About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 4, 2019

MONDAY #3966

One Of My Very Own
That is to humor what Dada is to art.




 But that's not the weirdest thing that happened...

If you are a woman and have asked to speak to the manager lately, just remember that everyone in the place is calling you Karen.

Did you notice how gochellzgo placed the commas?
So many scams so little time...


I can't really read all of those but it was worth it for the bottom right one. 



Of course, I know that NOW, but I had forgotten the punchline and chuckled this next time around.


If you can't think of a word say "I forget the English word for it." That way people will think you are bilingual instead of an idiot.




I'm afraid that corporations have learned that if none of them offer a living wage, then none of them will be punished for abusing their employees. 


 That was the president we had then. This is the president we have now...
That, in a word, is disturbing.
But the man has a habit of idiocy...so much so that some entrepreneurs have discovered how to cash in on it.
These are called President's Flip Flops...

And you could order them. Well, you could before they sold out.

I understand propaganda as much as the next fellow, but those people were our friends. I still don't get it.

[verification needed]

This kid makes the most of the Dance Cam at an NBA game...
 Here's what it says...

Pipe Dreams!
Americans are addicted to cheap Chinese stuff. No American will let his conscience overrule his pocketbook. Never.
Want proof? You motherfuckers STILL buy DeBeers diamonds.

But exactly why are so many people mad at LeBron? More here: 


We have a couple of those that wander into our yard from time to time. And a raccoon.

But this look way to dangerous to be around my kids.

At first, I confused the dewlap for its lower jaw and it freaked me out.

I know it just might be just me, but I can't image living in a place where if you pass out outdoors you will die. 

5 Ruthless Trolls Who Used Their Powers For Good


Not so sure about that one.

But I'm pretty sure almost every culture has made up gods to explain things that perplex them. Maybe the guy just realized that his god was made up for the same reason.


I can't stop thinking about running bacon through a money counting machine.



Even facing a green light I give a quick glance both ways because I KNOW how stupid the average person is.

What Happens Next To This Truck Stuck On The Side Of The River?
A. The truck flips over into the river.
B. The man flips over into the river.
C. The whole road flips over into the river.
D. Half of the truck flips over into the river.

You will most likely be surprised. I know I was.

When it rains in the cloud...


Four women who do not understand the basic principles of physics.


This man is practicing his roping. What Happens Next?
 A. The cow drags him.
B. The cow head-butts him.
C. A calf drags him.
D. He catches a riding lawnmower.
C. A calf drags him.


When a married couple gets too old for their genitalia to function properly it relieves a lot of tension.

Like I never have feelings of loathing that my wife limits the number of blow jobs she performs in a given month, and she never again has to forgive me for vomiting onto the headboard of the bed over her head without even missing a stroke.


When my kids had Jamaican Hair Style Day at school I dreaded it.

RH: That is my kind of humor.


I'm not sure I have ever seen a floor that shiny. 
Jesus Fucking Christ that makes me uncomfortable.

GIs do shit like that all the time.
Just because they can.

People exercise to hone certain skills.
 God only knows what these young lady's social life is like.

This man is, of course at least attempting to hone his running skills, albeit ackwardly.

This one speaks for itself.

As does this one.

I'm thinking this guy is getting ready for the first two girls hanging from those bars.


Complete and total breakdown or mere silliness?

You decide.

The most embarrassing part about farting myself awake was that it was the most interesting aspect of the PowerPoint presentation.



 Seal, probably.





I like women's feet and I like them a lot, but I'm not a freak about it. I would vote flip flops the greatest fashion trend of the last century.

I do that at every opportunity. 

It doesn't have to be real to give pause.







 Of course, it will, Sparky. Of course, it will.




sound on





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