One Of My Very Own

What the toilet sees while you scroll Folio Olio...
At first glance I saw this much differently.
That's all I saw when I looked at this...
Yeah, I missed this one also...
"I ain't wearin' no mask. It ain't necessary."
So, you looked at the same data and came up with an opposite conclusion as every government on Earth; 99% of the doctors; every military on the planet; every major league sports league; every university....etc. I need you to walk me through your reasoning...and talk slowly and use little words cause I'm not as smart as you.
Sometimes the same gag makes me smile months after initial exposure.
If anyone is alone during the holidays with no friends or family to spend it with, please let me know...I need to borrow some chairs.
"Get a mall security robot to keep everyone safe," they said.
Speaking of robots...
How could anyone stay on that elevator?
People like these are why we're still in lockdown.
This is not rocket science, people. We are collectively embarrassing ourselves on the world stage. And I still have people arguing with me that we don't need more people with college degrees.
^Original Factory
^Disguised Factory
Abandoned 400-year-old estate in Italy that was home to the youngest sister of Napoleon Bonaparte
That's older than my whole country.
That's me striking ANY little chore off my to-do list.

Here's an article on the highway I've mentioned several times.
US Route 50, dubbed the loneliest road in America:
Highway 50, through Northern Nevada, was named the loneliest road in America by Life Magazine. Since then, it has become an unofficial tourist attraction in the state and a fun road trip if you are looking to experience Nevada's raw beauty. This drive follows the old Pony Express route and the Lincoln Highway as it traverses across the state. My dad and I set out to drive the route over 3 days, and here is our road trip that includes ghost towns, rail yards, ancient trees, and haunted hotels.
Well, he solved the spare tire problem.
Fucking fools. Is that what cleansing the gene pool looks like?
Flat Earthers have the same level of critical thinking skills as Vaxxers, Fake Moon Landers, 5G conspiracists, anti-maskers, pandemic hoaxers, and election fraud enthusiasts.
I would like to remind you that the guy who hit Reginald Denny in the head with a brick during the LA Riots as seen on live TV was found not guilty FOR PLEADING THE EXACT SAME THING!
The first person to ever fall asleep was probably like "Aw fuck I'm dying" but then woke up hours later and was like "Aw yeah that was wonderful."
Belgian police are looking for this man
He is wanted for assault and battery of a child. He kicked a 5 y/o girl to the ground while cycling because she didn't get out of the way quick enough.
And remember, he did that KNOWING he was being filmed.
That happens more often than we know.
I would be the guy pointing his finger.
I'm thinking the bricks were laid by some sort of automatic device and the arrangers onboard that device make mistakes that had to be corrected.
And he wasn't even charged with a crime.
That Sissyman dropped his groceries.
Cam Newton reacting to some bullshit.
I could be wrong but from what I've seen people whose life is a wreck made some awful decisions in their life.
A teacher forcing a smile before class.
I was never nicer to my students than when I had an awful hangover. I never want them to pay the price for my transgressions.
You need to hear this guy make this work:
I'll just leave this here.
Who knew that the most taxing part of being an adult would be trying to figure out what the fuck to have for dinner every goddamn night until you die?
That thing is worth thousands of dollars.
Not only are the lions becoming inured to humans but the humans are becoming inured to lions.
Backdrafts are terrifying
The tallest thing around.
When an adult Gorilla drums their chest, it's usually posturing and perceived as an aggressive move, but babies are allowed to practice.

Talk about a gif that ended too soon!
But now I'm thinking it was already dead.
Using artificial insemination, wouldn't you think they would do that at every opportunity.
They seem to have three speeds:
Walk real, real slow
And stampede.
I find this jaw-dropping wonderous.
Jupiter and its moons
And Walmart's employees are eligible for food stamps.
Big brothers be like that.
It's interesting that sex and violence look so similar.
Puzzle time: The meeting consist of an immediate family unit of four.
Assume one of the parents has a married sibling with at least one child.
For example: the father is Uncle to his sister-in-law's children.
Too long to type out, but that is how you get to the answer.
Puzzle Time:
Alabama Intensifies!
A brother and sister, with one having a son, and the other having a daughter.
This creates a father, mother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, and cousins.
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