About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 3, 2020


One Of My Very Own



I think about the human senses often. 

Of course, you know taste...

 And smell...
But there are more...
The twelve senses can be grouped into three categories. He distinguished senses which relate to the perception of:
your body: the senses of touch, of life, of movement, of balance
the external world: smell, taste, sight, temperature
the immaterial, spiritual world: hearing, speech, thought, ego 

I would have thought time would be one.

In my opinion, this is the pinnacle of Southern civilization...
Note the brick area. Those pieces are made to mesh together. He must not have gotten the memo. 

My wife has been helping people her whole life. Now with us hunkering down the whole community are our weed guys.


To get your message across first you have to get their attention.

How to make money on YouTube
  1. Start a channel. ...
  2. Make your channel successful enough that it meets the YouTube Partner Program requirements. ...
  3. Set up an AdSense account. ...
  4. Explore your new monetization features. ...
  5. Submit to ongoing reviews. ...
  6. Imagine and design your product. ...
  7. Source and/or build your product. ...
  8. Create your shop and landing page.
Greek. To me.




Astronomers reported today that they've detected phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus, a possible biosignature of life on the planet. After much analysis, the scientists assert that something now alive is the only explanation for the chemical's source.





Antique pencil sharpener 


I'll bet he learned to do that by accident.

I bet giraffes don't even know what farts smell like.



In America, we elevate our worth from birth through multiple graduations at every stage of education, weddings fit for a royal couple, and funerals that wipe out savings.  
Every American thinks they are special.

We are quick to pick up on every fad that comes down the pike but just as quick to drop it. 

Every day you are being groomed to consider any election result other than a Trump victory as a fraud. That is dangerous talk. There is no evidence of massive fraud in the past and no credible evidence that it will materialize in 2020.

It seems to me that anyone who sticks up for the workers is called socialists and vilified as being unAmerican.
What is unAmerican to want to ensure the welfare of the citizens?   

We do drink a lot but not as much as some other countries.  


19-year-old Ashli Blain, Chinook helicopter pilot fighting the wildfires on the west coast.

Bears making a drug deal in the backyard?

We have huge areas of our country that we share with huge deadly creatures. Not so much in Europe. Maybe that's why we sent men to the moon.

Recently we Americans have been taught to hate people who have different ideas of how the government should solve problems. It used not to be that way. We can do better. We have done better.



BURNT?! That's rather dramatic don't you think?

Poor things are going to starve!

Americans love sports.

Milwaukee's Brent Suter loses his footing during a pitch against the Cubs.

Here's a stat for you fanatics...
When quarterbacks Roethlisberger-Mettenberger played against one another their combined names had more letters than any event in NFFL history.

If he did he would still be a very, very rich man.  
Imagine having that kind of power.

Americans are rather religious.

And when we invent a new religion it tends to be lunacy...

Need another example?

This is not a photo of the event, but years ago rail lines got rid of all their cabooses and replaced them with electronic devices.
A local man bought dozens of them and had them moved to surround the University of South Carolina's football stadium. They are rented for parties during tailgating. He makes a fortune.

Many Americans believe every conspiracy theory that they read on the internet. Science is considered the enemy and it scares the shit out of me. 

In America, we eat things like potatoes cooked in bacon grease.
And cornbread, mashed potatoes, gravy, and fried chicken cupcakes.

We American have a plethora of restaurants which serves foreign food. I guess that's because there really isn't any "American" food - only dishes we brought from other places. Here's an extreme example:
Korean Fried Chicken, Belgian Waffle, Canadian Maple Syrup

Once my wife and I were two Americans sitting in a French restaurant in Mexico listening to Italian opera. Cool that.

We have a lot of wilderness in America.

I think that naturally nurturing a child is beautiful...
But I might be in the minority.
That image reminds me of a joke my mother told me: If you found yourself downtown naked and you only had one small handkerchief what would you cover? After we offered our reaction she would say, "My face."

I like having a strong military but it might be getting out of hand.


The average number of skeletons in a body is always higher than one...because of pregnant people.



Shamahki dancer

Shemakha is an ancient city of the Shirvan (Shemakha) khanate, which in the 19th century was part of the Russian Empire (modern Azerbaijan)and was famous for its dancers, who remained after the Persian rule.




I'll have some of what he had.  

I wonder what tipped them off? Seriously, who would just assume a peanut contained money?

Bollywood at its finest...
 Go ahead, write a script for that.



Wearing fucking flip flops.

 Dark Ages Romance


 I bet he's glad he was wearing that helmet.


 How could that guy just stroll by without so much as a glance?




A friend did send me these:

I still wish he and his the very best. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: an envelope usually contains one letter.

Anonymous said...

riddle answer is envelope

Anonymous said...

puzzle time-envelope

Steve said...

Puzzle alternate answers:
Eye (letter=I)
Elle (letter=L)

Ralph Henry said...

Wow, Steve!

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