About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 8, 2021

MONDAY #4429

 One Of My Very Own








I've listened to all the arguments and I still don't get it.
People consistently vote against their own best interests.

Every healthcare dollar is divided between the insurance companies, the for-profit hospitals, and lastly your healthcare needs. Why? Who the fuck invented this scam?
And I've heard things like "I don't want the government controlling my healthcare." Well, seniors have "suffered" under Medicare "controlling their healthcare" for decades, and we fucking love it!
Please, I beg you, listen to this mother and tell me if this is the best America can do.

^^A 1-5^^



Isn't that like falling off a ladder and blaming gravity? There are rapists out there and it is your job to minimize your risk. Avoiding risky behavior is only prudent.


Remember when Americans used to care about other people?

Nowadays we can't even agree with this most basic kindness.
And then there's these pricks...

Every military member can expect to have to wear a gas mask from time to time. Beards interfere with the seal.

After landing robots on other planets and men on the moon people still hang on to their superstitions. Why? That's the way we've always done it.

Nevertheless, she persisted

I've noticed that the same people who don't like her hated Obama. I'm beginning to think it's just plain old fashioned racism.

Fuck you. It's a sandwich, not a marble sculpture. I got a job interview, or a child on the way to the doctor's office, or I'm terrified of covid.
Why is "patience" a virtue? Why can't "Hurry the fuck up" be a virtue?

[verification needed]



My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction so I packed up my stuff and right.



We all know that rain has to stop somewhere but we all get excited to see it end.

That's a lot of fucking turtles.


chess set made from recycled objects.

How wonderful.

Hidden plumbing access panel.



Technology facilitates extraordinary expressions of intellect and philosophy.


Helmcken Falls, Wells Grey, BC.


It never occurred to me that it had to tilt its head like that to look through a hole.

It looks like it dropped its anchor to slow it down.
"Any time you dock the ship without denting it is a good docking."


Fitness Tip: Did you know you burn roughly 150 calories an hour standing looking out your window waiting for you online orders to show up?



I'll bet money he hates Obama and Harris.


Maybe she works at Dollar General.


Cruel...yes, but I would still like to see it.

Customer service in Japan.

He probably got a whole chapter in the company's safety manual.

Karma is a bitch for bike thieves...


What the hell is he expecting to do if he catches it?

There is absolutely no excuse for that.

I want to know the kind of truck that is!

One poor Russian protester (tan jacket) is singled out...
He's lucky to have lived through that onslaught.

I bet he never stands there again.

Idiots in the Netherlands right now

Backstory: Due to high infection numbers of covid-19(corona) the government decided to put a new measure in place no on out between 21:00 and 04:50. Throughout the day "Idiots" have been destroying properties and doing things like this. I have 0 respect for them and hope they all get arrested. Please don't be an idiot, these people are not 'cool' they are part of the reason shit needs to get locked down and we have lockdowns.

They even loot!

I think it blew the top of her skull off!


The day I gave up was the day I learned that once you get in shape you have to stay in shape.





"Trust me, no one will notice."


It's corn...CORN!



Good luck with that shit, guys.


Any pants other than sweatpants are now called "hard pants".



There are supermassive black holes. There are ultramassive black holes. How large can these strange objects grow? 

Well, there could be something even bigger than ultramassive: stupendously large black holes, according to the latest research. Such hypothetical black holes - larger than 100 billion times the mass of the Sun - have been explored in a new paper which names them SLABs, an acronym that stands for "Stupendously LArge Black holeS".



Guess what comes out...

Said to be a sheep stomach in a Mongolian restaurant.


A 10-foot-tall, 5-ton moai replica "walks" as three teams maneuver strong ropes. Archaeologists led the experiment to test their theory about how the ancient Easter Island statues moved.

When they were first discovered the natives were asked how the stones got to their location and were told "They walked there."


1960s safety standards

We will look back on the anti-mask people as similarly reckless.

Vitamin D AND COVID19 

Here is the link for a fascinating analysis of the role of Vitamin D and susceptibility and mortality rates in COVID 19. 


My doctor put me on Vitamin D a year ago. 
Smart lady.












Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time;

Each of the remaining lines got longer.

RON said...

Answer to Puzzle Time. The lines in the box on the right are a fraction longer than the lines on the left. Taken together the total length of the lines of both boxes are equal.

Anonymous said...

Nuclear Disarmament is semaphore. N = /\ and D is ¦

Burgervan said...

A9 "Make sure the camera is running when I pretend I give a toss about this old lady!" Hahaha.
Reminds me of 'Blackadder'. Edmund: "No, don't worry, I'll get Baldrick to beat him up after the ceremony. We'll get the money back!". Lol

Burgervan said...

B8 So do WE! :)

Burgervan said...

C11 He's a Bodybuilder! They got no Dicks cos of them Stereoloids and stuff! Hahahah

Burgervan said...

D7 "Blow in her face" sounds like a Caveman describing a Blowjob!

Burgervan said...

E4 MY Balls when I get in a Very Hot bath! hahah

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Isn't the 13th line now lined up with the right edge of the shape?

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