Gray's Anatomy

Unknown said...

Is the answer biopsy?

Anonymous said...

I know this if off topic but I'm looking into starting my own blog
and was wondering what all is needed to get setup?
I'm assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny?
I'm not very internet smart so I'm not 100% certain. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly
appreciated. Kudos

Ralph Henry said...

Just go into blogspot hosted by Google. It's free and it's easy...trust me.

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