About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


One Of My Very Own







On October 11, 1943, Dwight Eisenhower and British General Bernard Montgomery made a bet about the future of World War II. The war, Ike wagered, would be over by Christmas Day 1944—and he put £5 on it (which would be just under $100 in today's dollars). 

The Battle Of The Bulge made Ike the loser.


The end of the fucking world, Part 2...
Volcano eruption on Stromboli in the Mediterranean off the coast of Sicily. And it's huge...

Then there is this lady...

I haven't a clue.

Watch this glamorous group of pickpockets caught on camera


 The interesting thing about stabbing somebody in the chest with a giant sharpened stick is it will kill them whether they’re a vampire or just a regular dude.



The question before you is whether or not this robot makes a strike.
Yeah...sort of...
He cares about the rules.

Little known feature on French's Mustard lid



Prevailing winds...



I like to hum "Eye of the Tiger" when I have to stand up from a low couch.



Your move, Florida.


He must have learned that from Neymar.


Viva la Revolucion!
You really need to see what that title has to do with the bird.


And here it is with the music you would expect.


If you’ve ever wanted to take a tiny bag of poop on a tour of your neighborhood, owning a dog might be right for you.



Victor's Way Sculpture Park: A Contemplative Garden Gallery, Wicklow Ireland

A moment of drama captured...


I'm a fan of this style of photography, but I have a problem with the diagonal shadow in the lower right. How can that be?

How very wonderful.

I think this is from a movie. I still like it.

I like public art with a message.


 I hate when I make a joke and everyone says, “Too soon.”  I’m sorry if I wait any longer the funeral will be over.


NOTE: For whatever reason Google's Blogspot will not allow me to upload clips with sound. I have recently discovered a way to allow you to hear clips I found interesting. The good news is that they are all short and easily accessible.

No, I just don't understand rap.

I bet their mothers are proud of them.

Amazing Italian Street Performers
This will link you to the sound video. Amazing.


Here's another that needs sound.


I think this is the first time I've posted this with sound.

There were people weeping in the crowd and I must confess I got a little teary myself.

Please remember that if you stop to listen then you owe that child some money.

This is inspiring!
Celebrate Independence Day with Cordell Jackson, the "Rock n Roll Granny" a psychobilly pioneer who played until she was 81



 I can’t help being suspicious when somebody asks to borrow my effigy.



Apologists for wealth inequality often argue that inequality is a poor measure of whether a society is just or not: in the gospel of the right, society naturally forms hierarchies with the "best people" at the top (depending on what kind of right winger you are, that's either rich people or male people or white people or straight people, or some combination thereof), and they proceed to bring prosperity to all of us by ordering us around and telling us what to do, so that their wisdom can be played out for the world (see also: "job creators").



Most Christians think that only Jesus was born with divine intervention, but no.

Some of us would fake disinterest just to get them interested. True.

This was going into the ART section but then I noticed the dreaded female nipple.
What kind of person would rat me out for such a thing? What kind of life must they have?

The rent's less damned high: rents falling in most of America's most expensive cities

A rather unique song and so very singable.

He reached a plateau and could break through it. That is a very common phenomenon in every endeavor.

I don't even call it stealing anymore. I call it sharing. 
I can think of no greater honor than for you to share one of my original works. No permission is necessary.

Shit like that drives me up a wall.

There were people who believed that crap with no scientific proof whatsoever. Many of these same people deny climate change with a shitload of proof.

I really like my guns and own over a dozen, but I have no problem having to wait while they check to see if I'm a homicidal maniac.


Welcome to your 40’s. You’ll be mad if a neighbor doesn’t mow their lawn.






What I imagine it is like working in the porn industry.














Scott James said...

Monday Punday = Jason Sudeikis (J+sun sued+a+kiss)

I have to admit that I never heard of this guy. I just typed "Jason suedakiss" in google and got the correct spelling. I tried "suesakiss" first but only got two results, which neither made any sense.

Anonymous said...

It is not a diagonal shadow, it is the window of the building that they leaning out of to take the picture. Notice how some of the shadows are reflections.

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