About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

SUNDAY #4070

One Of My Very Own




My mother met Wernher von Braun when she entertained at a function where he was the keynote speaker.

His whole name is Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun, which I find telling.

Muscle Memory

Wouldn't you find a hose as soon as possible instead of hamming it up for the camera? 

Is it real? I don't know, but we could chalk his rudeness and balance problems on our old nemesis demon rum. 

Does this strike anyone as sane?


 See, I want a guy like that on my moon mission.

Full Contact Bowling?
Who said women aren't as competitive as men?

I guess he really didn't want to get his shoes wet. 

Cayman earthquake's would-be hero...
“Our character isn’t defined by the battles we win or lose, but by the battles we dare to fight.”
- Robert Beatty


 Because I've seen so many fish flop around when thought dead I thought the fish was "responding" to the lemon juice but then I read the comments.

So I went back frame by frame and found what looks like a gray duck grabbing the fish.

I haven't a clue concerning this image. Anyone?
We've found the foot fetish masochist.

I got another one of these...
The commenter should know I AM NOT INTERESTED!


 You have no idea how many windows you have until someone is working on your gutters.



The eye of the world


The new Moscow metro station made in futuristic style (Savelovskaya)


Repost...I know.

But I just noticed that the guy is literally abandoning his wife and child to wild fucking animals then slams the door when she nears safety. What a guy.
And why wouldn't the guy filming drive up to distract the beasts?

What am I missing? Which is which?

Nasa's Black Hole Simulations
I found this highly informative.

"Clean up on Aisle Three."

Well, you can get free movies at the library. Ours even lets you go to their website and stream them to your computer. 

 God: I’ve always regretted not making you the dominant species
Man: But you did—

Dog: She was talking to me.



This danger, not to mention the costs, are considered worth it to jack up recruitment.

You could add more locks to the top in the same configuration as the bottom. 

Every boy needs a dog.

Speaking of pets...

Have modern women given up original thought? Why do they all seem to follow every single fad that comes along?


Tailorbird sewing its nest.

I saw this on the floor in a movie.
We all drew hundreds of those stars in middle school. I assume we got it from maps.
And I call logo design like this just fucking lazy.

That tells me they left the design approval up to individuals - probably a committee - who had no idea what they are doing.

This guy likes depicting plastic...

Look at this image carefully.
It depicts people waiting on a train. But to me, the people look like notes of music and the structure on the bottom looks like piano keys.
I love that image. 


Serious question: How long should your hug with the pizza delivery guy last? I don't want things to get creepy.



Fuck Woody Allen.



Subtitle in Sci-Fi movie...


Think about all the lies our parents told us. Tooth Fairy, Santa, Easter Bunny,  and Talking Snakes.

Oh look, it's her again...














1 comment:

Steve said...

Puzzle: start at top vertical line, down to outer circle, draw left outer circle,up to inner circle, draw left inner circle, down to bottom of inner circle, draw right inner circle, up to outer circle, draw right outer circle, down vertical line.

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