One Of My Very Own
Spices were first brought to Europe in the Middle Ages, and some of them are still at the back of my wife's cupboard.
In 1809, Louis Braille, the inventor of a reading and writing system for the blind, was born in France. Losing his sight at an early age, the precocious boy perfected his system of dots by the time he was 15-years-old. Now known as Braille.
This photo of Jupiter was taken by NASA's Juno probe.
ADM and InnovaFeed plan to grow and harvest billions of an extraordinary insect called black soldier fly, whose larvae consume prodigious quantities of organic material and convert it into a nutrient-rich protein that can then be sold as animal feed. ADM and InnovaFeed aim to produce up to 60,000 metric tons of animal feed protein per year, plus 20,000 metric tons of oils for poultry and swine rations and 400,000 tons of fertilizer.
Black soldier fly larvae will eat just about anything — including non-compostable food waste bound for landfills — and produce hundreds of times more protein per acre than traditional animal feed sources. The new plant will give ADM and InnovaFeed a foothold in the burgeoning market for sustainably sourced food at a time when consumers’ environmental awareness is growing.
The red area -- Brazil -- has an annual homicide rate of 59,080. The blue area -- including the USA, Canada, Europe, North Africa, Russia, China, Indonesia, Australia -- has an annual homicide rate of 59,012. Brazil has more murders each year than all of those other countries combined. So let me reiterate my point from the post title: holy crap.
Ditch-forming trapezoidal bucket attachment
Just a few inches of lead can shield detectors from all kinds of rogue radiation, and one of the best ways to block sneaky, unwanted particles is to surround them with the lead that itself is barely radioactive. The best source of such lead just so happens to be sunken ships, some of which have been corpses near coastal waters for as long as two millennia.
The way this ice has formed looks like a tiny forest.
And remember there was much less travel during this latest period.
It would be prudent for future generations to deal with the next pandemic by doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what we did this time.
I’ve failed the “I am not a robot” captchas so often the robots have started including me in their World Domination chat rooms and bake sales.
Wood Stack Art
Most cities plant only male trees because it’s expensive to clear up the fruit that falls from female trees. Male trees release pollen, and that’s one of the reasons your hay fever is getting worse.
The gasbags inside hydrogen airships of the 1930s were made from the outer layer of a cow’s intestines.
Joined together when wet, the living tissues grow together, creating an impermeable bond. The gasbags of the Graf Zeppelin were made from the guts of around half a million cows.

Bush Shaving
DENTIST: Have you been flossing?
ME: Have you been flossing?
DENTIST: *sweating* This isn’t about me.
A social distancing mask
Car safety laws in the US make it more expensive to have three children
Women in states with mandated car seats are 0.7% less likely to have a third child. The safety measures may have saved 57 car crash fatalities each year, but caused 145,000 fewer births since 1980.
78-year-old pharmacist Bill Pagel collects Bob Dylan's memorabilia. He owns 15,000 photos, 4,000 posters, and two houses that Bob Dylan lived in as a child.
"When the Police finally arrived they refused to remove them from the private property. If the police and the state government are refusing to deal with them what are the alternatives to dealing with these terrorists besides violence?"
Excuse me, where do you keep the Twisted Tea?

crossword puzzle:
1. Wow
4. Iris
6. Gent
7. Sky
1. Wig
2. Ores
3. Wink
5. Sty
W O W -
- S K Y
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