About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


One Of My Very Own.









Now, this is a movie I would watch.






Ha! At first, I thought it was a lollipop stuck to his face.

This is one of the funniest skits I have ever heard.
Need to laugh out loud? I've got you covered:






My wife has taken up a new hobby - reverse dieting.







‘Viking’ was a job description, not a matter of heredity, massive ancient DNA study shows

Viking-style graves excavated on the United Kingdom’s Orkney islands contained individuals with no Scandinavian DNA, whereas some people buried in Scandinavia had Irish and Scottish parents. And several individuals in Norway were buried as Vikings, but their genes identified them as Saami, an Indigenous group genetically closer to East Asians and Siberians than to Europeans. “These identities aren’t genetic or ethnic, they’re social,” Jarman says. “To have a backup for that from DNA is powerful.”


Photoshop before there was Photoshop. A dad did photography as a hobby. He had his own darkroom and would do things like this for the family Christmas photos.




How did that happen?


Sexual violence is rife in India with nearly 110 rapes reported every day but activists say that figure is the tip of the iceberg as most cases go unreported.

Maybe a byproduct of killing off female infants.

Can I assume they also have classes to teach illiterate prisoners how to read?

I think that's a little misleading. If I'm not mistaken, you don't wander around the forest with a high powered weapon looking for the big game. You sit quietly and wait for the big game to come to you often from a blind or a tree stand.

When you’ve got the rhythm in your fists...

You really won't believe his talent: CLICK HERE
Sound on.

What are the fucking chances?
With the right lawyer, she could soon be a very wealthy woman.

Watch carefully!
I would love to read that accident report.



[verification needed]



After you get married there is really only one question you have to answer every night for the rest of your life and that's this: "Did you lock the door?"




Those were very dangerous airplanes...to fly. They would literally drop out of the sky. The US ended up giving all of our 104s to Germany. It was the first aircraft with more thrust than bodyweight - meaning it could go straight up. When the Germans came to our AF base for joint maneuvers we would drive over to the flight line just to watch them take off and immediately shoot straight up and out of sight in seconds.

I have to make some assumptions here. The beads couldn't be spherical or they wouldn't line up with the holes all facing the same direction. Am I right?


Arowana fish jumping out of a tank...

I'm having trouble figuring out how this is an effective survival skill.


If you grew up near here you would tell your bored friends, "Let go stomp on the spillway," and they would all know what you meant.



Pretty considerate train windows - blocking view when going past residential building areas.




This baby gets hearing aids for the first time.



I don't get it. Anybody?






Wise lady. 






Anonymous said...

C2: your assumption is correct. If they have a hole in the ends, the ends have to have a flat spot since a tiny part of the curve is removed.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: I saw squares at first, but then after about 9 seconds of staring at the image I saw the circles (16 of them).

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzle Time: Do You See the Circles?
Yes. Stare at the vertical lines between any two adjacent frames.

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