About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 One Of My Very Own





I have printed dozens of those signs on card stock and had planned to tape them on my vehicle and drive around town gleefully today. Following the advice of two police officers, I have abandoned those plans for fear of violence to my person. Now I just staple them to every pole I come across.




If I have learned one thing it is "One mismeasure means you have to start all over."


Get it?
Here's a hint...


Old habits are hard to break...
I once deduced that I carried my eys and money clip in the wrong pockets. Keys in my left pocket even though I immediately switch them to my right hand to use. Money clip in the right pocket even though it was immediately transferred to the left hand to use.
So, I decided to switch the keys to the right and the money clip to the left pockets. Weeks went by before I gave it up as hopeless.

Do you think anyone chose one of the plates from the grail assortment table?
If so I bet the old knight would drop to the floor guffawing.




Happy Birthday to actor and filmmaker Robert Duvall who turns 90. Born in San Diego, the star of stage and screen has been nominated for seven Academy Awards and won for his 1983 performance in Tender Mercies.

RH: I love the guy but it seems he always plays Robert Duvall like John Wayne always played John Wayne and Robert Mitchum play Robert Mitchum.
Same character whether he was a modern copy, a cowboy, or an astronaut.



Modern-day theft prevention



[verification needed]


This was presented as a polite way to handle regional differences:

Years ago a new guy from New Jersey showed up at my bar. After three times of him saying, "Well, in New Jersey we do it (this or that way)."

I looked over at him and said, "You can't imagine the intensity of the fuck we don't give for how they do it in New Jersey."

He left and never came back.




To mark the 75th anniversary of HG Wells's death, the UK's Royal Mint issued a £2 coin featuring one of the iconic Martian machines from the 1898 novel The War of the Worlds.

In the story, Wells described the fighting machine as a "monstrous tripod, higher than many houses." Unfortunately, the machine on the coin has, um, four legs.

Also, the illustration of the Invisible Man features a top hat even though the book states he wore a wide-brimmed hat.

That will only work if the paint is not too wet or has dried too long.


A sibling halving a sandwich
My rule was that one sibling halved and the other got the first choice of halves.

Leeeeeroooooooyy Jennnnnnnkkkiiiinnnnnnnnssssss!!!!!

That's why you check your rearview mirror when stopped in traffic.

NOTE: I am not advocating violence in any way.


You really need to listen to this guy's warning.




Check out her shirt.

What a great nature lesson for a child.

This is a wonderful PhotoShop clip.


Lack of understanding.


Drinking Dragon Rock of the Isle of Man


1979: 100,000 Iranian women March against the hijab law, Tehran.


Hellmouth Fireplace at the Villa Della Torre Allegrini, Fumane, Italy. 





Remember that house that I wondered if it was covered in moss or grass?
Maybe it's covered in that kind of grass.


Interspecies friendship



What kind of person would just stand there?




I'm going to call that a duck. So, now a duck can not only swim, walk, dive, and fly - IT CAN RUN ON WATER.

"Blitzkrieg" explained for the US army using 2D animation in 1943. Aka the "ortie" cell tactic

If you are a military buff like I am, you will find this as fascinating as I did.

Tunnel of Light, Arizona.


Let's watch this again...












Scott James said...

Puzzle time:
Curse, spruce
Tulip, pulpit
Ocean, capone
Argue, prague

Anonymous said...


a) Curse and Spruce

b) Tulip and Pulpit

c) Ocean and Capone

d) Argue and Prague


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