About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 27, 2019

FRIDAY #4019

One Of My Very Own
Best friends are like that.


Toilet backed up. Tried plunger and wire but not good. Then my wife got online and followed the instructions:
Pour in a cup of Dawn detergent.
Let sit for several minutes.
Lastly pour in a pot of boiling water.
It worked.




I can't imagine having a gravely ill baby. Think about how powerless the parents must feel.

Hong Kongers want freedom more than any group of people on Earth. 






And the world doesn't care because consumers are saving money.

Insurance companies are not in the health care business. Their only concern is to make money for their stockholders.


I couldn't agree more


If you put away the clean laundry on the same day that you wash it, I feel like that’s what you should lead with on your resume.

RH: I don't get it.


Janis Joplin at Woodstock, 1969


Star Trek with camera stabilization.


The woman is Epstein's madam Ghislaine Maxwell.

Famous people doing things with their tongues.

 Men doing it just don't look as erotic...

 I didn't know which group to put Freddy.

Mr. Messi and my beloved Barcelona were playing on American TV but no one would bet me because they "had no cash". So I countered with this: "Okay, what say the loser has to talk politics with my wife for, say, an hour."


Imagine being on a plane and NOT eating every item presented to you as if you will never again have ready access to food in your life.





So, the person filming this was cool with it until the lizard fought back?



Overestimating one's abilities...


God, I hope that's true.
[verification needed]


I don’t give a fuck about “moist” but if you ever use the word “delicious” or even “tasty” to describe something that isn’t food I might have to unfriend you in real life.



I'm pretty sure genetics was involved also.

 The water tank controlled by a fish.

I know, I know, but think of who powerful that one fish may feel.

 A few millionths of a degree above absolute zero.

Absolute zero is the temperature at which the particles of matter (molecules and atoms) are at their lowest energy points. Some people think that at absolute zero particles lose all energy and stop moving. ... Therefore, a particle cannot be completely stopped because then its exact position and momentum would be known.






A horror movie where millennials manage to buy a house but it’s haunted by the ghosts of all the things millennials have killed “what was that?” “Oh my god, Jessica, it’s GOLF!”



Cast Iron Toilet


Holy Cow!!!
 Just India being India.
A comment said, "Accelerate the goddamn bike don't jump off, you can go faster than a cow."
I think they are out of gas.

St Andreas fault California extension 1200 km depth 32 km

 Bricks are inert meaning those pet prints will more or less last forever.
Next to the front door of one of my studios was an impression of something alien in the brick right at eye level. Only years later did I find out what it was.
At the factory, moist clay is extruded out in one long column, then wires are lowered to cut that column into brick size. You can see the wires in the green frame on the right.

On many bricks you can see the scrape marks of the wire.
 Anyway, the wire is held in place by a loop of wire on each end. One of the wires and had been embedded in that brick by my door. I looked sort of like a sketch of a balloon with a string attached and looked exactly like the ends of these piano wires.


Pull up a chair, Doris Salcedo (Istanbul 2003)
 Remember that? I don't think I've seen this long view before.
I would have cheated by building a structure that almost filled the space then just attaching a veneer of chairs.

I've never seen that before.

Pay Attention

A guy poured water on a copier, then he copied it.
What Happens Next?
A. Fire spews out.
B. Water spews out.
C. Smoke spews out.
D. Campbell's Pork and Beans spew out.

That was a large file and if it won't open try this:

Barrel-Filling Bridge
He must have gotten tired of mopping the floor. 


My wife and I just met with our financial advisor. Our new retirement plan is to disband, marry much older, wealthier spouses and kind of just wait it out.



Months ago I asked somebody to explain this to me. Now I've been told it's for planting potatoes.


My wife does that.

When you think about it that way you can never really own your home.



If I can get a double cheeseburger why can't I get a double hotdog?




 Any of my foreign viewers coming to America? This may come in handy.










Scott James said...

Puzzle = The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Suppe said...

puzzle time:
the whole is more than the sum of it's parts

Anonymous said...

Apologies....E1...Great pic and I have never seen such a decorative toilet.

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