About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 One Of My Very Own





At last a return to normalcy.




Because they don't want them to last very long, thus you have to buy more.

I wanted to remind you that this exists.

And its mate thinks she's beautiful.






I like that I understand that.



I've decided to challenge my blog host's anti-nipple policy.
But no today...



Can't do this with store-bought eggs

Anybody understand that?


Donald keeps saying "It's all over the internet." Yeah, well so are Melania tits but that doesn't mean they're real.




Speaking of...



That's probably only slightly funny once.


Dan Ackroyd has been married to Donna Dixon since 1983.

My wife met him in NYC and said he was a very nice man.



I say any American cited for not wearing a mask should be last to receive treatment.

Language changes with usage - not dictate.

Kansas City residents blockade courthouse to prevent evictions proceeding

Now THAT'S how to protest!


"Put me in the game, coach."

"Not a candidate for treatment."

Coming to a hospital near you.

That is what you get when you have for-profit hospitals.

Not only do we have for-profit hospitals but for-profit insurance companies. Corporations have one job and only one job only and that is to maximize stockholders' profit. Most of each healthcare dollar does not go to healthcare but rather the profits of the doctors, the hospitals, and the insurance companies.
That system is the worst of all options.


About halfway through my wife’s lecture on how dangerous cutting my own hair was I chopped off my own ears. I’ll never hear the end of it now.



That fucker didn't even get wet!




This porch pirate is caught then gets stuck as he flees.
Then the cops arrive...

This porch pirate boards and captures a merchant's vessel.


That person is absolutely certain that he is in the presence of something holy...just like you when you stare at a crucifix.

Fake firework prank


Besides the wheelchair, do you see anything odd?
The balls are pool balls!

Multiple lawsuits ensue.
Remember, the bigger the dog the greater control required.
But why didn't he just jump in the open door of the car?

What we don't know is that it has been fed the same way since birth and knows the drill precisely.










Reminds me of my honeymoon.



Anonymous said...

Dogs are jerks.

Ralph Henry said...

Well, folks, we've found the guy who never had a dog.

Steve said...

deer is to cervine

Anonymous said...

B11 a preacher was trying to do that gender equality thing said "Awomen" It doesn't mean "a man" it is uttered at the end of a prayer or hymn, meaning ‘so be it.’. That preacher was and is a moron.

Burgervan said...

C3: That went down WELL! Bdm tish!!!

Burgervan said...

Deer is to Dopamine! hahahahah :joy:

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