One Of My Very Own

This seems to be the consensus.
But I'm more upset with American Corporations who bend to China's will.
South Park doesn't kneel.
Remember this lovely, lucky Kurdish sniper?
These are fierce warriors that we abandoned.
That is a very bad man.
[verification needed]
A little closer to home, my Gamecocks beat #3 Georgia in double overtime and we did it with our third-string quarterback.
I won a fortune.

This seems to be the consensus.
But I'm more upset with American Corporations who bend to China's will.

Remember this lovely, lucky Kurdish sniper?
These are fierce warriors that we abandoned.
That is a very bad man.
[verification needed]
A little closer to home, my Gamecocks beat #3 Georgia in double overtime and we did it with our third-string quarterback.
I won a fortune.


"Let me see your war face."
Peter Dinklage when he was a singer in the punk/Funk band Whizzy, 1990's.
Belgian high jumper Claire Orcel
Photogenic ain't she?
[verification needed]


Serotonin? In this economy?
- millennial humor


An adult wrote this.
The same people who put that together put the 50' Ferris wheel together.

What the fuck were they thinking?
When the acid kicks in.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
But you have to realize that a sail as large as the side of that truck would propel a sailboat at 30 miles an hour.
Besides her jacket, do you see anything odd?
They are SHARING a pair of house shoes!
Mother of the Year...not.
Speaking of...
Bit of overreacting don't you think, mom?
See anything odd?
It's a hammerhead made of hammer heads.

But it is a perfect segue.


Guess what this is...
Golden retrievers playing in a pool filled with 4,000 tennis balls.
I thought it a pretty cool image.

But, it won't hurt them. I would have it wired to attack them or something. Snakes in the wild won't just sit there.
He couldn't get back down the crack with the eggs in his stomach.

"Holy rat shit, Batman."

How exactly do you find out that your dog can do that?
That's an old person joke. Think Fats Domino.
Oh, heck, just listen to him.
Be like James.
Black Sea Varna culture oldest gold in the world

You don't use screwdriver bits in an impact drill.
Pure Power
Gabriel Nobre, 19, with his mom and sister right after he found out he’d passed Brazil’s famously difficult university entrance exam. The young man had cut a deal with a prep course to clean the building in exchange for free classes to help him prepare for the exam.
And it's free...just sayin'.
4,000 Mad Max fans descended on to California's Mojave Desert
God that looks like fun.
More pics here:
The oldest door still in use in Rome. Cast in bronze for emperor Hadrian's rebuilding, they date from about 115 AD.
Notice how it's still shiny where the countless hands have pushed on it.
If you are only going to click on one link let it be this one.
Her name is Emily Zamourka, a trained violinist and pianist, who emigrated from Russia to the US. She used to give lessons until she started suffering some health issues, juggling several jobs to support herself. And then her violin was stolen while busking on the streets of LA. "It was my income and my everything," she said. Now, she's homeless, hanging around the underground station of Koreatown.
Btw in case anyone's wondering, the aria she's singing is Puccini's “O mio babbino Caro” from the opera Schicch.
To hear her singing voice:
NOTE: There's already been a GoFundMe page set to help. So if anyone could donate anything, it'd be nice. Here:
I am just going to leave this here...
All things Ralph


An adult wrote this.
The same people who put that together put the 50' Ferris wheel together.

What the fuck were they thinking?
When the acid kicks in.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
But you have to realize that a sail as large as the side of that truck would propel a sailboat at 30 miles an hour.
Besides her jacket, do you see anything odd?
They are SHARING a pair of house shoes!
Mother of the Year...not.
Speaking of...
Bit of overreacting don't you think, mom?
See anything odd?
It's a hammerhead made of hammer heads.

But it is a perfect segue.

There is so much bad in the world and yet my wife could not fall asleep one time because of how excited she was that she got to eat Froot Loops tomorrow morning at a Holiday Inn Express.

Guess what this is...
Golden retrievers playing in a pool filled with 4,000 tennis balls.
I thought it a pretty cool image.
Rubber cobra is used to teach orangutan orphans to fear snakes in the wild.

But, it won't hurt them. I would have it wired to attack them or something. Snakes in the wild won't just sit there.
He couldn't get back down the crack with the eggs in his stomach.

"Holy rat shit, Batman."

How exactly do you find out that your dog can do that?
Imagine living in the 70s and having to fight another man because he called you a "jive turkey."
That's an old person joke. Think Fats Domino.
Oh, heck, just listen to him.
Be like James.
Black Sea Varna culture oldest gold in the world

Notice his solid gold dick sheath. I want one of those.
Gabriel Nobre, 19, with his mom and sister right after he found out he’d passed Brazil’s famously difficult university entrance exam. The young man had cut a deal with a prep course to clean the building in exchange for free classes to help him prepare for the exam.
And it's free...just sayin'.
4,000 Mad Max fans descended on to California's Mojave Desert
God that looks like fun.
More pics here:
The oldest door still in use in Rome. Cast in bronze for emperor Hadrian's rebuilding, they date from about 115 AD.
Notice how it's still shiny where the countless hands have pushed on it.
If you are only going to click on one link let it be this one.
Her name is Emily Zamourka, a trained violinist and pianist, who emigrated from Russia to the US. She used to give lessons until she started suffering some health issues, juggling several jobs to support herself. And then her violin was stolen while busking on the streets of LA. "It was my income and my everything," she said. Now, she's homeless, hanging around the underground station of Koreatown.
Btw in case anyone's wondering, the aria she's singing is Puccini's “O mio babbino Caro” from the opera Schicch.
To hear her singing voice:
NOTE: There's already been a GoFundMe page set to help. So if anyone could donate anything, it'd be nice. Here:
I am just going to leave this here...
All things Ralph
The look on his face.
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