About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


One Of My Very Own














Before we got married my wife would jump out of bed after sex and rush home. When I asked her why she said it was so she could relax to an orgasm.


Out of detent auto = turning off the decent engine thus were the first words uttered on the surface of the moon.



If you ever get a little buzz on, smoke a bowl and watch this movie.







Each of these pieces of glass weighs about 250 pounds. They had to move them out of our new office space. They are too big for the elevator and they opted not to get a crane up to the windows. So they are smashing them instead. There were around 80 of them. 

I wonder if that will work. Anybody?


Things can be rough sometimes but at least we don't have to go to PE anymore.






"You in my house now, bitch,"

I told an 18-year-old server that I used to get Netflix delivered to me in the mail and I'm pretty sure he thought I was lying.



On 19 January 2013, as Dogan addressed a large audience from a podium, an assailant ran onto the stage and pointed a pistol within a foot of Dogan's head. The attacker used a gas pistol with blank cartridges but it failed to fire. According to many experts, even if the gun had fired it would have caused only non-lethal injuries.

My wife had her wallet stolen right out of her purse in a grocery store. One guy asked her advice on a product while the other lifted the wallet.

So, just what are we supposed to do about it? Our elected officials have no interest in changing the system that they themselves put in place. 

Male-fucking-grooming. Seriously.

Hell, let's pay to send him to the White House.

Child abuser gets owned.

"Fact" Hunt.

I knew a woman who told her son that he was adopted and if he didn't behave she was going to take him back to his real parents. 


 And all the while productivity is going through the roof...


I got this email:
"Are you a businessman, politician, musical, student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life.
You can achieve your dreams by becoming a member of the Illuminati brotherhood and receive a monthly salary of $500,000 USD.
We are ready to change your life, we can make your dreams come true, also we are going to give you everything that you need in this life ...."

Does anybody fall for that shit anymore?

Repost but a nice segue.

My phone auto-corrects "shit is legit" to "shit is legitimate" severely reducing my street credibility.






Bismuth is a chemical element with the symbol Bi and atomic number 83. It is a pentavalent post-transition metal and one of the pnictogens with chemical properties resembling its lighter homologs arsenic and antimony. Elemental bismuth may occur naturally, although its sulfide and oxide form important commercial ores.


 I have a plastic one.

"Japanese researchers said they have developed artificial blood that can be transfused into patients regardless of their blood type and can vastly improve the chances for survival of seriously injured people." 

You might want to pay attention to this:













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