About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

SUNDAY #4098

One Of My Very Own



That man hasn't a clue. 

Trump has been saying for a week that we have all the tests we need. That, Gentle Reader, is a lie. So, the man is either incapable of telling the truth in the middle of a global pandemic or he is totally incompetent. The man went from "hoax" to a "national emergency" in a matter of days. Does that sound like competent leadership to you?
 Here's what Trump reminds me of...

Words are no longer enough, sir. You could have guaranteed your re-election by getting out front of this in the first hours, and, oh yeah, don't lie to me anymore.
 A redneck bidet.
Norwegian cabinet after a press conference on Corona

That little dance the fat lady does...

You want to know how you get the coronavirus? I give you the NC coronavirus task force.

Did you notice the first guy wipes his nose and mouth right before touching the mike and its "on" button? 




A goose and gander thing...

The security guard seems not to be amused. 

The wife is making a run to the grocery store very early tomorrow morning. She will wear gloves. We are not hoarding but are buying more than usual of everything to limit the future trips necessary. I will then assist in wiping down everything before it's brought into the house.
I can state unequivocally that I would be insane by now without the internet. 









People who spend their time and energy to amuse others are good people.



Don't worry, the kid got 2 signed balls after the player saw what happened.

[verification needed]
Details to follow


My therapist told me I can ask him anything I want. So I asked him, 'How does my lack of progress make you feel?'



What a prick!



Fuck Putin.

Here he is warming up for his next meeting with Trump.



Fuck thieves.
That was a police sting.

If the thief got seriously injured I think they could sue. 


 I only like movies with a happy ending, which has led to several arrests in theaters.






I showed you that months ago but I neglected to tell you how it happened. I have created dozens of mosaics and spent time touring the factory at Olean Tile where they create things like the above. 
Once the tiles have been arranged they are held together by brown craft paper glued to the 1'X2' section of the mural..

Once the tile has been attached to the wall the paper is wetted and the paper releases. However, before removing the paper you can't see the mosaic. The sections are arranged properly by a number written on the brown paper. And obviously, the numbering was screwed up in the mosaic above.



An advert for travel insurance?

Guy ordered a very realistic mask.


Rose: Paint me like your French girls.

Jack: With armpit hair?





"Here, no here."

We men can't help it.

She sitting there with enough cleavage to hide an unabridged dictionary and has the audacity to be miffed by a glance?

I wonder how many women could resist peeking at a man's bulge if he was wearing these.

This lady gets it...

 You show them off and I will look. Period.
 Those girls at the end of the party...
I lost my virginity to three girls who looked just like those three. 



Another silly tradition that has outlived its usefulness.



I was just reading a list of 50 things you should do before you die. And it's quite surprising that "Yell for help " is not one of them.



 That was made out of 50,000 dog tags in honor of those Americans killed in Vietnam.
 In my third year in the military, I was forced to get a new set of dog tags and when asked religion I said Hedonism and that is what they embossed in them.

- the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.

- the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life.

I haven't a clue as to why that was necessary.


That reaction confuses me. Should they KNOW what was going to happen? 


We in America have trees out the ass, so we make fences and houses out of wood. In other places, they have fewer trees but there is a super-abundance of stones, thus their fences and houses are made of stone. And every year the plow turns up more stones that must be removed.

Look at These Mind-Blowing Fossils of 1 Billion-Year-Old Seaweed
 Strange, vein-like shadows imprinted in ancient rocks are some of the most important clues yet in piecing together the timeline of photosynthesis. At 1 billion years old, the tiny fossils are the oldest example of green algae we've ever discovered.














weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

Mouse hole?

Unknown said...

Mouse hole on the floorboard by her right ankle. Hope yall are doing well!

Ralph Henry said...

Son of a bitch! Once you see it it pops out like a neon sign.

Larry said...

Wikipedia logo too.........

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