About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 One Of My Very Own






PLEASE NOTE: Many months ago my email got all fucked up. My wife "fixed" it for me but made one tiny little mistake. She left out the P in my name. Unknown to me the nonfunctioning email address with the P was still listed as my return address in all emails I sent.

Therefore if I have sent you an email and you hit the reply button then I DID NOT GET IT! 

I have fixed the problem so reply at will, Gentle Readers. I've  missed you.


Those magnificent bastards!
They made it...



See anything odd?
Here's a close-up...
I was so hoping it had something to do with this...
But no...


Or they eat all the food in their habitat and starve.

Try having a seriously sick child.


But it's a delicate balance.








Please read this...please...
By reflex, you Trumpers will call that Socialist. I simply call it decency and compassion.



Oh, the hypocrisy runs deep with this one...


A cannibal and his vegetarian friend go to brunch. They both order a Danish.



Cotton worker opts to use a cigarette lighter to deal with a stubborn packaging knot.

That place really needs a sprinkler system.

This cow forgot to release the parking brake.


Remember that Indian guy who turns your snapshots into epic?

Glamor shots from hell...
And another...

And extremely rare.

This young girl is attempting to get that huge bar of gold out of that little bitty hole.
Watch her in action: SOURCE: CLICK HERE

Scooter engine roar: CLICK HERE


Madona and Child Spoiler Alert


Got 6 minutes to watch a most unusual Soviet-era cartoon?

I don't think you have ever seen anything quite like it.

Ain't engineering grand!


Here we see a nest of plague rats in their natural environment.



We will not be bullied.



Y'know who else threw the bubble-wrap away without popping all the bubbles? Hitler.



When driving down the highway in the 50s my dad would give me a pack of cigarettes to toss out to the chain gang. And back then there was nary a white face.

See the whole spectacular gallery: CLICK HERE


That's mostly true. You see, English teachers aren't authors and Science teachers aren't scientists. But more often than not art teachers are also artists. And artists just aren't like other people.

This was one of the very first gifs I ever posted. 
I still smiled at it.


I will do some more research but I think I'm due to change my opinion on the whole uselessness of cursive thing.
That's what people are supposed to do - change their minds when presented with new evidence. No matter how I "feel" about it.

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Nearly 3 million Americans per year contract an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection. Of those, roughly 35,000 dies, and bacteria could become a COVID-19-level threat. And it will happen in a slow march.

My nephew is a professor of pharmacy and he has been warning me about this for decades. It is extraordinarily serious.

And why, when you raise your right hand, does your mirror-self raise its left hand, but it still moves it up rather than down? How does a mirror know the X direction from the Y direction? This classic 2015 episode of Physics Girl explores what's going on, and it's an answer that's stuck with us.




This took me longer than it should have.
The license plates in South Carolina usually have three numbers and three letters. I play a little game with myself that involves making the longest word I can out of the three letters in that order. If it ends in a weird letter like x, q, j, etc, you get to add letters to extend the word.
The above could be SKIMP but better STICKUP because it's longer.

There ought to be a law.


We can't all live in stunningly beautiful places like this.

Many - if not most - Americans drive through blights like these every fucking day.

And you may not have a view that stuns your guests...

But you are in charge of how you appoint your interior space and if you don't have your home appointed with items that mean something to you then you just surround yourself with junk. Choose carefully that which you share your life. 
Have a beautiful shotgun you uncle gave you? Hang it on the wall. Pottery is good. Interesting containers, old books, antiques display well. And, of course, plants.

And money has nothing to do with it.

That is what happens when you don't spend enough money on education.

Here admitting to political corruption...
And the truth...













Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: kill one of the kids.
OK. Expell one of the kids.

Wrekreation said...

Why doesn't anyone pick on Jo Jorgenson

SON of REEP said...

Take 10 apples and make applesauce
You’ll still have one apple left in the basket for Ralphie the kid that takes the little yellow bus to school !

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: give the 11th apple to the 11th child, but leave it in the bowl. All apples are evenly distributed to all the children, but the last child receives his/her apple in the bowl.

Anonymous said...

B12 - Fun fact: Vernon Jones is a Democratic Representative.

Anonymous said...

I remember you saying it was your daughter in an earlier post that screwed up your email address........
Anyway, thanks for a good read today!

Anonymous said...

you find some unusual stuff but B9...beyond the pale!

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