About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 One Of My Very Own





“The ERCOT grid has collapsed in exactly the same manner as the old Soviet Union,” said Hirs. “It limped along on underinvestment and neglect until it finally broke under predictable circumstances."


"Being off the federal grid and away from federal regulations has come back to harm Texans more than we could expect. Even for those who have power, if your power company is not fixed-rate, expect to feel some of the wholesale electric price of $9,000 per MWh (it was $30 days ago). I’m appalled at the state government’s response in what is a life or death situation for so many. I hope we find some sort of solution as temps stay low."


This is for my nephew.

I just included the Do Not Remove tag to fuck with you.


I can't believe as a kid I used to just fall asleep unassisted. No melatonin, no Tylenol PM, just me and my eyelids raw dogging it.


The deserted island has got to be the most used cartoon format and I'm not sure why...but I like them.









Yes, I will admit that we Boomers got ours and some of us don't want others to even have a chance of getting theirs.



*insert collective moans









This is "avoids"...?




Do you think insects are born knowing they can walk up walls or do they just accidentally do it one day and go, "Hell, yeah!"?



Morticia and Wednesday Cosplay



The cap.

She's still got it!

I couldn't take my eyes off his perfectly round 
monkish bald spot.


I had assumed this was a runaway vehicle...but no.
He even has a spotter!

Fame for a Day
I'm getting pretty good at cutting up videos that are too large.

Something you don't see every day.

Archer Jennifer Delaney shoots a mint in midair



I feel your pain...
Time for another beer.



Welcome to adulthood in 2020. We watch television shows about people buying houses now.



Black Deer

From the Schwarzer Wald?


Source: US Department of the Interior. "A rain-on-snow event created some interesting shapes and textures in the backcountry of Mount Rainier National Park in Washington." 

Photo courtesy Scott Kranz.


The American Prairie was too hard for normal plows so John Deere invented the metal plow that turned the soil just like the one above.
And thus the world was fed.

Wait for it...




Peter Falk's Columbo statue in Budapest.

Why Budapest?

Music reading in Tibetan



A rare mutation caused the tentacles of this octopus to branch off.

[verification needed]


This black bear mom gave birth to a rare spirit bear


Speaking of white bears...

The Detroit Zoo just announced that after two lost babies, Suka the Polar Bear gave birth to twin cubs.

It's the first time cubs have been born there since 2004.

"One of the babies is with her and being cared for by her. The other was very sick and was taken to receive medical care shortly after their birth; the second cub is still being bottle-fed and raised by the humans until it's ready to rejoin the habitat, while Suka cares for the healthier cub in her special area."














Anonymous said...

puzzle time...11=1...which was already given in the first line.

Ron said...


Steve said...

if 1=11,then 11=1

Inchworm said...

1st digit times eleven, so 11 = 121

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