About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 8, 2021

FRIDAY #4398

One Of My Very Own





And....HE'S GONE!

This is what happened when Native Americans tried to protect their water from a pipeline. Remember it today.


Please, please listen to this lady.






No. If we didn't learn how NOT to manage a pandemic this time then we are surely doomed next time.
And think what the Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, or Chinese have learned from our total lack of understanding of the necessity of effective mitigation measures. They can predict precisely how effective a bio-agent would be because as has been demonstrated half of us will continue our lives as if nothing has happened.
Who could have predicted that in the midst of an airborne pandemic that masks would become a political matter?

I've never understood spousal abuse. It is just so counter-intuitive.



It turned out to be much more frightening than that.



Get it?






Speaking of...



Periodically I pronounce the P in raspberry...just because.



Colorado governor pardons "Balloon Boy" parents



"I warned you, Alice."

- Ralph


I ordered a can of this for my latest artwork.
The very next day an ad for it was featured on a site I rarely visit. My question is - if they knew I ready had ordered it the day before, why custom insert an ad of something they knew I already owned?

High winds in an ice storm

Not so unusual in that they shed them every year.

Sort of a post-pandemic back to normal grooming thing.

How very clever.

Oh, holy fuck. That is so very misguided.

 Power lines flashing as blizzard sweeps through Minnesota...



Snipers aren't deadly because they carry the biggest guns; they are deadly because they have weaponized math.




I've spoken before about me being unable to perform boring tasks for very long.

These people have dedicated their lives to saving yours.
And the massive deaths during this scourge is taking an emotional as well as a physical toll on them.

And half of us have made a conscious decision not to lessen their burden.

This takes place in Provo Utah at a public hearing on a mask mandate for schoolchildren back in July. The gentleman with the sign is a high school teacher named Clark Goldsberry. The meeting ends up being canceled due to people not wearing masks.


I have written prior to the strength that diversity brings to our country. We need all the brains we can get.

Natural heart-shaped amethyst found in Uruguay


People who are not paid enough...

It takes a special kind of person to be locked in a tube underwater for months at a time.

And the service person is not the only person affected.

Some people manage to turn their hobbies into money-making enterprises.



New guys should always be given adequate instructions.

The Man Who Designed Over 800 Toys

This is Eddy Goldfarb. You might not have heard about him, but he’s the man behind the invention of the Yakity Yak Teeth, the game KerPlunk, and the bubble gun. Throughout his life, he has created over 800 toys, and today, at the age of 98, he still has more ideas to offer to the world.


As per my previous statement regarding women I suspect you sense how I feel about prostitution.

Dress for the job you want.

I know it's probably not, but acting seems like a lot of fun.
Imagine being in a scene that millions of people will remember for the rest of their lives.

I have predicted that if we ever get universal healthcare then millions of people are going to quit jobs they hate and now only keep for the insurance.

Only in America could so many workers be brainwashed by management into believing that forming a union would be bad for them.

“BLANK-COLLAR WORKERS: Formerly middle-class workers who will never be middle class again and who will never come to terms with that.”






Parenting can be challenging.










Plod said...

a lot of quality today Ralph ... pissed myself :)

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: feed the fire, dont douse it.

Inchworm said...

what am I? Fire

Anonymous said...

C5: the best! Thanks for that and many great moments today. Onward and upward in 2021!
Towanda neighbor

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Fire?
Stephen H.

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