One Of My Very Own
I wish the President and his wife nothing but the best. It must be terrifying.
Pure class act that.
Amazing but knowing it was revealed by an acute climate crisis is a bit offputting.
Just for clarification, not only do 100% of accidents happen within the last 8 minutes of flight but, in fact, all accidents happen right at the exact last second of the flight.

Just look at this complete Cave Bear they found in Siberia, absolute unit
Amazing...Amazing but knowing it was revealed by an acute climate crisis is a bit offputting.

Here are some examples:
The surface of Venus
Is the sky really yellow or is that a camera filtering thing? ^^A6^^
This is what a superspreader event looks like...

I learned five things about animals that I didn't know yesterday.


You technically have 2 minutes to live but every breath you take restarts the clock.
God, I do love humor like that.

The person in China who pulled this out of a mold and painted it for export probably thinks we Americans are some sick fucks.
Asking for a friend.


This makes perfect sense now...
Only if you read the white bar in the first image.
This is one happy boy scout...
This sign guy is very clever...


This makes perfect sense now...
Only if you read the white bar in the first image.
I'm not the smartest guy on the block but I knew he was dead wrong when he said shit like that. I knew it was not a hoax. But what worries me is why did half of Americans believe him?
Subtle that.

My wife has the heart of a saint, the soul of a hippy, and the mouth of a sailor.

I think being humiliated overwhelmed him with embarrassment.
Is that the same guy who taught that goat how to harness itself a couple of days ago?
Men do shit like this every chance they get...
Hold my beer, Honey...literally...
^^C7^^But who knows, maybe he listening to an audiobook or an opera.
Too silly?
Fake or real?
Fact or fabrication?
I say fabrication because she appears only in half the field leaving plenty of room for the gag.
If you missed it he says, "They call me Robbie but you can call me anytime."

He traded the bookstore owner POLLUTED corn.
That's the old knotted red string in the catchup bottle trick. I've pulled that trick a thousand times.
That ain't right. That goes far beyond steroids and reps. That's got to be some sort of botox from hell shit. They look inflatable!
Human's touching wild creatures...
Those things are carnivores. ^^C10^^
I say fabrication because she appears only in half the field leaving plenty of room for the gag.

That's the old knotted red string in the catchup bottle trick. I've pulled that trick a thousand times.
That ain't right. That goes far beyond steroids and reps. That's got to be some sort of botox from hell shit. They look inflatable!
puzzle answer is 14. The sum of the numbers in any circle is 30
Puzzle time: here is a hint, but not the answer. 30
If you look at the " women younger than my wife" upside down, it is really freaky.
C2: I've done that more than once in more than two places. The key is to visit the hole during the dry season, or know, and trust, someone who has.
It's like walking through a dark room that you are already familiar with.
C4- that young man is a figure skater. Watch his feet closely. I found it rather beautiful.
C18- the product that he is using is called Synthol and it is exactly what it sounds like: Synthetic Oil that is injected directly into the muscle to inflate it.
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