About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

SUNDAY #4400

 One Of My Very Own






After Puzzle Time








Remember that reference?



Don't be stupid on purpose.

I could never spend hours and hours on something that produces nothing. In all these months you could have learned just about any hobby skill. I'm thinking of knitting.

The military needs a constant trickle of new people to replace the ones they break.






All language travels at the speed of sound except sign language which travels at the speed of light.



If, when this is over, millions of people don't take to the streets in protest of this blot on democracy then I will be very disappointed.

MRI scan of a person watching a ping pong match.

I called bullshit considering the MRI could not be moved tableside. 
Then I realized that the game could have been on TV or even on his phone.

Reminded me of this...

Math Scale

Ideal for those visual learners.


This is a great gif.
The guy finds an old buried ammo box.
I have dozens of them I bought at state salvage for $2 each.
Anyway here's the link.

Here’s how precise modern agriculture sprayers are.


A very cool illustration.

That took me a moment then I remembered this...
To find that image all I had to do was type this into Google...

Target has decided if we’re gonna suffer a pandemic, we might as well look like we just lost the farm after locusts ate our crops.


Not a photo, but a painting. It was painted over the span of 2 years by mostly unknown artist Oliver Dúpire.

 He died due to COVID-19 2 weeks ago.

[verification needed]


South Korea has self-cleaning roads


Appian Way that passed from Rome to Capua.

One of the oldest paved roads in the world, 2nd century BC. A vital artery for the Legions of the Republic and Empire.

Here's how:


Reminds me of the Pillars of Creation...


I'm thinking the little tree grew out of an eagle's nest.


I think the original glazed donuts are better than all this shit.


I've eaten thousands of them. Just butter the bread then sprinkle on cinnamon and sugar. Cook flat.


English can be weird, but it can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.



"Dirt his hands"?


What did you do today?

I think it's Paulsen. I had to look it up.
It's Meat Loaf's character in Fight Club.
And who can forget this scene?
He wore false breasts complete with nipples.

I haven't the foggiest.

Yeah, that's cute unless you are holding a baby or your Grandma's antique vase. A dog CAN NOT be allowed to do that without being invited.


Here's how to manage dogs...

Such bullshit. It's just a baby - not the next King of the realm.

They seem to expend a lot of energy for half a fish.

Think that's weird - check out the ages...

Haven't posted any of these in a long while.

I once saw a cartoon of a couple on a balcony in the mountains with an awesome view and they were watching TV. That image reminds me of it.













NOTE: I know I told you that I would limit my political posts but circumstances have changed and I feel that I must let my feelings be known...my silence could be read as approval and I most strenuously DO NOT approve of cultists trashing our very capital.
These cultist rioters have embarrassed us in front of our allies and delighted our enemies. It brought tears to this old man's eyes.

I present these observations and opinions in no particular order.

And they are being ratted out across American...

That didn't age well.


"Political Stand."


Having given it way too much thought, the woman who got shot wins the MAGA off, imo (sic). Mainly because her death directly parallels the decisions we face today in our nation.

She (and everyone who enabled her) crossed every barrier laid out to impede them. They knew they were breaking the law, but laws only hold weight when they're enforced. So for each barrier they crossed, each person who stepped aside and allowed them to continue, they became more emboldened. Maybe those who enabled the mob didn't see it as much of a threat. Maybe they secretly agreed with them, or maybe they got some personal gain from letting them continue. Regardless of why, she and the mob were as surprised as the rest of us to find themselves wandering the seat of our nation's power, almost entirely unopposed.

Then they came across yet another barricade. Behind that barricade was a secret service agent, weapon drawn in an Alamo position, presumably tasked with protecting the leaders within the building - almost the entire line of succession to our republic. He, like all the others before him, was ordering them not to cross the barricade. It's difficult to imagine a more clear and present danger to find yourself in as an American citizen - staring down the barrel of a secret service agent while trespassing in the Capitol. (It has been pointed out that it was a plain-clothed Capitol Police officer, ostensibly acting in the same role as a secret service agent but for the Legislators. Original left for clarity). Surely she, a 14 year veteran of the Air Force can be expected to know the danger she was in. But the frenzy, the empowerment, and the reinforcement they got by crossing all of the lines behind them led her to believe that even this was a line she could cross. It wasn't until she was shot that anyone else in the mob even stopped to consider the danger they were in.

Had she not been killed, they would have continued to do whatever they could get away with.

If that isn't the personification of Trump and the MAGA cult, I don't know what is.

Edit: I wanted to add some additional context since this blew up, in case my attempt at being brief muddied the point I was hoping to make:

Never before in our history has a President been so emboldened to circumvent the law in such a brazen manner. The events of this week are not simply the delusions of a senile old man. For the past 5 years, and likely much of his life, Trump has gotten away with doing whatever suits his fancy. Our nation and its leadership have enabled him throughout his tenure, whether by blind loyalty or for personal gain. He has been let off from an impeachment, with no lasting consequence. Didn't even have to testify. He has been allowed to lie to the American people, again and again from the highest office in the land, but that barrier carried no weight either. He suppressed the vote, tampered with the postal service, used the office for personal and professional gain, and destroyed the citizenry's faith in our electoral system. So far, all barriers crossed with little to no resistance. We cannot expect Trump to simply stop pulling the levers of power of his own volition. Even when he eventually moves on, the blueprint for his scheme is publicly available, and someone else will fill the power vacuum. Likely, someone with more subtlety, and common sense. Someone much more difficult to oppose, or indict.

A bigger threat to our democracy we haven't seen since the civil war. But, pretending this issue just goes away with Trump... to treat his agenda, his methods as an outlier now that they've seen popular support is foolishness. If we as a nation don't establish his treason, sedition, and attempted coup d'etat as the barricade that can never be crossed, if he and his enablers escape this mess without repercussion, we have only ourselves to blame when he or the next demagogue like him crosses that line.

And, watching the rioters being escorted peacefully down the steps of our Capitol, I fear we'll make the same mistake.


Inchworm said...

Puzzle: J is what it looks like from above.

Scott James said...

But J is not the only answer. You have to imagine what it looks like from all 6 sides.

Anonymous said...

I vote that you learn knitting, too. What a wonderful project to undertake.

Ralph Henry said...

I would love to but right now I'm making art every day plus I have dozens of home improvement projects.

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