One Of My Very Own
Well, he can kiss that Father Of The Year Award goodbye.
Straight from Fuckthatshitistan.
Speaking of automotive mishaps...
"You won't believe what's happening to me right now."
- man of phone probably

And he came back for his gun. Jeeeez.
What if an old guy with a heart condition did that. That is a public hazard if I've ever seen one.
That ought to look good on his resume.


Falcon 9 launch over Los Angeles
Not a fan of Ted Cruz, but lots of respect for what he's doing.
Highlights from Hong Kong, talking to reporters (not over tweets):
- dressed in black in support of Hong Kong protestors
- met protest leaders but did not name them
- Carrie Lam canceled their meeting after the senator refused to keep their discussions confidential
- supports protester demands for an investigation into police actions
- called for sanctions for treatment of minority groups in China, including Muslim Uyghurs
- called for NBA to cease commercial relations with China
The cameraman does what a cameraman has to do.
Men-an-Tol near the Madron to Morvah road in Cornwall, UK --- Photo: Angie Latham
I thought it was polarized, but nay.

"Lenticular lens used with a gap on non-lenticular printing has a directional blurring effect." (not polarized)
What in the world is that thing they slide it down over?
Can you spot the alpha dog?
This is how a dog declares his dominance.

I use a Beware Of Dog sign to deter thieves. Also, when I had a dog it was to remind everyone not to let it out of the fence.
Stupid people just throw out the word Socialist to make it go away. Does anybody really think that the U.K. and Japan are Socialists?
No, they just think their citizen's health is worth protecting.

World's Largest 3D Printed Boat
It has occurred to me that this is more or less a universal gesture for 'I don't know.'
And is the perfect segue for the next section.


Nobody likes admitting that they don't know things. I'm going to assume that this is true for primitive societies. And that is why they invented people who claimed to wield magic knowledge.
And what you call miracles or divine intervention I call claims of magic. Nothing has changed.
People still think they can actually telepathically communicate with long-dead people and ask them for favors.
And you may think all the belief in magic does not harm.
But there are many people who would disagree.
That is much less distressing than admitting that women find you undesirable and that maybe I should change. Blame it on the magic man in the sky for testing you.

Science has proven that prayer is worthless, yet the pull of magic is just too powerful to let a few facts get in the way.

So how do I deal with this insanity? I mock it.


Most of us find mishaps like this amusing.

I find mishaps like this hilarious.

Mocking the powerful and evil is my favorite mocking.
My wife plays a word game on her computer and explained to me that stimulating the brain keeps her sharp. I said "You know what else stimulates your brain," and reached for my zipper. She said, "In that case just call me Mensa Girl."
Well, he can kiss that Father Of The Year Award goodbye.
Straight from Fuckthatshitistan.
Speaking of automotive mishaps...
"You won't believe what's happening to me right now."
- man of phone probably

And he came back for his gun. Jeeeez.
What if an old guy with a heart condition did that. That is a public hazard if I've ever seen one.


I have never heard a crack head say, "I don't have any money so I'm not smoking today." They always find a way, so are you going to let a crack head out-hustle you today?

Falcon 9 launch over Los Angeles
Ted Cruz (US Senator, R-Texas) in Hong Kong

Not a fan of Ted Cruz, but lots of respect for what he's doing.
Highlights from Hong Kong, talking to reporters (not over tweets):
- dressed in black in support of Hong Kong protestors
- met protest leaders but did not name them
- Carrie Lam canceled their meeting after the senator refused to keep their discussions confidential
- supports protester demands for an investigation into police actions
- called for sanctions for treatment of minority groups in China, including Muslim Uyghurs
- called for NBA to cease commercial relations with China

Men-an-Tol near the Madron to Morvah road in Cornwall, UK --- Photo: Angie Latham
I thought it was polarized, but nay.

"Lenticular lens used with a gap on non-lenticular printing has a directional blurring effect." (not polarized)
What in the world is that thing they slide it down over?
Can you spot the alpha dog?
This is how a dog declares his dominance.

I use a Beware Of Dog sign to deter thieves. Also, when I had a dog it was to remind everyone not to let it out of the fence.
Stupid people just throw out the word Socialist to make it go away. Does anybody really think that the U.K. and Japan are Socialists?
No, they just think their citizen's health is worth protecting.

World's Largest 3D Printed Boat
It has occurred to me that this is more or less a universal gesture for 'I don't know.'
And is the perfect segue for the next section.

People who confuse the words 'burro' and 'burrow' don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Nobody likes admitting that they don't know things. I'm going to assume that this is true for primitive societies. And that is why they invented people who claimed to wield magic knowledge.
And what you call miracles or divine intervention I call claims of magic. Nothing has changed.
People still think they can actually telepathically communicate with long-dead people and ask them for favors.
And you may think all the belief in magic does not harm.
But there are many people who would disagree.
That is much less distressing than admitting that women find you undesirable and that maybe I should change. Blame it on the magic man in the sky for testing you.

Science has proven that prayer is worthless, yet the pull of magic is just too powerful to let a few facts get in the way.

So how do I deal with this insanity? I mock it.

The reason why ghosts don't kill people in real life is that if they did those people would become ghosts and it would become really awkward.


Most of us find mishaps like this amusing.

I find mishaps like this hilarious.

Mocking the powerful and evil is my favorite mocking.
You might want to enlarge that. I found it fascinating.
In the picture B6, looks to me like a stainless steel waterbottle. See Hydro Flask
Gresat post! We will bbe linking to this particularlky great article on ouur site.Keep
up the giod writing.
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