About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


One Of My Very Own







 My favorite part is "Death Before Dishonor".


I'm not sure how the two little bones on the end of the radius and ulna stay in place when that whole section is outside the body. Anybody?



The trick is to not think of it as a hand but rather just connected lines. 

Do you think he just knocked out the competition? 




Give Grandma another glass of wine. 

[verification needed]

My young chemistry professor friend thought that funny. 



Always...ALWAYS have someone proofread everything you do PRIOR to production.


 I didn't believe that so I looked it up and god damn if I didn't find a picture of the asshole doing it.

I didn't believe that either but I did find out that there were Brazilians in the war.

Speaking of...



Words escape me.





 I tried to verify that also but the site I found that proves and disproves such things was still investigating it.



Today my wife's turn wasn't sharp enough to turn off her blinker and she got very angry.

My wife got online to find us a fire box to protect some valuable items in case of a fire. I told her we needed one about as big as a thick hardback book. All of the measurements were in cubic centimeters which left us totally in the dark.


I had to move a whole bunch of stuff stuffed down in a chest freezer one time.

Barrow, Alaska, the most northern city in the US.

There is no way I can adequately describe how many and how big the mosquitoes are in Alaska...

And the prices!


It's a known fact that black people tip less than their white counterparts. That includes tipping black waitstaff. And I have a theory about that and it involves the above cartoon.
There is far fewer black waitstaff - for whatever reason. Maybe they would rather work in the kitchen or management don't want them on the floor. Therefore they have less chance to understand the lesson explained in the cartoon.

Having gay friends will give you a whole new perspective to their struggles. You might want to try it.

I like this for its cleverness and skill of execution. 

I'm a big fan of interactive sculpture.

This is also interactive in that you are forced to walk through it.

Gijs Van Vaerenbergh © Matthijs van der Burgt

In my opinion, stone is the perfect building material. I have a few tons of granite around my yard as a wall and bed liners. I bought the whole stack at a yard sale for $100.

Photography seems so easy until you try it.


When I first started dating my wife she talked about her ex so much that I too ended up missing the dude.




Go back and watch how many of them have their pants fall down. 

German radar tracked two U.S. F-35 stealth jet for 100 MILES
An Experimental German radar 'tracked two U.S. F-35 stealth jet for 100 MILES' after lying in wait on a pony farm to catch them flying home from an airshow. The F-35 stealth fighter is lauded by the U.S Air Force as almost invisible to radar - which is why it has spent $100million on each of the jets. However, a German radar maker claims to have tracked the two jets using an emerging generation of sensors and processors. It used a new 'passive radar' system that analyzes how civilian communications - such as radio and TV broadcasts and mobile phone stations - bounce off airborne objects. The new radar has no emitters so pilots do not realize they are entering a monitored area - but it relies on there being civilian communication waves.
RH: That is very, very bad news.

I'm not saying that is untrue, but how would you go about proving that? 

 It's been six years since Boyan Slat began developing a system to rid the world's oceans of harmful plastic. In 2013, the entrepreneur founded The Ocean Cleanup, a nonprofit that aims to remove plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a trash-filled vortex in the Pacific Ocean that's more than twice the size of Texas.


Crocodiles can see underwater, in full color, at night. 

Poor people go to Walmart and poor people commit more crime than the more affluent.













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Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look
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