One Of My Very Own
But there are changes in the air...
Doctors and nurses heading into Wuhan are shaving their heads.
But there are changes in the air...
Doctors and nurses heading into Wuhan are shaving their heads.
This man was covered in Ash as he huddled against a wall.
Crosswalk, and street. Carriage grooves etched into stone.
Public restrooms...maybe.
Ancient plumbing with lead pipes.
Water fountain.
Crosswalk, and street. Carriage grooves etched into stone.
Public restrooms...maybe.
Ancient plumbing with lead pipes.
Water fountain.
Much better with sound:
You should have known her when she used to rock and roll.

I want the backstory of why that sign is necessary.
Because some men still have their pride.

I want problem-solvers like this on every one of my crews.

Speaking of...
A vet learns the Rolex he bought in the '70s for less than $400 is now worth $500,000 - $700,000.


You don't need drugs to have fun.


Don't we all, dear. Don't we all.
That would wake your ass up.

How clever.
Jason Crow

Looking at Mr. Crow I couldn't help but thinking of this guy...

Boomer here, I remember .... a tad scary but the sugar cube was easy.

After WWII there were dozens of Army/Navy Surplus stores in every city. In Birmingham, Alabama I bought one of these for a penny or two.

It is a bomblet they were dumped out of bombers over German troop formations by the millions and the kinetic energy would kill or maim thousands in one pass.
That's a mahl stick used to steady the bush. I owned a half dozen of them and their necessity is paramount.

Yes, it is that simple. Only course work uncompleted during the school day should be subject to homework. That way the parents know how far their child is behind and (should) want to know why.
I found the greatest paper airplane design ever and I taught it to every one of my FIRST GRADERS. Now I have ADULTS approaching me with wonderful memories of that experience.

We called a penis a penis and a vagina a vagina. We called a femur a femur and an ulna an ulna.
I have never understood the need for baby talk. If they can relate to poo-poo they can relate to feces.

As you know I am a fan of marijuana. But so is my maid, my neighbors, bartenders, yardman, mailman, etc, etc, etc, etc.
This hysteria has got to stop. It is time to stop ruining lives over the fact you were just unlucky enough to be caught.
Almost every lunch you can find me in a shaded spot eating a meal, by myself, in my truck, but I am listening to a book on tape. It's a thing a do and I still take notes on parts I might use in my next - almost certainly not to happen - novel.
Oh, hell yeah! I have eliminated almost all of my lawn.
After "We've always done it that way", "Everybody else does it" is the second most dangerous statement any culture faces.
Do you hate mowing lawns?
Me: Man T-Rexes looked so cool
Scientist: Nah actually they looked like giant idiot birds
Me: Oh bummer. They were great hunters tho
Scientist: There’s evidence they were scavengers
Me: Ok maybe just stop ruining-
Scientist: They wore socks with sandals
You should have known her when she used to rock and roll.

I want the backstory of why that sign is necessary.

I want problem-solvers like this on every one of my crews.

Speaking of...
Such silliness is usually not allowed on other blogs...




Don't we all, dear. Don't we all.
Once a lady asked me to guess her age. I don’t like playing this game but she insisted. I gave her a good look, estimated her age, and subtracted 10 years just to be safe. “37,” I said. Well for a 26 yo she threw quite the fit.
Anyway, the lesson here is don’t smoke cigarettes.
Some are delicious on pizza.
Some make you see things.
Some kill you.

Jason Crow

Looking at Mr. Crow I couldn't help but thinking of this guy...
Ron Weasley: I have to use old books
harry potter: wow
Ron: and torn up shitty clothes
Harry: yuck lol
Ron: would be crazy if my best friend had a vault full of gold and could maybe help me out a little
Harry: ya lmao that would be crazy

Boomer here, I remember .... a tad scary but the sugar cube was easy.

After WWII there were dozens of Army/Navy Surplus stores in every city. In Birmingham, Alabama I bought one of these for a penny or two.

It is a bomblet they were dumped out of bombers over German troop formations by the millions and the kinetic energy would kill or maim thousands in one pass.
That's a mahl stick used to steady the bush. I owned a half dozen of them and their necessity is paramount.
When I stayed with my grandmother we often ate at Ollie's Barbecue. And Ollie always asked if we wanted inside or outside and my grandmother always said both. Looking at that slab of meat you can see exactly what Ollie meant.
Yes, it is that simple. Only course work uncompleted during the school day should be subject to homework. That way the parents know how far their child is behind and (should) want to know why.
I found the greatest paper airplane design ever and I taught it to every one of my FIRST GRADERS. Now I have ADULTS approaching me with wonderful memories of that experience.

We called a penis a penis and a vagina a vagina. We called a femur a femur and an ulna an ulna.
I have never understood the need for baby talk. If they can relate to poo-poo they can relate to feces.

As you know I am a fan of marijuana. But so is my maid, my neighbors, bartenders, yardman, mailman, etc, etc, etc, etc.
This hysteria has got to stop. It is time to stop ruining lives over the fact you were just unlucky enough to be caught.
Almost every lunch you can find me in a shaded spot eating a meal, by myself, in my truck, but I am listening to a book on tape. It's a thing a do and I still take notes on parts I might use in my next - almost certainly not to happen - novel.
Oh, hell yeah! I have eliminated almost all of my lawn.
After "We've always done it that way", "Everybody else does it" is the second most dangerous statement any culture faces.
Do you hate mowing lawns?
I love that we have computers and the Internet now, it's much easier to publish a study, I just published one about bacon being a superfood with all the vitamins and nutrients as kale but much better tasting.
And the risk is worth!
Apparently, cow wagons don't stop quickly.
I have no idea.

He didn't lose the entire top half of his body he only lost part of his brain. The results are the same.


He didn't lose the entire top half of his body he only lost part of his brain. The results are the same.
Do you think he was pranked or was he in on it?

This boat is using its anchor to ease itself onto the pier.
Give that man a raise!^^E7^^
Remember the movie about the guy who had an asshole for a mouth?
Adds a whole new meaning to the phrase 'potty mouth'.
Adds a whole new meaning to the phrase 'potty mouth'.

My chemist buddy and I figured that out and he was pissed because it seemed to change the rules a bit in that there is a part of the illustration that is not in the answer.
Puzzle time = In Cahoots. I never would have gotten it without the llama for context.
Crying Mayan (cryin mayan), may the Llama separates him from an "Incan?"
Way too many good items in today's post but the one re the Firestorm in Australia was my favorite!
Thanks for a great read.
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