About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 One Of My Very Own





Sadly, Michigan law dictates that the vote of the guy who died after voting doesn’t count.


I couldn't agree more. In old age, we laugh more than in our youth. I'm just thrilled to have made it this far. Honestly.



Not to brag but I'm a tree planting son of a bitch.

At any job, you need to get to know the custodian and the secretary. They can be of much more help than any supervisor.




Mr. Nice Guy Professor



She was told she wouldn't live out of her 20s and she's now 29. Still has a sense of humor.










In all the remote shots of news people in their homes, I have yet to see a TV and I wonder why that is. I think it would be cool for the TV to be on the same channel on which he/she is speaking that very minute.



I put climate change deniers on an equal footing with flat earthers.


There were once two famous actors in a scene that had a fake phone on the table between them. One of the actors had the phone wired to ring on cue. So, here they were in front of an audience and the phone rang and both men just stared at one another. Then the guy who had not wired the phone picked it up, nodded, then handed it to the other guy with, "It's for you."




Chocolate or Real?

Let's play: Spot The Error.

Here's a close-up...


Fuck the funeral industry.

He DOES have little tiny hands...AND feet!
Hear it to music: CLICK HERE





There are twice as many birds as mammals.

(fuck birds)



The idea of harvesting energy from graphene is controversial because it refutes physicist Richard Feynman’s well-known assertion that the thermal motion of atoms, known as Brownian motion, cannot do work. Thibado’s team found that at room temperature the thermal motion of graphene does in fact induce an alternating current (AC) in a circuit, an achievement thought to be impossible.


The Doomsday Clock is at 100 seconds to midnight

"But this year, we move the Clock 20 seconds closer to midnight not just because trends in our major areas of concern—nuclear weapons and climate change—have failed to improve significantly over the last two years. We move the Clock toward midnight because the means by which political leaders had previously managed these potentially civilization-ending dangers are themselves being dismantled or undermined, without a real effort to replace them with new or better management regimes. In effect, the international political infrastructure for controlling existential risk is degrading, leaving the world in a situation of high and rising threat. Global leaders are not responding appropriately to reduce this threat level and counteract the hollowing-out of international political institutions, negotiations, and agreements that aim to contain it. The result is a heightened and growing risk of disaster."


Helios, NASA's solar-powered aircraft flying over Hawaii.

The Helios Prototype was the fourth and final aircraft developed as part of an evolutionary series of solar- and fuel-cell-system-powered unmanned aerial vehicles. AeroVironment, Inc. developed the vehicles under NASA's Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology program.



Teaching Road Safety

Do you think it watched the herder do that?

Microburst in Austria


Notorious RBG 5K in San Francisco


That’s not prayer. That’s a curse.






Your internet girlfriend is getting yelled at by his wife right now.



Do people like that put it on their resume?




Can we assume that people who do shit like that know the beast has recently eaten?

That guy looks terrified.



My turn.
The smartest most beautiful male child the world has ever known.













Anonymous said...

puzzle time. the fewest number of tests to yield a 76.8% pass rate would be 125, where 96 people would have passed. this assumes we are referring to first time pass rate.

Inchworm said...

quiz 384

Anonymous said...

A18: we disagree that there are more than two genders, or that males can menstruate.

How'd I do?

Anonymous said...

For those who want to know the "HOW"

Just keep factoring until denominator is no longer divisible by lowest prime that will go into numerator.

Divide by 2= 384/500
Divide by 2= 192/250
Divide by 2= 96/125

96 is still divisible by 2 but 125 is not. 96 out of 125 pass.

Anonymous said...

can never see your last Grab Bag clip enough!

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