About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


One Of My Very Own



Recreational weed is legal in Illinois.




As a muralist, I often look at a mural like this and wonder how the hell they got funding.

This mural probably didn't have funding - and that's okay, too.

Unfunded work is most often painted with spray cans - and that's okay, also. 
But not if you only paint stylized letters over and over and over.

Pick something - ANYTHING - that you care about and use that as a basis for your art. 

Listen to the message in your head. Public art demands a public message even if it's not too complicated.

Or irreverent...

But don't stop your labors...

But Fine Art is different than other art objects. Paul Gauguin said, 

He wasn't referring to political revolution, but rather an aesthetic rebellion against the old order. This attempt to create a whole new art form is almost always a failure and leaves many people confused and/or angry.

Never forget that above all fine art is a visual experience and it takes a knowledgeable eye to discern the truly worthy from the mere kitsch.

I never liked to read art magazines because once seen it can't be unseen. I didn't want another's art to influence my own.
This guy now agrees with me.


Room in Brooklyn, Edward Hopper




I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how art is made.
I still haven't gotten a handle on that one.



Art thoughts of others.


The husband leaves town for a week: See ya!

Wife leaves town for a week: Here's the kids' pickup and dropoff times at school, all 3 practice schedules, doctors and dentist appointments, shopping list, dinner menu, and PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO FEED THE KIDS.




We don't deserve dogs. 

And task one was to reach the surface for air.


Have you ever seen a bunny rabbit or songbird eviscerated by your murdering pet with those same claws?

Always cracks me up.

Reminds me of my honeymoon.


Nobody teaches you how to use a semicolon you just read shit like this and it clicks.



 "All dials work the same way and are easy to use.”
How very clever. 

Is it just me, or is that exactly how you would fake saying this in Spanish?

Speaking of speaking Spanish...
As I understand it, puta doesn't actually reference to an actual thing like cunt, bitch, hag, etc. It's all those things and more wrapped up in one term.





I wish they would have told the guy who stole my wallet the first hour after I stepped off the fucking bus.



Yeah, we make fun of the fact the business people in the Jurassic Park universe keep giving the green light to a theme park that kills like 75 people every couple of years just cause it's profitable but damn if that's not the most realistic part.



I have had this in my front yard for a long, long time...


Talk about preening! Grown men shaping themselves like groomers shape poodles. You are better than that, gentlemen. What's next? Painted nails and pierced bellybuttons?

The American people don't seem to care that we have been at war for twenty fucking years with no end in sight. And that is true for one simple reason.
 Somebody is making a shit ton of money off of it.

And this is an interesting take on the subject.


Dearest Ladies, never take shit from any man.

When there's a huge solar energy spill it's just called a nice day.

Just to remind you, those were non-violent protests.
At least on the part of the protesters.

 I don't need fake terror. The chances that another one of my young friends will take their own lives is terror enough for me.

Men and women attempt suicide almost equally, but men are more successful.

That's because men want it fast - a jump off a high place or a bullet, whereas women prefer pills which gives them more time to change their minds or be discovered and rescued.

Wife: what are you doing
Me: teaching the dog poker
Wife: where are your pants

Me: *shuffling cards* lost em two hands ago.




How many of you remember when I used to post a shitload of Painted Ladies?

Those were the good old days.
Before someone much higher up the chain of command than I decided all female nipples must be removed from the internet. 

The sun, the moon, and the stars.

I am married to a blond and can honestly state that the term "Dumb Blond" is not a misnomer.

 I've long had fantasies about sex in the middle of a field, and only my present wife came through for me. And she brought a jar of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup which made the whole event...memorable.

I hate that men are always looking at my butt... 

Therefore I will expose every bit of it I can legally expose...
 That lady has two more cheeks to powder and another head of hair to comb.
And it only got worse...

My general run was "Don't fuck the cash register" meaning don't like your lust affect your bottom line.

How rude. 

Google it, bitch. 


Sign me up, Coach! 













Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: change the 2 into a 3

Scott James said...

Puzzle time. Change the 2 to a 3 by moving one match.

Suppe said...

Puzzle time:
7-9+3=1 convert the 2 into a 3

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time:
How about changing the equal sign to a less that sign

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