About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


One Of My Very Own


The red is not a filter on the camera. The sky is actually that color.

 Why isn't there a Dunkirk style evacuation with every pleasure boat within a thousand miles called in to assist?

Wake the fuck up before it is too late...oh, sorry, it is already too late.







It was stated that this was very rare.

But then I remembered that albino deer herd in Wisconsin.

I know a scientist who proved that you should never reuse the mice from one experiment to another.

This is a 392-year-old shark that was recently discovered in the Arctic Ocean. This guy was wandering the oceans back in 1627.


Now that's a bad lie.

What Does The Gorilla Throw At The People?
 A. Stick
B. Rock
C. Water
D. Feces
C. Water

What Happens Next To The Cake?
 A. Squashed flat when he falls over.
B. Up a tree.
C. Washed away by a flash flood.
D. Shit on by a bird.
B. Up a tree.
"Let me introduce you to Mr. Blow Dart."

 [first yoga class]

Me: A mistake there has been.


Most of the time karma catches up with you because you are incompetent or just plain stupid.

After all that, wouldn't you get out on the same side as your girlfriend?

But sometimes your time has come.
The breastplate of 19-year-old cuirassier Antoine Fraveau who was killed by a cannonball in June 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo.


If, as I believe, there is a finite amount of luck in the world, then these next people are using up more than their fair share.

I'm thinking that that is not his father. 

Overdriving your stopping distance is just plain stupid...

Hogging the karma not once but twice...

 But this old clip illustrates what can only be called a miracle.
I lost my virginity to a woman who looked very much like that.

Yet as dangerous as the highway is, there are those who insist on decreasing their chances of survival...


These two women have the worse situational awareness I have ever witnessed.

Sorry to send you elsewhere but it was much too large to load.

Who does shit like this?


 Sex is great but have you ever told some dude that there wasn't enough room for the two of you on a very large floating door after your ship sank to the bottom of the ocean on its maiden voyage?



 That reminds me of the Cherokee Trail running through South Carolina.
But the beaten path of millions of footfalls tamped down the Cherokee Trail six feet below the forest floor. 

 Pay attention...

I wondered why he would do that, then I saw the nearby airport.
[verification needed]

There are places where there is so much marijuana that it's given out as tips.


Yeah, good luck but my money is on the SWAP team.

50% OF LAMP MANUFACTURERS: We should put the light switch on the bottom.

OTHER 50% OF LAMP MANUFACTURERS: I hear where you’re coming from and I respect your opinion but I think it makes more sense to put the switch right by the bulb where it’s hot and you can’t see what you're doing.



I'll have plain water thanks.

He's blowing air through a hole in the ice.
I'm assuming those bubbles are being carried downstream by the current. 

I would just sit on it backward. 

Well, in my white family that's not how we play hide the pickle.

Austin Powers parody by Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer


If wrestling is fake then explain this.



I know a guy who believes that all winter sports are based on failed suicide attempts. 

Do you think reincarnation is just plain silly? But you believe that when you die your essence will float up to outer space to a city with mansions and streets of gold. Good luck with that.

Fallon Sherrock just became the first woman to beat a man at the World Darts Championship. 


I had a colonoscopy on Friday. Just let me say there are some things you should never use a Groupon for.



I still say that was just a publicity stunt.

Ornitographies, Xavi Bou
He invented a new way to photograph birds in flight and they are wonderful.


Ormond Gigli, RiP

He was the guy who took this iconic image.


My GPS told me to drive up an off-ramp to get onto a highway going the wrong direction so I’m going to pass on getting into a self-driving car, thanks.



[verification needed] 

I'm just going to present these with little comment.


Don't confuse causation with correlation. 


 And here's your proof...


What good is a new drug if the people who need it can't afford it? 


Let them eat cake.

I don't want to lay blame. I just want the American people put first above all other concerns.







 Talk about you Alpha Cat...like a boss!






Scott James said...

Puzzle time: I remember this one from many many years ago.

Man 1 sees a white hat and a black hat. Therefore he remains silent because he only has a 50/50 guess. But since he remained silent, man 2 knows that man one sees two different color hats. Otherwise, man 1 would have immediately shouted out. So, since man 2 sees a black hat he knows (assuming man 1 is not a complete idiot) that he (man 2) is wearing a white hat. Man 2 speaks first.

Anonymous said...

#2 shouts White first. he knows if he was wearing black the guy behind him would shout white immediately

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