About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


One Of My Very Own


Words are small. Deeds are great.
 De-Sinicizing the Virus: 
How CCP Propaganda Is Rewriting History
Sin·i·cize - verb: Make Chinese in character or form.
"The CCP wants to “sinicize” everything, including all religions. Only one thing is being “de-sinicized,” the virus. There was anecdotical evidence for this, until on March 9 the left-wing Catholic daily La Croix International (which is normally far from being hostile to China) published an investigative report citing confidential instructions sent to Chinese embassies and fellow travelers around the world one week ago. They were asked to persuade those favorable to China never to mention the Chinese origin of the virus, and to insist that “while the virus severely hit Wuhan, where it really originally came from is unknown. We are conducting new studies to locate the virus’ true origin.”
“The CCP propaganda is trying to claim that the virus came to China from abroad to hide the fact that the Party lied for weeks about the magnitude of the crisis, in fact making it much worse than it could have been if acknowledged immediately.”
Many more links here: 

These people look so very, very...normal.
They say they are getting excellent care in Australia. That's nice.
Some Americans abroad are no so eager to come home, figuring their host country can take better care of them than the health care system in the US.
Would someone please explain to me why I'm being told to stock up on bottled water?


I will tell you what is not compatible - being an old person trying to quit smoking during the anxiety of a pandemic.
We are having groceries delivered by paying online, left on the porch with the driver's tip on a shelf, then sanitizing every item in the bags before it's brought in the house. We have no idea how long that service will be available but we are buying a couple of times what we need now. 
I am not near as productive in my studio as I thought I would be but tomorrow I'm moving the TV in there which should more or less anchor me to my creative place.
I'm very concerned for my young friends who won't get paid if they get sick and have to agonize over making their paying rent or protecting people like me.
I told my wife tonight that we are living through the most dramatic event of our lifetimes. But we are doing all we can think to do to protect ourselves so the rest is up to the virus.
Stay healthy, my friends. 



 ^^A 1-16^^


 I don’t think my wife realizes that the FREE SEX coupons I gave her last Valentine’s Day are about to expire.



Philip Haney. Called out homeland security for scrubbing Islamic terrorism and violence from reports. Got suicided.
Died from gunshot wound to the chest, ruled a suicide. 




Illustration of how a comic is conceived.

Wouldn't it be a writer then the editor? If the editor is first what do they edit?

"I thought this picture was interesting. Anyway, modern humans started around 200,000 years ago. With the average generation been around 20, that means that approximately 10,000 mothers have gone before each person on the planet. That’s 10,000 different people's lifetimes of happiness and sadness all to just cumulate in YOU. So what part are you going to play in this journey as life moves forward and you follow this cycle?"
That image wouldn't have made the cut except for this comment:

*Melting pot. Mixing pot is what you're dealer does when he's on short supply.

I would add panic (on one extreme) and boredom (on the other extreme) avoidance.

 Therapist: You need to enjoy the little things.
My wife: Like ants?
Therapist: Not exactly.

Wife: [nodding] Baby ants.



 What does that look like?
Well, this TV commercial has its own idea.




 How many symbols can you identify?

 Are we just gonna act like the Loch Ness Monster ISN'T there with her?






When the Eagles wrote the lyric "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device," they weren't kidding.

Posted from my iPhone






I find his lack of control disturbing.

With friends like that...


Remember this sneaky bastard?



Personal trainer: You've gotta want it more than you want those donuts!

Me: *stops mid rep* Wait. What?



Burger King's new commercial features a rotting Whopper growing moldy.
 They did it to prove they have no preservatives.



The boiler exploded on a train.

In the 1960s German telephones charged you by the digit. My local number was only 5 digits long and was included with my monthly bill. But to call the next town you added two more digits, farther away required additional numbers. Calling France was like 16 numbers and you were charged per. 

I posted that for my wife. 

Koalas have 2 thumbs


100 billion tons of water twice a day: The Hopewell Rocks in the Bay of Fundy have one of the highest average tides in the world - 52 ft.
I find the tide specific erosion fascinating.


This lady used the cat face filter and it freaked her cats out.
I find it interesting that the cat can look at the phone and know that the image is of the woman holding it instead of a movie or whatever. Here are several gifs of the cats.
 Only Pompeii kids will remember...


Then there's this...

Did you notice that China was left off of those graphs? I'm assuming it's because we can't trust their data.




 Your hell is full of people you love and/or respect...burning...forever. But that's okay cause you will get a big house probably with a gardener.






Anonymous said...

because in a hotel you don’t knock to get in your room. you have a key

Anonymous said...

My favorites today:
*The Mom and TP
*I want those BABY DOLL heads for my collection!

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