About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 18, 2021


 One Of My Very Own







The man pictured here is not #150 but is #145. 

Brian Sicknick

We need more Americans like him - a protector instead of a tormenter.





All things Ralph...



I'm somewhat of a hugger myself...and I miss them.






This young New Zealander explains it much better than I:

"Fine... don't wear masks, don't get vaccinated..."

New Zealand is wide open - restaurants, concerts, sports, etc. Find out how they did it:



I think we should start a conspiracy theory that covid turns you gay that way Republicans will stay home.



We need all the brains we can get.




"Put me in the game, coach!"

I saw my first class doing that in 1996...and here we are.

My wife stands up BEFORE the plane stops!

I would do that.

Looks like a quarantine activity.

Who the fuck designs something like that!?

This man really scares Putin

 2 years and 8 months in jail for being a nice guy and refusing to die when poisoned.




If the universe is really a simulation then why did they program my asshole to be so fucking hairy? Seems like a waste of coder time to me.




In the early days of airmail, the arrows pointed the pilots on their route.

A Lamb Tote

New York under snow

We all had something similar in Goose Bay, Labrador only it was a box like this...
But it need not be expensive.
I'm assuming they fill the cracks with something.

A barkeep does what a barkeep must.

I can feel the silence.

As I understand it seawalls INCREASE beach erosion.




Today I took a nap even though I wasn't tired. I just didn't want to be awake for a while.



Indoor vertical hydroponic project

He also has a bank of grow lights. 
And he grows lettuce.

Another sly devil.

UK's red telephone box graveyard



I could watch that for hours.

Military personnel shows off their accomplishments with ribbons worn on their chest.
But when there are many, it looks like many of them are under the lapel.
But in fact, there are none under the lapel because the medals stop at the lapel edge.


This guy collects his nail clippings.

My girlfriend's brother collected his toe jam in a small bottle. Every night he would clean his toenails with the point of a nail file and scrape the goo into the bottle even when he had a girl sleeping over. There was never a discussion as to why.


You MUST train them as a puppy!

I once did shit like that. The seats of my kitchen booth were hinged for storage beneath. The bed was extra-high for more storage. I could go on but you get the point.

I have mentioned prior my confusion of forested animals evolving huge antlers.




How very delightful.



Let us count the compound fractures.




Explain this to me so it makes sense.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: square mirror with two people behind it.

Ron said...

Puzzle: Two people sitting side by side facing the camera. Each one holding their own hands over a mirror. The mirror reflects both arms and one leg of each person.

D'Ascoyne said...

I love your content.
I hope they catch that guy who gouged the eyes of the Capitol officer. But, let's be honest, if this were a BLM protest you wouldn't be calling the cop a hero.


Mr D'Ascovne, You are correct; Ralph is the most stupid columnist on the planet.He'd shit himself if confronted with real violence. Mike

Dr. WeTodd said...

Puzzle time: looks like they're holding and sitting behind individual mirrors. So 2 mirrors.

Anonymous said...

Plot twist: MIKE HARRIS is a British lesbian.

Ralph Henry said...

That was not me. I swear.

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