About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 30, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






Take a break and listen to this most beautiful lilt.



John F. Kennedy with a young Nancy Pelosi. 

Yeah, I know what you are thinking 'cause it's just what I'm thinking.


I have no problem with people trying to maximize their profits...unless of course your daddy tells the whole world he wants to bring businesses back to America. But of course, you know all of his memorabilia is also made in China...hats, flags, ties, etc, ad nauseam.


That was the only clue I had for what's this is about.

And it took me much too long to get the gag.

I predict that is a record that will soon be broken.



Maybe it was ANTIFA.

David Michael Bautista Jr. is an American actor, retired professional wrestler, former mixed martial artist, and bodybuilder.


National Guardsmen taking a picture with Rosa Park's statue in the Capitol Rotunda.

Hallowed Ground

There is not a conspiracy to deceive. They are doing the best they can with scant evidence.


That's amazing!


Seriously, think how vulnerable women are. Men only have to worry about getting mugged. 

Patrons in a bar in Tampa Bay celebrating the Buccaneers' recent win over the Green Bay Packers.   I can count 3 masks (plus two used as chin supports) among the 30+ faces visible.  This is in a city that recently had a 20% coronavirus positivity rate among residents.

In 20 years their children will be researching the Pandemic of 2020 for a high school paper and they will ask questions about their parents' behavior and the one thing the parents can not say is that they didn't know how mitigation works. WE ALL know everything there is to know about the importance of masks, social distancing, and washing hands.

How exactly do you explain behavior as illustrated in the photo? Stupidity? Misguided defiance? Death wish? Bravado? All of the above?



I was riding high today until I realized I had actually invested all my money in GameStop Total Landscaping.

My wife.


1938 Modified Motorcycle

This is a repost but I have never gotten an answer to my original question - how do you steer it?

Before and after...

1929 Cord l-29 Cabriolet

I once bought a 1948 GMC pickup out of a barn that had never been driven out of that county. It cost me $500 and five years later I sold it for $500.

I regret having to do that to this day.


I once had a weekend bartender who worked at the zoo during the week. Whenever they sedated an animal they took all kinds of prints - not to sell but to give to friends. I got a print of the end of an elephant's trunk. Looked sort of heart-shaped.

As I understand it, birds can sleep while perched on a limb and not fall off because they have tendons running behind their "knees" that tighten when they relax.


It knows to start mobility as soon as it is born. Why don't humans?

Malcolm McDowell testing different hats for A Clockwork Orange

Bottom left. And I can imagine no other.

Muhammad Ali of pigeons


Dying is so very easy.

Want to guess what these people are doing?


I now think those are dummies.
Fun stuff that.


For when you want your steak NOW!

Look what my Most Trusted Advisor sent me...

It's a Yeti mug!!!

Look at this jumbotron... put outside of the United States Senate for the next eight days



I kept saying “Alexa” repeatedly for 5 minutes and when she finally walked away Alexa asked if I could put her in a dark room with a bottle of wine.



In memory of this classic...
My most trusted advisor is an astrophysicist but now that she builds satellites she prefers to be called an engineer.



Tommy, meet the constitution. 
Constitution, Tommy.


Truer words have never been stated.






Beware the T-bar


They forgot anti-vaxxers.


Man With Foot on Tire
How high will he fly?

A. 1'

B. About 3'

C. 10'

D. 100'








B. About 3'


People say I look amazing at my age. I just follow a simple routine of adding 20 years when I tell them how old I am.











Burgervan said...

In regard to OOMVO on this page, Umpteen "Americanisms" Baffle us Brits. You lot have a Much bigger population and an IMMENSE defense budget so I think it really should be MATH instead of MATHS and the BACK STRAIGHT AWAY instead of the BACK STRAIGHT, Also ALUMINUM instead of ALUMINIUM. I prefer MATTERMATHICS, AL-IN-MUSEUM and UP YOUR BACK PASSAGE STRIAGHT AWAY (On wedding night) but I don't make the rules! Society is full of Cut up Stunts! hahahah * Stuck up C*nts* :)

Suppe said...

Puzzle time:
40 on steak, 20 on salad, 7 on plates and 3 for ice cream. No beer, though, which is a pity.

We humans are born "too early" afaik. This is because our brain is too big. The time of our birth is a "compromise" between growing further inside the uterus, which would be beneficial for the fetus, and a higher letality rate among the mothers due to more complications during the birth.

And finally with regard to the anthems in Europe:
The German anthem starts with "Einigkeit" meaning unity.

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