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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 One Of My Very Own





But who exactly is voting?

Including my newest hero...



This Mercedes-Benz LG-1519 six-wheeler, modified with a special "boomerang" suspension.

With low angles of approach and departure and Engesa's system fitted to the rear wheels, previously impassable obstacles become mere speed bumps.

See this bad boy in action: CLICK HERE

Breathtaking Discovery of Australian Cave Art Shows Nature And Humans in Harmony

Many more pics: CLICK HERE

That drawing style reminds me of this drawing done by one of my 11-year-old 5th graders in 1982.
That's me standing in the middle. I took the class outside to practice foreshortening. 
That kid did very well. Check out his depiction of the kid laying down on the far left.

I've mentioned this before but here it is in action.
It can do that using only a small sample of sweat.

Two years ago, Microsoft sank a data center off the coast of Orkney in a wild experiment.

That data center has now been retrieved from the ocean floor, and Microsoft researchers are assessing how it has performed, and what they can learn from it about energy efficiency.

I'm not sure I understand everything there is to know about that.

This is how they open a 1961 Petrus Pomerol AOC. 

Apparently, so parts of the almost 60-year-old cork don't get into the wine.

During World War II Michelangelo's David was protected in a brick "beehive"


Australian University Develops World's First Bionic Eye To Fully Restore Vision In Blind People

That takes all the fun out of it.

You know the one...

Astronomers Find Monster Black Hole With 6 Galaxies Trapped in Its Gravitational Web

I remember when a company began making stainless steel razor blades that lasted much longer than the old ones. I asked my father why they hadn't done that before and he said, "Why should they? They made more money if they didn't last as long."
That was my first lesson in capitalism.


If illegals are freeloaders, why does ICE always raid workplaces?




See if you can detect his mistake...
Ducks probably.
And motorcycles. Those pathetic assholes.
That reminds me of the time in the military when I volunteered to give blood because we got the afternoon off. A short Asian doctor put the needle in my arm and then left. All my friends finished and were dismissed but I was still laying there. When the doctor returned and saw my collapsed vein he looked at me with arms akimbo and snarled, "Who did this to you?"
I said, "You did."
He snapped, "No, I couldn't have!"
But how in hell can you spell tattoo both correctly and incorrectly in every single sentence?
"Who the fuck is that new guy?"
- Fish probably
My doctor once asked me how much beer I drank. I said, "11." She wrote it in my file then looked up and asked, "How do you know it's 11?" I said, "Cause I buy a 12 pack every day and on the 12th day I don't have to buy one." Then she wrote 'Alcohol Abuse'.


To see this very funny video: CLICK HERE









Fruit and vegetables expire faster when you are the one paying for them.



And one day that will come in handy how?
I would really like to meet the guy who made that sign necessary.
And NASA wonders how humans will have sex in weightlessness.
Okay, he's an idiot but just stands around and films the punturing of a totally uncontrollable or predictable pressurized canister?

Gas Explosion

They had the roads blocked off for leaked gas. Houses were evacuated, one firefighter injured but no serious injuries. House is demolished.

Did you notice the people standing in the street right in the blast zone?

What the fuck did she think was going to happen?
Bless her heart.
Do you think he reinforced that behavior with bread or something?
Okay, the other banana on the ground tells me they rehearsed this. But it was entertaining so let's cut them some slack.




Crystal Mill in Marble, Colorado.

So, how does the power get from the river to the mill? Or am I overlooking something?
I would really like to see that happen one of these days. I read that they may take over for fireworks.

The moon rising over a hill in California that is engulfed in a wildfire.

I've always liked these.
A CEO once talked about his hiring tricks. One was to take the applicant to lunch and watch to see if they salted their food before tasting it. Another was to place a book on the floor directly between the door and his desk. If they stepped over it the applicant would be dismissed immediately. If they picked it up and brought it to the CEO that was also wrong...like he needed attention for the good deed. The correct response was to pick up the book and place it on the table without a lot of fanfare.

In the middle of a pandemic that is to be expected.













Anonymous said...

Puzzle time : either all the men were married, or the boat is a submarine.

Anonymous said...

all the men were married

Suppe said...

His mistake: marriage

Dr. WeTodd said...

C4- https://youtu.be/WLMRYOvWJfo
All absurdities of Alice packed into one podcast.

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