About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 One Of My Very Own







This too shall pass, Gentle Reader. 
Stay strong and stay safe.

Nevytske Castle is a semi-ruined castle in Zakarpattia province, Ukraine. It is now being restored.

It is located 12 kilometers north of Uzhhorod near villages Nevytske and Kamianytsia, Uzhhorod district. The castle is located in woods on the side of a hill of volcanic origin which gives it a good opportunity to control the Transcarpathian route over the Uzhok pass (Bieszczady Mountains). 

And it seems true to this visual recreation...

I didn't know there was a Banned Toy Museum. 
I bet it's a hoot.
I'm thinking Lawn Darts has a wing to itself.

13th-century numeral system

A single icon can represent any number up to 9999 and it's not hard to decipher.  It was developed by Cistercian monks and was "used for years, divisions of texts, the numbering of notes and other lists, indexes and concordances, arguments in Easter tables, and even for musical notation."

This system is explained - somewhat slowly - in a Numberphile video.


"Sent by God"? What an asshole. He's like the kid ripping wings off of a fly.


Thanks, Donald.

As a gambler, my bet is that with those odds then alien life MUST exist. But to detect it so many things have to go right. For instance, we humans now send out radio signals, but only 50,000 years ago we didn't and 50,000 years in the future we may have committed collective suicide. Therefore, we could only be looking for a 100,000-year window that "intelligence" survives. And on a cosmic scale that 100,000-year window is a blink of an eye.


"Nazis are bad." - "You're a Socialist!"
"Healthcare for all is needed." 
- "You're a Socialist!"
"There is too much wealth disparity." 
- "You're a Socialist!"
"College should be affordable." 
- "You're a Socialist!"
"Racism is evil." - "You're a Socialist!"
"The homeless should be sheltered." 
- "You're a Socialist!"
"Women should have every right of men." 
- "You're a Socialist!"
As an independent, the difference between me and you is that I would be equally harsh on Joe Biden if he pulled some similar domestic terror shit.

The only word I can think of to describe it is "hysterical."

So all personal growth should be based solely on the amount of money you can make?

What would life be like without artists, poets, philosophers, musicians, etc? Those are the stuff from which culture is constructed. 

I AM NOT saying that earning money is nonessential, but I am saying that culture needs thinkers as much as workers.


And in other silliness...


I can't wait for them to legalize outside.



He had the "write" idea.

When I was still writing I would often drive to a place that was similar to a setting in my book - forest, riverbank, Walmart parking lot, etc. Being there helped me include not only the sights but also the sounds and smells.


Oh, the most glorious memories.

And we expect blacks to "just get over it"?

Transitioning from 2020 to 2021...


And we never even thanked him.

I read in another account that it was "scraped" in the hide. 
I don't understand all there is about the difference.


Does anyone wanna tell him?


A dear friend of mine was a Marine during Vietnam. He seldom talked about any of it but after years of our friendship he told me about the day is outpost was overrun and he was shot to shit. With his last ounce of strength, he manages to crawl under two Gooks he had just killed and was thus saved from the executioners we were killing any and all American survivors. That night he managed to crawl into the jungle and hid until Americans retook the hill.
And after telling me that he never spoke of it again.

I'm thinking it's empty containers.

Too soon?

Richlands man pleads guilty to making an explosive device.

His guilt was written all over his face. 


A diehard Republican speaks:

Same for Qanon conspiracy theorists.

A street vendor making pancakes

I think he's done that before.

Don't give up on this too soon...


Sometimes when cartoons are playing other cartoons’ skeletons like a xylophone, the same rib makes two different sounds.

( The cartoonist must have met my wife.)



29 Holes in Mars


All things Ralph...

I think the first photo is suffering from perspective distortion.

Scientists have found intact brain cells in the 2000 years old corpse of a 20-year-old man who died in Pompeii in 79 A.C. The intense heat transformed the brain into some kind of obsidian that preserved the neurons.


The tiny people artist is getting a little morbid...


I am forever amazed that photographers are able to talk women into doing shit like that.

The massive explosion in Gërdec, Albania





A Laser Welder



A major plot hole that has never been adequately explained.






Anonymous said...

A7: What happened in 2002 that made France and Germany hate us as much as they do today?

Anonymous said...

B6: Algea grows on the backs of the slow moving manatee. Someone scraped the algea off in the form of letters.
FYI- some mamatee love to be scatched and will even roll over to let you scratch their belly.

Inchworm said...

B6, the manatee. "Scraped" i.e. scraped off the algae that grows on the skin of these slow moving creatures. "Carved" would imply an act that penetrated the skin with a sharp object and sliced. There was no penetration in this case.

Steve said...



B11 - Those are packages of Hortensia toilet paper (looks like about 480 rolls being carried)

Suppe said...

In answer to the comment on A7:
That was the lie about the Iraqui "Weapons of mass destruction".

Anonymous said...

B5: I did.

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