About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 One Of My Very Own






While I appreciate your attempt to warn us, I fear your use of logic and data will fall on deaf ears.
Our doctors have been warning us for weeks.




My house was built in the 1950s. The homeowner was also the contractor who built it. 70 years and I'm the only other owner.
The doorbell consists of a small turn handle on the outside that is connected to this box. When the handle is turned the box chirps rather loudly. Nobody has ever used this doorbell because I assume, they don't know how to use it. Anyway, the box has a mirror and my wife has deduced that in the 50s housewives wanted to check their hair and makeup before opening the door.

Many years ago my wife and I found a drop-leaf table on the side of the road discarded, I assume, because one of the leaves was broken in half. It perfectly filled a nitch between our kitchen counter and the booth where we eat every meal and the broken leaf could be turned to the wall unseen.
The problem was that it didn't have much storage space. So I decided to move the leaf to the top like a shelf. I measured and discovered that I needed 5-inch spacers to make it the same height as the counters. And in a profound HOLY FUCKING SHIT moment, the broken leaf had EXACTLY 5 inches remaining. You can see it on the backside holding up the shelf made with its sister.
Then I added another shelf between the legs.

Angel Oak
We love our trees down here.

Photo of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

The Philae Lander scraped away a deep gouge in the comet's surface rubble to reveal the ice beneath, gleaming brightly against the dark rock around it. That pristine ice had been concealed for 4.5 billion years since the comet formed in the earliest days of the Solar System.


Or read the whole article: CLICK HERE

It's size compared to Los Angeles...


Our Canine Best Friends Were Surprisingly Diverse Already 11,000 Years Ago

We started dogs on the path of domestication well before 11,000 years ago. By carefully sequencing the DNA of ancient dogs, researchers found that there were already at least five distinct genetic lineages at the end of the last ice age.


Just like meat, it contains all the nutrients humans need for health. The larvae are richer in zinc and iron than lean meat, and their calcium content is as high as that of milk.


I think eating them will come down to taste. I mean, who would ever eat an oyster if they weren't delicious. 

My favorite pose...
It took me over thirty minutes to find that image on Google. Then the very next site I visited - Boing Boing - had it on their front page.

This Seems Like A Good Day To Remind People That "The Hunt For Red October" Is One Of The Greatest Movies Ever Made

And lastly...

I made one of those in 1975. It was in my studio and I played it while thinking about an art problem.
Instead of a ring I used calipers screwed all the way touching.
When others played with me the rules state that you take turns until someone gets a ringer. Then that person got ten more throws and his tally of ringers are marked on the wall only if it beats the last highest tally. It wasn't long before I could get 10 out of 10. But the trick is that my opponent's job was to bring the calipers back to me so I could stand in the exact same spot in the exact same posture as the last winning throw.

I know I'm not the smartest man in the world, but how do you end up with negative deaths. Explain it to me like I'm a child.

We think that life in outer space is nothing but a faraway dream. However, some humans live in outer space thanks to the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS hovers over Earth and gives life support to people who are working in space every day since November 2, 2000. National Geographic details the long history of life and work on the ISS. Check the full piece: CLICK HERE 


The answer: Nobody knows.


The surface of Venus

I looked and looked for a heart of stone and couldn't find one.

I did find a WWI military hat.

What else haven't they told us?

Republicans can't even lie convincingly...
But wait, there's more...


Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.



Those clever limeys.


What the street looks like.

What the street looked like when I drove an Alfa Romeo Spider Convertible.




I cropped that terribly. Sorry.
Let's see if this works...


Damn! That looks like a street model!


A more American picture doesn't exist.

Let's have another look at this cleverness...

This is a normal tattoo.
This is a little odd tattoo.
This tattoo is the result of far too many drugs.

I'm thinking it's a Heinz funded event and those are trash cans.


All things Ralph...



How could their white socks stay so clean knowing they walked around the room for some time?




I remember when you could order a sandwich without first having to find all the traffic lights in the picture.



























I had to do that...once.

















Anonymous said...

puzzle time: B
for each row. the shape goes clockwise each quadrant as you move left to right
color order is purple followed by blue followed by red followed by purple...etc
shape order is triangle followed by circle followed by square followed by triangle etc.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: B
Color. Shape. Rotation.

RON said...

the answer is B


Unbelievably boring today; when are you going to stop the Election coverage?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
Please send me your predictions of the Biden Presidency. I would love to post them in a year to see how you did.
And I will stop election coverage when Trump concedes and the election is formally over. Sorry for your disappointment, but that section is easy to skip over.

Steve said...

A8: I've seen negative daily death counts whenever a country or state modifies the criteria for what counts as a COVID death. They may have started out counting every death that occurred where the patient HAD the virus at death, but then decided to only count those who died directly BECAUSE of the virus. So they end up with too many total deaths after this change and have to reduce a daily count to bring the total into compliance. I've never seen multiple negative daily deaths, just as a one-time adjustment.

Ralph Henry said...

Steve, Thank you very much.
But that covid/not covid call must be very a very delicate balancing act. If I die of a heart attack as my car plunges off a cliff...

Anonymous said...

As for Mike's comment, when will Trump stop tweeting and start working? He only has a short time left and staffers say he is either watching tv or tweeting.
I for one will be over the moon once Biden is in office.

Steve said...

Exactly, Ralph. If you're then tested postmortem and found to have COVID, did the virus cause the heart attack that caused you to go over the cliff? Or was is just a coincidence? It's a very tricky determination. I think a lot of jurisdictions struggle with exactly that.

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