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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 26, 2020



"Everyone dies alone."
This is what we can expect. You really need to see this.

That tells me that we are all going to get it.
This is a hospital in Spain. These folks die on the floor, alone, without even a mattress.
This is the first time in human history that we are all talking about the same thing at the same time.


Bombers doing their part...

An excellent idea...


Capitalists asking for socialism. But only when it affects the rich. 
Not for Airlines
Not for Banks
Not for any other shit faced billionaire's tax dodging corporation.
No: For medium and small businesses, self-employed people and Hospitals. 
Just one of the reasons:
They’re not really US companies. Carnival Corporation is incorporated in Panama. Royal Caribbean is incorporated in Liberia. Norwegian Cruise Line is incorporated in Bermuda. They pay basically zero federal income tax.



Since Trump mentioned Plaquenill can help treat COVID-19, people are contacting their doctors to get scripts and hoard. They may not ever use medicine or get sick (or it may be beneficial for them). The manufacturer is now overloaded and it’s on backorder, there is no available inventory in a 50-mile radius. Cutting my dose in half will get me 2-3 weeks, but no idea when I can get a refill... not to mention taking inventory from hospitals to treat patients. Hoarders and can suck it. Doctors that allow this behavior to happen can also suck it.
But there are communities where there is no hoarding.
What do you think causes some areas to hoard and some do not.
Instead of being "grateful for your service" which is a phrase Americans use a lot, Australians are accusing nurses trying to grab some supplies of being germ spreaders.(and yes, they do shower and change out of scrubs if they are looking after high-risk patients)
 People like that should be arrested.
If you're resorting to baby wipes to beat this Great American Toilet paper scramble, DON'T FLUSH THEM. Even if they say flushable, that usually only means they are septic tank safe. If you live in a city or apartment complex, flushing wipes can contribute to clogs and damage to public sewer utilities. The picture above shows a literal floating island made of baby wipes, congealed fat, feces, and god knows what else in a clarifier in NY. These weigh TONS and require costly and unpleasant shutdowns for cleaning and maintenance. Be a responsible citizen, throw wipes in the trash.
I think Americans' lack of social distancing shows how tragic our anti-science attitude is.


This is a sign you can print out and put on your door.
Some folks get and some folks don't.
Modern problems require ah um, modern solution.
During this interview, this woman said "The last thing I want to be when the end of the world comes is sober."
A few activities you may want to try...


Leave Some for Others
Those look like cloth washable masks. Why don't we have those? I mean, if washing your hands with soap kills the virus, why wouldn't that work on a cloth mask?
Priest in Italy live streams mass activates filters by mistake.
 I have no idea what that is or what it means.

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