About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


 One Of My Very Own.






Pets offer hours and hours of healthy distraction. I prefer dogs.

Dogs are very entertaining.

Some people desire more exotic pets.

Some more exotic than others.

Problem-solving activities can be quite useful.
A roll of duct tape will do the same thing.

Many people - men mostly - like to fuck around with automobiles.

Some efforts are more utilitarian than others.

"Got a bottle, a rag, and a flammable liquid? Find a mine shaft!" they said.

Creative photography is a fulfilling use of your spare time.

Some people are obsessed with exercise.

There are some people who will spend months perfecting skills with no discernable application.

It is always advisable to watch someone else demonstrate the proper technique.

Playing with children is one of my most treasured activities.

Many people relax by driving in the country.

Other people find thrills in seeking the limits of their automobile's power.

Pranking friends has probably been around since the earliest of man.

I am no gamer myself but see nothing inherently evil about it. I used to but not now.

It seems to me that seen some people consider self-decoration as recreation.

Some more elaborate than others.

Motorized cycling can be a relaxing pastime.

But it is not without peril.

Dress for the ride, not the slide along a spiked fence.

Fishing is probably the world's most popular recreational activity.

But just drinking beer on a lake rejuvenates many people.

In some places, the fish get very excited when you visit.

I used to love camping with my family...
But not any longer.

Women just love to shop.


But even organized sports is not peril free...

Some recreational activities require that the participants be completely insane.

Millions of people join fan clubs of celebrities which is fun I suppose.

MAGA HAT GUY tells it like it is.

Sound on.




I want to make a horror movie about a pillow that smothers people in their sleep and title it "Killow". And, no, I am not sober right now.



I'm not sure I understand all of that but I'm assuming someone drives up and down under high-power-lines looking for problems like that.

This lady maintains nuclear weapons far differently than I used to.

Harvesting fruits may be man's oldest profession.

Another scientist plays a game of What If...

I often wonder how discoveries are made.
I try my best to cite every source but it's not always possible.

Fishing has also been around for a long, long time.

Thieving can be lucrative but the downsides are severe.

These fellows got caught stealing a utility pole in Florida.


Some occupations are played like games.
Did you notice that the plates on the left almost went too far?

The military is the occupation of choice for millions.

Stalwarts from the East: A French lady pins a flower on the Sikh saviors of France, Paris, 1916.

In the US Coast Guard, you get to sail this beauty.

And as a bonus, the military will send you to exotic places.

If I'm not mistaken, the secret is to find a fault in the stone and take advantage of it.

As I understand it, truck driving is the number one occupation in the world.

But there are some maneuvers that should only be attempted by the most skilled drivers.

I taught for 20 years and never saw anything like this.
But I wanted to.

Most occupations require very specialized tools.

Wildlife photography can be a challenging activity.

Not all of us qualify for being superheroes.

"Well, here's your problem right there."
Some jobs are much more dangerous than most.

That fellow confused a job for a hobby.

Women have been doing this job with similar equipment for centuries.

Being president is a nice gig if you can get it.


I never knew that barbering required so much violence.




"...except it was yellow."











Anonymous said...

eye test
4, possibly 94.

vertical part of four between E and S

Anonymous said...

oops 4 and 94 are both wrong, but I researched the answer and can now see it.

Anonymous said...

Eye Test 578

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