About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

SUNDAY #4421

 One Of My Very Own


Keyspoons is my latest series of art installations. I might be safely social distancing but I can still skulk about and install them from the safety of my truck. I have dozens ready to go and all of the spoons were gifts from neighbors for which I am very grateful. I will update you on any developments. 







A rock collector found these all at the beach over the course of several years (unaltered from their natural state).

I would like for those to be turned into a font.

Visualizing a Googol

A Googol = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


The ad board makes it look like the player is sliding on the floor.



Some people take their tattoos much more seriously.

The art of respect. The original tattooing family of Samoa from Safotu Savaii.


War indeed.



Parents, make your children study or they will end up on Twitter trying to sell you something.



Tongue Ticklers Parasites


I think that is the fish's meal that survived.

He masters that skill just to please its owner.



Here's a comparison to illustrate the size of the great red spot is in Jupiter


Wild Boars don't give a shit.
And they breed like wildfire.
Many attempts have been made to thin their numbers but as of now, they are overrunning the South.

Scroll Slowly...
Ain't nature grand.


Stop saying “You can’t make this stuff up“. You can make anything up. Watch this: a breakdancing beaver wearing a top hat. A peanut butter and thumbtack sandwich. A baby doing calculus. It’s easy.




Some people's fun threshold is much lower than others...

Thrilled that he survived?

Caution to the wind...

Dancing is fun.

She reminded me of Angela Merkel...


I learned something today.
And now I know where he got his moves.

I bet that is very little friction.

I've always advocated making up your own traditions, but...

I find it fun to seek out the absurdity.

I would do it just to be able to say I had.

Watch your follow through...

Neighborhood get-togethers are fun...I guess.

On the internet, lots of people spend their time amusing others.
I am such a person.

Remember this classic lady?
Here's a variant.

I think this was staged.
Why else would the customer throw whatever it was across the counter?

This is a masterpiece that I know you will enjoy.


Me: I'm sorry I overcooked your steak.

Wife: Well at least you have a huge penis.




Of course not. Teachers need a raise.


I can't figure out if this insane shit is PROOF that Americans are stupid or if this insane shit MAKES Americans stupid.

Need an example?

[verification needed]

Why is it so hard for so many people to believe that a man who has never polled over 50% losing an election?












SanDra said...

Puzzle Time:
20 plus the one in the Question itself :)

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: I see 20 "4"s.

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

Puzzletime: 20 - 4s

Dr. WeTodd said...

Twenty 4s if you include the one in the question

Kranky Old Guy said...

Wealth Disparity:
So tell me; how will a $15.00 minimum wage increase demand for unskilled labor??

Burgervan said...

A2 Check out "GOOGOLPLEXIANTH"! :)

Ralph Henry said...

Dear KOG, I just think that anyone working 40 hours a week deserves a life of dignity and shouldn't be condemned to poverty for the rest of their lives. And remember it was these "Essential Workers" who kept us alive during the pandemic.

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