About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


One Of My Very Own

WELCOME to all my new Swedish viewers. I would like very much if one of you would leave a comment and let me know how so many of you heard about Folio Olio.
I hope you enjoy your stay.




Some men seem to love to test their ideas on their own bodies.
Dropped object freefall restraint.

Safety goggles on, safety first.


Fucking Idiots seem to love make-believe internet points...


Let's try to count the unfortunate choices.
I love how the cops took mug shots with and without the eyeglasses.

Would you like to see what happens to this man dancing around with a giant wasp nest?

It was stated that he bought the bee suit instead of the wasp suit because it was cheaper.

I have pretty much stopped giving flat earthers any more attention but there's a new twist.
We all how very, very stupid they are...

But here lies a motivation.
Religion spreads it illogic once again.

Consider this.
I once stated to a friend that pray didn't work. She took exception in that she prayed for her aunt who had cancer and the aunt went into remission. I asked if the aunt was undergoing chemo and radiation treatment and she was. That is what passes as logic to those blinded by faith.

Most Americans are at least a little concerned about what we did to the native Americans. Germans are ashamed of their behavior during WWII.

But the Catholic Church gets a pass on their past sins.

Russian Entertainment
Called who can give the other one a concussion first.

What this man does with this torch will amaze you.

I'll have some of what he had.


One does not simply walk into the bathroom right after my wife walks out.



As I understand it, fear of heights is a universal phobia. Yet some people can ignore it. Confusing. 


It doesn't look like it could provide much torque. 

Tradition has always confused me.
My family has a tradition to play poker at family reunions.
 But we didn't inherit this tradition from past generations. We made it up ourselves.
Once while taking a group photo my young daughter stuck her finger in her nose and was chastised. I would have none of it, so I asked everyone in the photo to put their fingers in their noses and we do it every year.
 But I have no expectations that future generations continuing that tradition. It's their job to invent their own.
I think that people who are heavy into tradition are just too lazy or stupid or both to invent their own. Why rely on dead people to dictate you behavior?
On a side note from the reunion, my sister who is older than I rode on one of those things that are towed behind a boat and beats the shit out of you.

To me that one act confirmed she had completely lost her mind. 

Have women ever actually looked at the shape of their feet?
Wouldn't it be prudent to wear shoes that more or less mimicked that shape? 

An Abandoned 700 Seat Cinema in the Egyptian Desert Where the Only Show Is Sunset
As I understand it, this was planned to be an outdoor movie theater that never got off the ground. I mean, who wouldn't want to watch a movie in the desert heat?

Why would anyone want to make switches harder to find? 

These are bowls designed to slow your dog down while it eats.
I can only assume that eating too quickly is not good for the dog.

I'm thinking the closing spring is broken.

"Fuck young people."
- America evidently

But not just rats - birds, frogs, lizards, etc.

A marketing ploy?


I once waited on the corner for my blind date. When this girl walked up I said, "Are you Linda?" She said, "Are you Ralph?" I said, "Yeah," and she said, "I'm not Linda."


I have a thing for absurdity. 

Bollywood at its finest.
Yes, he did that with a banana. 








According to songwriters...


Bologna is just hot dogs for people who like pancakes.




How inventive. 

I understand domesticating dogs by feeding them, but horses eat grass which they could find anywhere. 

 Iodine clock reaction

"I'll take things that didn't work out the way dad wanted them to for $100, Alex."
 He claims he had for years been isolated from other family members, was not allowed to attend school and was often physically abused.

At the first parents/teacher meeting, a veteran first-grade teacher would tell all the parents, "I promise not to believe everything your child tells me about you if you promise not to believe everything they tell you about me." 

 At the physically impossible-to-reach temperature of zero Kelvin, or minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius), atoms would stop moving. As such, nothing can be colder than absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.

Filming the boating scenes 2018's Bird Box with Sandra Bullock at Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park on the Smith River.
 Loud ass motorized flat rig with two cameras, cameramen, multiple directors, wardrobe, emergency dive and medic support, boom operator, grip, lighting dudes, probably some people I missed.

🎶War! What is it good for?! 🎶
Back when there was a clear good guy/ bad guy division.

There are enough men stationed at each base to go to war and when there is no war the men get bored and bored men will get in all kinds of trouble. They must be kept busy.

 USS Midway and USS Iowa, 1987











1 comment:

Scott James said...

Monday Punday - This is a guess, but the best I can do is "Snicker Doodle". I had to look up the synonym for "chuckle".

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