About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 6, 2019


One Of My Very Own


How firemen see the 4th of July.




It's impressive the way this truck's suspension articulates to keep the cab stable going 120mph in the ungroomed desert.

I've never seen the term "Ungroomed desert" before.

Kalliroscope: Rheoscopic fluid reveals the convection currents generated by the heat emanating from the fingertips.

No matter how advanced we get there will be dirty jobs that have to be done by humans.

Magnetic putty

Fish trap

How many trial and errors did it take before he got it to work properly. Did you notice the stones weighing down the bottom?
And it all starts with an idea.

 Venice, Italy, is known by several names, one of which is the ‘Floating City’. This is due to the fact that the city of Venice consists of 118 small islands connected by numerous canals and bridges. Yet, the buildings in Venice were not built directly on the islands. Instead, they were built upon wooden platforms that were supported by wooden stakes driven into the ground.
Best explanation about Venice foundation in 3D



If the Earth is flat then how do the Lizard People live in the center of the Earth?
Checkmate Flat-Earthers


Believe it or not, my wife tweets Trump rather often and now she has some famous news people following her tweets.



I just heard about a woman who is asking GoFundMe for $4000 for an operation on her dog. I consider it one small step above begging on the street. 

I completely concur. 

A chef posted on my wife's facebook that a customer sent back his steak because it had grill marks on it. Another restaurant worker replied with this...


Can you spot the person who has played this game before?

It amazes me that after getting a boob job a woman will invite her friends to feel them. A man would never, ever do such a thing. 

Everybody hates big wedding except for the bride...and maybe her mother. I just don't get this very expensive Princess for a Day Fantasy allowed to continue. You are a waitress at a Waffle House...let it go.



You need to use the word 'furthermore' in more verbal or written communications.






 I thought about how brakes don't get replaced anymore. As a matter of fact, tires and oil is all the maintenance most cars need.

My father did that. 




I would advise that you do your traveling before you get as old as I am. Drive that paid for car a few more years and get your ass to Paris while you are young.

My wife loves Youtube tutorials. Here's her latest project.

Seriously, she fixes a lot of shit around the house.

[verification needed]


Let' make an all-male band that covers only female artists and call it "That's What She Said."



Thank you Capitalism.

Oh, look at another thing Capitalism has done to us...

But wait, there's more...
US health care plan perfectly described in a single tweet.

Over 500,000 US families go bankrupt from medical bills every year.

No, anti-vaccine hysteria didn't emerge from grassroots. This rich NYC couple, Bernard Selz and his wife, Lisa, funded it.

One of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen was when Trump made all of his Cabinet members thank him for hiring them...live...on TV. It reminded me of some of the things Hitler and Sadam Hussein used to do.

 I don't know why I thought that funny, but I did.
Here's another...


Americans think speaking English with a French accent is speaking French.




The warning sounds of the Black Mamba.
 You really need to listen to this.

Oh my.


Try to guess what happens next...
 I'll bet you are wrong.





The one-inch punch...









Scott James said...

Monday Punday = To no avail (Two Noah veil)

Anonymous said...

*The fish trap is pretty amazing.
*Was the guy on his knees proposing?
* Re A3: Is that a sewer??????

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