One Of My Very Own
Ask any teacher and they will tell you that the least favorite part of their job is grading papers.
Talk to any teenager in high school and ask yourself - is that the quality of discussion you want to have for the rest of your life. Do you want your growth in the arts and sciences to stop at the ripe old age of 18? If you think the primary function of universities is to pump out high wage earners then you just don't understand universities.
Russia's stated aim was to turn Americans against themselves as never before. And they are succeeding thanks to their man, Donald Trump.
Donald Trump stated in public that he like uneducated people. Ever wonder why?
In a generation or two, the site will be forgotten...what's the use?
Do you even know where your great-great grandmother's grave is? And how many times have you visited it? It just ceases to matter.
The whole point is communication and if it works, it works.


People with high school diplomas don't attend symphonies or ballets.

With all due respect, your kid sneezed on me first.
People with high school diplomas believe in folk remedies.
30?! My friend spent over 60.
Yeah, I didn't believe it either, but apparently, it's true.
If I saw this demonstration I would toss over all the fish they could eat.

American, North Korean, and South Korean troops at DMZ.
Comment: "Apparently, S.Korea only posts their tallest troops along the border of the DMZ to intimidate N.Korea, so the comparison can be biased."
But I would think North Korea did (tried to do) the same thing. As I understand it, it's all about diet from an early age.
Please remember, the increase in the mass' velocity alters its handling characteristics considerably. You can't do at 70 .what you could do at 50

Imagine that you’re Prince Harry and you move to Canada and every time you reach into your wallet you’re reminded that your grandma is pissed off at you.
Jokes were made about America bringing freedom to this or that place.
But the reality is much sadder.



I knew a troop in Afghanistan who was working nightshift when a huge truck pulled up to their outpost. She woke up the whole compound and only after the truck was empty did she notice on the paperwork that all that shit was going to another outpost and she had to tell those warriors that they would have to take all the stuff they had just unloaded and load it again.
Suspecting foul play, they wanted to see how their mirror got broken so they checked the security tape...

People with high school diplomas believe in folk remedies.
With friends like these...
^^B3^^Yeah, I didn't believe it either, but apparently, it's true.
If I saw this demonstration I would toss over all the fish they could eat.

Comment: "Apparently, S.Korea only posts their tallest troops along the border of the DMZ to intimidate N.Korea, so the comparison can be biased."
But I would think North Korea did (tried to do) the same thing. As I understand it, it's all about diet from an early age.
If you have a baby make sure you tell everybody exactly how much it weighs. This is very important information and people love to hear it.

Imagine that you’re Prince Harry and you move to Canada and every time you reach into your wallet you’re reminded that your grandma is pissed off at you.
But the reality is much sadder.



I knew a troop in Afghanistan who was working nightshift when a huge truck pulled up to their outpost. She woke up the whole compound and only after the truck was empty did she notice on the paperwork that all that shit was going to another outpost and she had to tell those warriors that they would have to take all the stuff they had just unloaded and load it again.

Material fatigue.
Every parents' worse nightmare.
Notice there is no mother present.
Do you think the car is rolling away and that's why they start running?
January 25, 1894
Auburn, New York
Maria Keller, later suspected of having an undiagnosed mental illness, shoots her husband in the heart, fatally wounds their infant daughter whose lung was punctured, and shoots herself in the temple.
Their obituary, published in the Auburn Bulletin on January 26, 1894, reads:
Three in one casket. Emil Keller, wife and baby united in death. The little one died at the hospital last night-The funeral will be held from the Universalist Church tomorrow afternoon. Shortly after 6 o'clock last evening death came to the relief of little Anna Keller at the city hospital. It was found that the bullet from the mother's revolver had penetrated the infant's right lung and came out on the left side. The body of the child was removed and prepared for burial with its parents. Throughout the day throngs of people have visited the undertaking room to view the remains. Father, mother, and daughter will be buried in the same casket, which is a special order about 4 inches deeper and 9 inches wider than the ordinary and covered with gray embossed plush. The plate reads EMIL KELLER Aged 30 years. MARY, the wife aged 29 years. Another plated is inscribed "Our Darling." The head of Mrs. Keller rests on the left shoulder of her husband thus hiding from view the wound in her temple and partly covering a discoloration of the right eye. There are traces of suffering in the woman's face but her husband looks as if he was in slumber. His left arm around the body of his wife while his right rests on his hip. Between the mother and father is the infant, a handsome plump child. Its right hand is clasped by the left of its mother's left arm. The mother and the infant laid out in plain white shrouds while the husband and father have a coat and vest of plain black and trousers of a dark pattern. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 8:30 from the Universalist church and the interment will be in Fort Hill."
Would you eat this?
It's a cake.
Why did he fall down?


How islands are formed...
"Hello? Yes, I'm in the fourth bunker. You can't miss it, the one with a T-34 for a roof."
The Discovery Of 2,000-Year-Old Gladiator’s Helmet In Pompeii’s Ruins.
La Muralla Roja is a postmodern apartment complex in Calpe, Spain designed by Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill in 1968. In designing the building, Bofill referenced the architecture of North African casbahs.
A fun way to break a leg or two.
This is a pretty exciting video of not only this guy but his cameraman dashing over, across, and through these erosion-resistant structures.
Inspired by the game pieces in Jacks...
The huge concrete pieces lock together and disperse almost all the tidal surge.
Those two young me performed their dash of death for the same reason this you man perfected this skill.

Fake internet points.
And many times these attempts lead you straight to the ER.
"Fire in the hole."
Better with sound:

Salamander timelapse, single-cell to birth.
I think this is cool and all, but why would that design be advantageous. Maybe have an open space during mild weather and a regular room during inclement weather?
Notice there is no mother present.
Do you think the car is rolling away and that's why they start running?
Auburn, New York
Maria Keller, later suspected of having an undiagnosed mental illness, shoots her husband in the heart, fatally wounds their infant daughter whose lung was punctured, and shoots herself in the temple.
Their obituary, published in the Auburn Bulletin on January 26, 1894, reads:
Three in one casket. Emil Keller, wife and baby united in death. The little one died at the hospital last night-The funeral will be held from the Universalist Church tomorrow afternoon. Shortly after 6 o'clock last evening death came to the relief of little Anna Keller at the city hospital. It was found that the bullet from the mother's revolver had penetrated the infant's right lung and came out on the left side. The body of the child was removed and prepared for burial with its parents. Throughout the day throngs of people have visited the undertaking room to view the remains. Father, mother, and daughter will be buried in the same casket, which is a special order about 4 inches deeper and 9 inches wider than the ordinary and covered with gray embossed plush. The plate reads EMIL KELLER Aged 30 years. MARY, the wife aged 29 years. Another plated is inscribed "Our Darling." The head of Mrs. Keller rests on the left shoulder of her husband thus hiding from view the wound in her temple and partly covering a discoloration of the right eye. There are traces of suffering in the woman's face but her husband looks as if he was in slumber. His left arm around the body of his wife while his right rests on his hip. Between the mother and father is the infant, a handsome plump child. Its right hand is clasped by the left of its mother's left arm. The mother and the infant laid out in plain white shrouds while the husband and father have a coat and vest of plain black and trousers of a dark pattern. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 8:30 from the Universalist church and the interment will be in Fort Hill."
I punched a guy that had a sweater tied around his neck. I’ve seen ‘80s movies. He was about to close a community center or something.
Would you eat this?
It's a cake.

All of the socks that disappear in the dryer come back to life as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers.

How islands are formed...
This is a pretty exciting video of not only this guy but his cameraman dashing over, across, and through these erosion-resistant structures.
Inspired by the game pieces in Jacks...
The huge concrete pieces lock together and disperse almost all the tidal surge.
Those two young me performed their dash of death for the same reason this you man perfected this skill.

Fake internet points.
And many times these attempts lead you straight to the ER.
Better with sound:

In the time of Jesus, you couldn't throw a dead cat without hitting a Messiah.

Puzzle time = it was a submarine
Bit of an education elitist ehh?
That combined with the constant misguided harping on global warming and religion kinda make you unreadable.
Good luck sir.
Would you like a refund?
cat adds 9 lives
Keep up the great work Ralph....
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