About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 15, 2021

MONDAY #4436

One Of My Very Own






Lie to me and you are off my team. It's called consistency and you might want to try it.




You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle-aged woman - stuff you pay good money for later in life.




Claude Monet painting water lilies

Rare Film of Monet, Renoir, Rodin and Degas

Fine art enthusiasts will appreciate these fascinating 100-year-old film clips of four of the most celebrated artists in history; Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Auguste Rodin, and Edgar Degas. In 1915, with the newly innovated film camera, a young Russian-born, French actor named Sacha Guitry captured some of France’s greatest artists and authors.


Proof that you can be creative with whatever you find lying around...

The first rule of Fine Art is never to do anything that's been done before.

Some art requires the participation of the viewer.

I would even say that this requires viewers to see their own reflection.

Good photograph works because of the design.


I used to disparage computer art...
Until a very bright young man pointed out that a computer is just another art tool.

I'm not sure what this is...
But this is magnificent.

As a potter, I consider this just a little too cutesy.





I am of the opinion that art and science share a "what if" impetus.


Another Wall Greens pharmacy?


Roman bridge at Köprüçay River

"What if I build a bridge that can't fall down?"




Watch carefully...
They are faking it!







Minesweeper, with hexagons

Battleship on the same grid would be harder.



Just two Jews sitting around talking about how to help the sick and poor.




Covidiot gets trolled...
But what a wonderful segue...



I once told my wife to pick a card, any card and she took my credit card and I haven't seen it since.





White privilege explained:


Seriously. I don't understand it.






[verification needed]


I heard that with my own ears.

Why do so many people hate ANYBODY who acts or looks differently than they do?





I'm kind of a big deal on a fairly irrelevant blog site that falsely inflates my ego.





I brought a bottle of cognac back from Germany. When I was checking into customs the lady placed it on a long stainless steel ramp. I grabbed it right before it crashed at the bottom.
My wife and had one shot every anniversary until it was all gone.




Monday's Lucky SOBs
Dying is so easy.





Never put your belt buckle outside the ladder.









These are both minimalisms of what?



Anonymous said...

Puzzme time: I am going to guess a nativity. Three wise men. Mary is always blue since that was the most rare color.

Anonymous said...

A22 - Niggling

Burgervan said...

A1 Monet should have stopped fucking about painting lillies and done something worth looking at! Lol

Burgervan said...

A6 My Mum has the same disdain for computer art. She seems to think that unless You're covered in paint and there's a huge mess, then it's NOT art. I have tried to explain the absolute talent that goes into not only learning how an Art package works but also the stylus they have to learn the nuances of and STILL producing fantastic images to a Deaf ear! A deaf EYE is even worse. :(

Burgervan said...

A12 Why assume that we're the Pinnacle of evolution and the dinosaurs would have evolved to be like humans is a pile of shit? I say that we're an Anomaly in this Planet's "Beings" and our actions will ultimately lead to our extinction. We are a disease that will not endure. If we don't Evolve then we are doomed. Planet earth will carry on with NO conscience and life will go on.

Anonymous said...

Nag and of course nug.

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