About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 29, 2021

FRIDAY #4419

One Of My Very Own





[verification needed]

Do you guys not have Bootstraps?






So, again, the only value of education is getting a job? How about learning about how to mitigate an airborne pathogen with a mask?

It's all so very arbitrary.
Remember, certain words were declared taboo by people we don't even know. And...AND those words will change from time to time...just because.

Me quoting the bible...imagine that!


Poor? How about stupid(er) People.

Just kidding - that's in America today.



The devil whispered in my ear, "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm."

I whispered in the devil's ear, "I love your eggs."



The Torre Scola Fort, Italy

This would be a perfect place for a performance of "Macbeth".  People could watch it from boats.



The wife and I drove far off the highway to the base of one of those. They are breathtakingly huge.
I can imagine when the concept was first floated that there was someone who pointed out the difficulty of transporting the massive blades. And one young engineer said, "We'll figure it out." And they did.

"Tree of life" - Lake Cakora, Australia.

Looks just like wood burned with an electric current.

Testing of the 25mm GAU 22/A rotary cannon on the F-35A

That access door looks a little flimsy to me.

More films of Mars...


It's Official: NASA Has Given Up on Its Robotic Digger on Mars

It's always a sad day when a mission comes to an end. And it's even sadder when the mission never really got going in the first place. That's where we're at with NASA's InSight lander. The entire mission isn't over, but the so-called Mole, the instrument designed and built by Germany's DLR, has been pronounced dead.



The best-laid plans...


While vacationing in Puerto Rico I saw a whole DOUBLE rainbow.

Private First Class Robert E. Leigh, from Washington DC.

Those are captured German weapons. 
That is the smile of a man who realizes how lucky he is to be alive.

Transfer of Eggs

I've seen something similar before...
That's what every woman would do if she could transfer the baby to her husband.

A pair of ancient remains from Ethiopia changed how we perceived human history. 

The skeletons, named Lucy and Ardi, reveal much about early human evolution. Lucy is the widely-known ancient human ancestor, found in 1974 by anthropologist Donald Johanson and his graduate assistant Tom Gray: When reconstructed, the pieces composed about 40 percent of the skeleton (or 70 percent after lab technicians created mirror image replicas of bones missing on the opposite side) of a petite female with an ape-sized brain who stood just over 1 meter tall.

RH: All the reading I've done and never have I learned that they used mirror replicas.

How clever.

Want to guess what this is?
Why are the fish jumping into its mouth?

World War I

^ A US soldier getting accustomed to his Lewis gun.

^ 1917: Manfred von Richthofen (the Red Baron) and fellow pilots of Jagdstaffel 11.

^ January 1918: A wiring party of the 12th Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment, 31st Division, passing along a communication trench near Roclincourt.

^ 22 February 1918: A mule-drawn column of the Royal Artillery passing through Poperinghe towards the front.

RH: I watched a documentary about the tens of millions of German horses killed in the SECOND World War.

^ 14 June 1918: Royal Engineers making strong points in a reserve line at Basseux. The mono-rail was used for the disposal of excavated soil. Its use prevented the making of tracks that would be seen from the air.

^ September 1916: A hospital nurse, possibly of Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (QAIMNS), in conversation with a wounded British soldier at Dernancourt.

 The million-dollar wound.

^^B 16-21^^

Wait for it...


TV Show Idea: Young women agreeing to meet up with the guys who sent them unsolicited dick pics but when they arrive at the rendezvous site their mothers are waiting on them.



I blame whoever designed those killer shelving.

No regret from Trump and others in his administration for barbaric implementation of policy....with one exception.

In a statement issued on Thursday after the inspector general’s report, Rod J. Rosenstein, the former deputy attorney general involved in the zero-tolerance policy, expressed deep regret about its development and the part he had played.

“Since leaving the department, I have often asked myself what we should have done differently, and no issue has dominated my thinking more than the zero-tolerance immigration policy,” he said. “It was a failed policy that never should have been proposed or implemented. I wish we all had done better.”


What say we give all office-seekers an IQ test?

When I was growing up I broke one of my pedals off leaving only a nub like this.
By contorting my foot I rode it like that for two years. My father was just too fucking lazy to replace it - a five-minute chore at most.

The "I can't breathe with a mask on" crowd...


How the fuck is he going to get home after his shift?




Nightmare Fuel


When you lie on your Boat Captain resumé...


If you are a seagull living in a Walmart parking lot in Wisconsin maybe you need to work on getting your shit together.




The best writers in the business.

I STRONGLY urge you to watch that movie. I laughed out loud many times.

All things...







Remember when Donald wanted this picture removed from the internet?

A simpler time.






Russian girls are easy.









They can't all be gems.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: chickens dont have webbed feet.

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