One Of My Very Own

Unless you have spent years in training, run away from combat. A person like the above can kill the average man. Your pride will heal; missing teeth will not.

My wife picks up every piece of trash she finds on the sidewalks. Picking up trash is the perfect family outing.

That one notwithstanding, the dangers of low bridges can be eliminated simply by digging out a few feet of soil and lowering the road under the bridge. It has been done twice in my city alone with stellar results.
It is very difficult to dislodge faulty long-held thinking because humans do not want to admit that they were wrong. This includes every level of opinion from your favorite football team to your belief that the universe was created in six days.
Classic "We've always done it that way" fallacy.

A wetland (swamp) was drying up near a place I was staying causing huge snapping turtles to migrate to other environs. Because there were many children in the area it was decided that the dangerous beasts must die. One 38 bullet to the head didn't even slow it down. Nor the second or third. It took four shots to quite its struggles. We emptied the cylinder to make sure.
Come to find out even if there is a small portion of the turtle's brainstem remaining it will continue living.
Maybe you are feeling blue because your life sucks. Instead of chemicals maybe you need to change your life.
We all know men and women who remain married even though the love had long abandoned their relationship. There are remedies other than medications.
Then we reached the modern era and we were forbidden to play ANY game where there were winners and losers. I wept for the future...a future that WILL have winners and losers for woefully unprepared individuals.

Ceasing to proclaim every dead soldier a hero would do a lot in ending the lure of warfare.
All I ask if that if I pay about half my earned income in federal and state income tax, property tax, sales tax, etc, then I want rich people to also pay half of their yearly income.

I live in a capital city and most such cities have a state surplus outlet where they sell everything that state, county, and local governments no longer need. This includes such items as the vehicle above.
I have purchased many a treasure from state surplus.

I think I could have been a decent comedy writer.
Yes, but they have total sunlight for the same number of days in the summer. That's why they get bumper crops that would stun you.
But their mosquitos are un-fucking-believable.
With my compromised inner-ear, I can no longer all. Even turning around and going in the opposite direction requires me to stop and actually think about my movements.

Reporter: Hilary says nobody likes you.
Bernie Sanders: On a good day, my wife likes me
It seems like Iowans are devoid of a sense of humor.

Another case of letting a very broken system exist because "We've always done it that way."

[verification needed]
Allah Levushkina, the world's oldest practicing surgeon passed at 92 today, having completed over 10,000 surgeries. Truly a hero.
What about the other younger doctors who were denied a slot because she just hung around?
Bat Murderer

Like why are he and his camera being filmed?
They have been milking that for 36 YEARS?!!
Speaking of...


Did you notice the vibrator on the table!?
I have one of those hanging around my house. The wife named it Rocky.
100 million-year-old dinosaur "wing" trapped in amber.
I wonder on which day god created that.

It may not be very smart, but think about it, all it does all day every day is stand there thinking. If a dimwit can figure shit out given enough idle time.

Fucker is so pissed off it attacks anything that's not nature.
I bet there's an interesting backstory to that.
Lechuguilla Cave, a hidden treasure of New Mexico.
Lacarria masoniae growing from an opossum's carcass.
But their mosquitos are un-fucking-believable.

I just can't get over the plethora of red flags this story raises.
Not sure why “Cats” didn’t work, it follows a classic 3 act structure:
ACT ONE: Cats introduce themselves.
ACT TWO: Cats continue to introduce themselves.
ACT THREE: Unclear.
Speaking of...
Picard chilling^^B1^^
Bernie Sanders: On a good day, my wife likes me
Don't give up on this too early...and it's much better with sound.


Another case of letting a very broken system exist because "We've always done it that way."
Make sure you watch this long enough to determine what this lady is doing.

What about the other younger doctors who were denied a slot because she just hung around?
Not entirely his fault.
It's called an attractive nuisance and the store owner could have taken steps to keep that from happening.^^B12^^

Like why are he and his camera being filmed?
God: You’re a Panda Bear.
Panda: Yay!
God: I’m glad you’re excited!
Panda: So what do bears eat?
God: What do bears eat or what do you eat?
Panda: Why did you say it like that?
Panda: God? Why did you say it like that?
Panda: Yay!
God: I’m glad you’re excited!
Panda: So what do bears eat?
God: What do bears eat or what do you eat?
Panda: Why did you say it like that?
Panda: God? Why did you say it like that?
Speaking of...


Did you notice the vibrator on the table!?
Lunch for Mr. Pangolin
I wonder on which day god created that.

It may not be very smart, but think about it, all it does all day every day is stand there thinking. If a dimwit can figure shit out given enough idle time.

Fucker is so pissed off it attacks anything that's not nature.
What are the chances?
Lacarria masoniae growing from an opossum's carcass.
He thinks his mother swallowed his little brother.
RE: <>
Reminds me of a old joke: An Army man and a Navy man cross paths in a men's restroom. When the Navy man finishes urinating, he gives it a shake, zips up his fly, and proceeds to leave the restroom.
"Hey!", yells the Army man, "In the Army, we were taught to wash our hands after pissing!"
Without looking back, the Navy man says, "Well in the Navy, we were taught to not piss on our hands!"
ingur copywrite logo
Puzzle: the IMGUR watermark?
There appears to be a few minor differences with her ear. The biggest being that in the right photo there appears to be an additional ear piercing. No earing, just a hole.
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