About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 28, 2021


One Of My Very Own








 Things found in wandering souls: _ _ _ _ _

Premiere arrival: _ _ _ _

They elevate art: _ _ _ _ _ _

Alley _ _ _

Org. with boosters: _ _ _ _ 

Feed lines: _ _ _

Statement of resistance: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Counters: _ _ _ _ _

Ballpark figures: _ _ _ _ 

Ones whistling while working in the Garden: 

_ _ _ _ 

And my favorite...

Calf-eteria: _ _ _



My wife: I need a note so I can get out of having sex with my husband.

Her gynecologist: …



Classic. Meep Meep Guy

That meme icon is recognized on the street by a host of people.




Looks like a Lolitta doesn't she?



The emphasis is needed because of so few women in STEM much less black women.

That will be his prison name.


That smirk.
I'm thinking that guy is probably an extra in a Wild Bill Hickok show.


This day in history. 1634. The Irish House of Commons passed An Act for the Punishment for the Vice of Buggery, prodded so to speak to do so by Anglican bishop John Atherton who was later the first to be hanged for the crime.



Bridger Walker the Hero Boy mauled saving his sister in dog attack recovery is amazing.


"Taking this photo was quite the workout haha. Setting up the intervalometer, running around the bank of the lake, standing in, and running back. I had to change the frame a few times so I was sweating by the end However the moment I came up to this clearing I knew I had to take this photo. The reflection, the mountains, the colors, even the haze. Everything was working."

Did you notice him standing on the far bank?


The most predictable video on the internet...


That thing moves with remarkable human-like gestures.

Very subtle differences.

Notice how he always steadies his brush hand.
One way is to use the mahlstick.
It allows him to steady the brush without touching wet paint.
Under other circumstances, you can use your pinkie.
I ALWAYS steady with my pinkie.
To prove the importance, try to write a sentence without touching the paper.

As a muralist, I have many forebearers.

The oldest-known animal drawing in the world is a 45,500-year-old depiction of a hairy, warty pig on a cave wall in Indonesia.


This is not one of mine but I like it...

How many times do you think he had to try that before he got it right?


We all regret the destruction of the old-growth forests while at the same time treasuring our mahogany furniture.



I know “hate” is a strong word but there’s really no other way to describe my feelings for people getting cars for Christmas in TV commercials.

Could the cave drawing be tutorials on how to hunt?




I read that ire the Civil War there wasn't funding for live-fire target practice. They would practice loading over and over but not actually discharge the weapon. For that reason, many rifles were found on the battlefields with multiple loads down the barrel none of which had been discharged.

"Stopping biodiversity loss is nowhere close to the top of any country's priorities, trailing far behind other concerns such as employment, healthcare, economic growth, or currency stability."

"Humanity is running an ecological Ponzi scheme in which society robs nature and future generations to pay for boosting incomes in the short term. Even the World Economic Forum, which is captive of dangerous greenwashing propaganda, now recognizes biodiversity loss as one of the top threats to the global economy."


Trickle Down was the cruelest hoax ever perpetrated on the middle class.

Lenora, the Queen of Trolls. 


Fort Bourtange in the Netherlands



Dogs were laden with explosives and trained to seek out the smell of diesel fuel which German tanks dipped constantly.
Unfortunately, the dogs could not distinguish between German diesel and American diesel.


Which end of the boat are you sitting on?
The bailing end? Tell me what you did today to make things better.

I will never forget the day a dear friend of mine told me he and his boyfriend were going to get married. I knew it was going to end badly yet I said nothing.

A year later I gave him a pillow, blankets, a heater, and money when he moved out to start.



As long as my children are happy I don't give a shit what they do or who they love as long as it doesn't hurt anybody.

Someone included this overlay to show travel distances.
But the vast majority of us drive less than 50 miles a day.

There is a serious amount of energy to be harvested courtesy of our moon. The prototype of a hydraulic turbine to be installed on the seafloor to capture current energy. The future is renewable.



My wife has an unwritten rule: she never writes down any rules.




A Brazilian church does (tries to do) a Madame Tussauds.



Another meme that references the Great Oxygenation Event.




He looks tired of their shit already.


Whatever, Fleshlight that cries.




 Things found in wandering souls: AEIOU

Premiere arrival: LIMO

They elevate art: EASELS

Alley OOP

Org. with boosters: NASA

Feed lines: CUE

Statement of resistance: OHMSLAW

Counters: ABACI

Ballpark figures: UMPS

Ones whistling while working in the Garden: REFS

Calf-eteria: LEA







I, too, stare at my mistakes like he stared at that wine bottle.




I found nothing.



Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: Huge Spider. Dead center.

Ralph Henry said...

I have an idea and want to know how you feel about it.
There were many people who solved today's puzzle and instead of posting all of them I posted only the first one, thus saving me about twenty minutes. We can now consider it a race to be first with the correct answer. If that disappoints you please let me know.

Anonymous said...

I am all for you saving time. The main drawback to a race is that because your blog is global, some have a time advantage over everyone else simply because of where they live.

Ralph Henry said...

Granted. But what accomplishment is it to see your correct answer third or thirtieth on the list?
To be honest not all of them have dozens of entries. I will do what I can.

Robin said...

I'd go with putting out one clear answer, and a repeated 'Congrats all who got it' message. It's a fun way to pass the time and not a competition.

Thanks for your blog, it's a part of my daily routine to view and share it, and you never fail to have something to amuse and something really cool to look into . Often some great art to look as as well.

Cheers Ralph. Stay safe and keep blogging :)

Burgervan said...

A10: Now She'll be wearing BOTH Shirts!!! :( lol

Anonymous said...

B2: first thing I noticed was the guy in the photo.

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