About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


One Of My Very Own


11 minute Credence Clearwater Rival 'I Hear it Through the Grapevine.'
You can listen to it while you scroll Folio Olio.
I've danced a million miles to this song...high, of course.
I once had the cops called twice because I was playing that version of that song too loudly.



Imagine this being your morning commute...


There is more plastic than fish in the sea.
We must stop producing and consuming plastic.
More details CLICK HERE 


I've had some experience with such things. My school, like most US schools, have advanced placement (AP) classes for the brightest of students. But there were parents who demanded that their child be placed in AP even though they didn't qualify. They were warned that if and when their child flunked it could taint their educational experience for the rest of their lives. Those parents would counter with the argument that 95% of AP students go to college and they wanted their child to go to college also.
Most of these average students were allowed in the AP classes only to fail. Most hated school after that.






Most of you didn’t even question if turtles would make great ninjas. You just believed it. I should’ve known then we’d end up where we are.



Thermite welding
Exothermic welding, also known as exothermic bonding and thermit welding, is a welding process that employs molten metal to permanently join the conductors. The process employs an exothermic reaction of a thermite composition to heat the metal and requires no external source of heat or current. 



1400-year-old Ginkgo tree.


Some Wind Art you may not have seen.

A most unusual building. Take a minute to study the architectural details. Wow!

A book you may have overlooked...

Don't Drink and Shop

Don’t adopt a puppy to see if you’re ready for kids. Adopt a homeless guy with diarrhea & a bunch of stories that don’t go anywhere.



Blissfully unaware...
That final gesture is pure frustration. 

This is unbelievable...
"Turn in your dog card!" 

As if you needed another reason to love this guy, here he is with his rescue pup...

Qualifying for Rodent AP.

Now THAT is a survival strategy.

This rhino is so happy to see his caretaker that it does its happy dance...


"Can't we just be friends?"

"Absolutely not!"

That is exactly how my wife uses tools. 

The Hero Dogs of 9/11
For the whole gallery of images CLICK HERE 
I read that they have to stage discoveries so they don't get depressed.


My wife was annoyed because the fridge was beeping, I’d left the door open too long while looking, in my defense I couldn’t find my keys anywhere else.



Douche bags, meet your prince...

Look at the disgust of the girl on the right.



Well, how do you exfoliate?



Everyone here wearing masks for covid, and this guy's trying to bring the bubonic plague back...



And it looks like the guy in red is doing something sneaky.

If you do this and the guy dies from a cracked skull then you are going to jail. 

My second douchebag reference.

The panicked leg kicks are just precious. 


Testing how many bullets an AK-47 can fire before it catches on fire.

I would put that on my resume...they have no way of proving I didn't actually do it.

Climate Change protest done right...
 Yesterday, 20 women D-locked themselves to the railings outside Parliament. They put their bodies on the line, bearing the message of the consequences of a 4degree world, asking why the Government can’t "bare" the truth of the climate emergency.

I would like to remind my young female viewers that there is no law against going topless in most cities. Just sayin'.










 That's amazing!

1 comment:

D'Ascoyne said...

D16. I'll take Famine.

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