About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






Have you heard the latest conspiracy theory?

Antifa seductresses secreted drugs in their vaginas to cause the peaceful Trumpers to turn violent.

Honest. Some people believe that.




If you don't look at anything else in today's post, look at this over and over again. It's terrifying.
A most interesting extended Youtube: 

Let's count the ignored safety rules:

1. Know where fire extinguishers are located. 

2. Always use the correct type of fire extinguisher. 3. Discharge the extinguisher at the base of the fire. 4. Above all - don’t panic!

I blame management for lack of training.


He made a simple steam chamber for bending/shaping wood.

I had a friend who built a boat (this is not it). After building the frame...
He had to bend the outside boards around the frame.
He made a chamber out of a 6" PVC pipe then just ran a 1 1/2" tube from the spout of a teapot into the pipe. He boiled the water atop a hot plate and it worked just fine.


Using knapping to break an obsidian rock in two.

When the first guy to discover that it was probably by accident. He was trying to crack a nut or whatever and BANG the sliver cut the shit out of him. And the rest was history.



I can hardly wait.

All of us mentally agile people knew that already.

Birmingham, Alabama has a huge statue of Vulcan the god of iron because it is the only place with all three necessities for smelting iron in one location - coal, limestone, and iron ore.
When my mother was a child, the dismembered statue was strewn around the park awaiting funds to erect it. The rule was: if a child got separated from their parents they should wait on Vulcan's toe.
Further, when I was in high school we could climb up to that viewing platform in the dead of night...drunk.

The black goop, called gleba, is a mass of spores that gives off a corpse-like stench. The stench attracts insects and flies who eat the goop, which sticks to the insects and is subsequently dispersed by them.


The whale sharks of Oslob, Cebu Island, The Philippines

Looks dangerous, but whale sharks eat by filtering the water of plankton. Humans and other macro critters aren’t on the menu.


Want to guess what this is?

Electron microscope image of a spider's silk spigot.



Southern culture dictates turning your paper plate upside down in the trash so you don't offend whoever made the stuff you didn't eat.



Wilt Chamberlain was a guest performer on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In 50 years ago today on January 25, 1971.

Dick Martin was 6'1" tall but still had to crane his neck back to make eye contact with Wilt.

That is Wilt, not a teacher, in the middle of the back row in the grade school pic.




James Fridman strikes again...

And my favorite...

You sly devil.

How I met your mother...wait for it...


See anything odd?
We have found a new place to stash my signage.
When my wife's friends found out I made the signs they wanted one so I printed off another stack and left it out on the porch for them. People have driven from all over the city to help spread the good news.

Working from home.

And they are compelled to do that from birth.





What's up, Virgin?

Not anymore. Just ask your sister.

I don't even have a sister, dumb ass.

Just wait 9 months.




My wife is attracted to strong women because she is a strong woman.

Here's a comment about that.

Probably failed a psych test.

My test scores were stellar which allowed me to pick the MOS in which I wanted to work. I chose nukes and never regretted it.


Harriet Tubman is perhaps the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad's "conductors." During a ten-year span, she made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 slaves to freedom. And, as she once proudly pointed out to Frederick Douglass, in all of her journeys she "never lost a single passenger."
I support the change 100%.



When I'm reminded of that I immediately think of religion. I can point out dozens of illogics in the bible (Noah not only rounding up two kangaroos but taking them back after the waters subsided) and it won't even spark an iota of doubt.

If we only learn one thing from our dismal response to this pandemic I hope it is the realization of the need for much more science education in public schools.
I want this to be the rule and not the exception.

And even though I voted for the guy I crawled up his ass over many of those missteps.


My vet once told me that my dog has been licking his penis more than usual. I asked the vet why he didn't just keep it in his pants and threatened to sue.



The more I watch, the more convinced I am that if I did that I'd end up with a handful of mush. This is clearly witchcraft.


Pictures were taken 12 years apart

But why include his dick?!?

This is what my toothbrushes look like.

My wife asked me, "Why are you so angry?"

Actually, I don't so much "brush" my teeth but rather I "scrub" my teeth.



I like to study photographs to reveal what the facial expressions tell me about the backstory. This lady looks like she is already filled with doubt.

This lady is bored with following endless instructions from the photographer - "Now toss you hair...now tug on your panties."

This lady was talked into allowing a "professional photographer" she met in a bar to take pictures in his apartment. His next instruction will be, "Lose the fucking cap."

I can almost hear the instructions: "Hand on thigh...the other hand over your head...look to your right...give me a little pout." And she is bored of it.

This expression says, "One take and I'm outta here."

Photographer: Give me a come-hither look.
And that pro fucking nailed it!
I once told my wife to give me her best come-hither look (true) and her she is...
And here she is the first time she saw my dick...

This is the look of a woman who is about to reward her man for doing something she really appreciated...like cleaning out the garage.

What do you think she did to piss off the elephant?

He's fixing to find out if a pitbull can outrun a motorcycle.


Can anyone explain this circular behavior?

In such places, they have professional snake removers and one was called to deal with that.

What a great hobby - exercise and civic responsibility.

My dick can only get so hard.

I don't think he's helping...












See the big cat?


weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

D5 Rottweiler, not a Pit Bull.

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzle Time: Big Cat is lower left under the rocks.

Scott James said...

A9: I have a photo of me sitting on Vulcan’s toe. They took him down for restoration many years ago, and let the public in to examine all the parts up-close

They also replaced the red/green light thing that he held with a hammer.
And, they rotated him to face north as he was meant to from the beginning.

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