About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


 One Of My Very Own







Here's a portion of the article:
It is the end of one of the most iconic and scientifically productive telescopes in the history of astronomy—and scientists are mourning its loss.
“I don’t know what to say,” says Robert Kerr, a former director of the observatory. “It’s just unbelievable.”
“I am totally devastated,” says Abel Mendéz, an astrobiologist at the University of Puerto Rico in Arecibo who uses the observatory.

Bob Kerr wanted to take my freshman in college to that observatory for the first time but needed my permission because she was underage. I looked at my daughter, asked her if she wanted to go, she nodded, I told him he had my permission.
And I dined with Abel and his family while I was in Porto Rico.
That magnificent radio telescope will be sorely missed.

Weeks ago I mentioned the breakage of an old ashtray that my wife had given to her now dead father. Then I got this in an email:

 "Sorry for your loss. Search this number on eBay 124361305341 It was the closest I found."

We followed his lead and today this identical piece arrived.

I greatly regret that I don't remember the guy's name, but he should know how grateful I am. 
BTW wine...all wines...were fucking with my stomach so I switched back to beer and I have had no more problems. But now I have 5 a day instead of 12 to 18.

Does that embarrass you? And if not, why not?
We - The United States of America - is pitied by the whole world. THAT is Donald Trump's legacy.



I kind of think that way.

Wearing A Mask: A four-part drama

Imagine his last thoughts being what a fool he was.





A visual representation of the Cold War.




That is literally all of their late-night clientele.


A 5yo with COVID







To make a sandwich you need two pieces of bread. Then you get a jar of Duke's Mayonnaise and if you ain't got Duke's you might as well put that bread away.



What do you think this is?

The Gregorian Calendar



Beauty and The Beast




If this isn't the purpose of the internet, 

I dunno what is.



All the injuries Tom has suffered in his life...


I watched the Borat movie.
It had some laugh out loud scenes...
But it did look like Giuliani was tucking in his shirt.

This took me much too long to figure out...




My favorite cheese is cottage cheese because it's the only cheese that is socially acceptable to eat by the bowlful.



Dutch subway train drove through a bumper stop at the end of the line and made a perfect landing on a whale tail art sculpture.

The train was empty and the driver made out it all by himself. 

This just in...

Wellbuilt sculpture that.

This took me several views...

He'll see the light eventually.



In a setting like that, that bright blue billboard bugs the shit out of me.

Have you ever been in this much of a hurry?

Could be that it was a fake crash to get him to stop so they could rob him.


Here's how I thought it would end...

Light Saber factory?

According to the internet, that particular machine seems to malfunction on a daily basis.


What's a Twitch?


The way the horse is looking directly at the camera.


- Baby crying in a movie theater -

Me: What's his name?

Mother: Ethan.

Me: The movie is starting, Ethan.



Jack Nicholson living my dream life...


Norwegian gymnast Sondre Berg


Diver encounters ‘ghostly fish’ that is almost fully transparent...


Making a Heat Sink

No welds that could weaken under high temperatures.

This kid hits the pitched ball AND a foul ball from a neighboring field.

Spends the rest of his life explaining how he got the nickname “Tommy Two Balls.".


Earthquakes are indeed terrifying.

Due to falling debris from buldings, I would think sidewalks would be the last place you would want to be.

Did you notice the dust from collapsed buildings down the street?


The goalie scores magnificently!

And what a wonderful celebration!

Pointer puppies freezing when they see a feather.


Now he's just showing off.



ALWAYS beware of his blind spots...


Let's try that again...



Don't give up on that last one too soon.



No tricks. The cute little bastard is there.


Anonymous said...

that pesky little ghost. I looked at that image close up over and over. then zoomed out, looked away and back at it again and boom there he was, that tricky little guy, with his cute little ghost eyes and tiny little ghost smile.

Ralph Henry said...

Yeah, I had almost given up on it. Thought maybe somebody was fucking with me then there he is. And is the case in such things, once you see it you can't keep your eyes off of it.

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