One Of My Very Own
Your Second Amendment rights have been curtailed over and over again and we are none the worse for it. You are not allowed to possess a nuclear bomb. You can't drive around with a Gatling gun mounted to the roof of your car. You are not allowed to place landmines in your own yard. You are not allowed to take a gun on an airplane. I could go on and on and on but I'm sure you get my point. All I'm asking is that we think of a solution to these mass shootings that is not too restrictive. I lean toward outlawing high-capacity clips but I am open to any and all proposals. What I refuse to accept is that we are powerless to do anything about this problem.
And yet again there was a mass shooting and the killer did not kill one asshole. All ten of the latest victims were the nicest, most loving, smartest, funniest people who ever drew a breath. Amazing isn't it?
Just once I would like to hear, "We never invited my drunk ass uncle to any family get together because that stupid bastard still thought Trump won the election and wouldn't shut up about it."
Too soon?
This found hours later:
Me waiting for my package that has to travel through the Suez Canal.
The helmsman probably.
Ask me about my staythefuckathome grooming standards.
An avid reader asked me if I could see the face in an x-ray I posted to warn you about riding with you feet on the dash. I couldn't even see it after taking another look. So he sent me this:
Funny guy.
It had a great cast of supporting actors and actresses.

They made it from one of these.
And remember the time Ms. Weaver came out wearing a forklift?
Being a public artist I really appreciate quality work.
But, sadly, I always fear the image is Photoshopped. So, after doing an image search I found out that not only is it real but it is brilliantly lit at night.
Bravo, my fellow muralist. Bravo!
I usually ask questions that most people do not.
The Cretto di Burri (crack of Burri) or Cretto di Gibellina (crack of Gibellina), also known as "The Great Cretto", is a landscape artwork undertaken by Alberto Burri in 1984 and left unfinished in 1989 (due to lack of funds), based on the old city of Gibellina.
I couldn't sleep until I found out what that is made of. The best I could ascertain was "Casted concrete".
I've often wondered why the stimulus checks didn't take this disparity into account.
When my brother was in the military he was given the same living expenses no matter what part of the country he was stationed in. In some places, he had money left over and in others, he had to dip into his savings.
I try to do that. But I am passionate about one thing that I can't let go of - wealth disparity.
Last summer I asked you to pick a total number of covid deaths that would convince you that Donald Trump had failed in his handling of the pandemic effectively. At the time it was 100K so I asked you, gentle reader if you would accuse him of malfeasance if it reached 200K...300K...400K?
Now let's play the same game with wealth disparity. What percentage of wealth being hoarded by America's wealthiest 10% would alarm you? 60%? 70%? How about 90%? Or 95%? Pick your number and when they reach your self-imposed tipping point please join me in our struggle to tax the shit out of them.
The wife who orders groceries and the wife who actually has to cook the meals are two entirely different people.
A 225 million-year-old petrified opal tree trunk located in Arizona
The Petrified Forest should be on everyone's bucket list.
This is Bulandet/Værlandet in Norway, it is on the western coast.
It even has google street view.
Plenty of places for a clandestine tryst...if you have a boat.
Very rare plant fossil of a fern frond found in the Pennsylvanian shale formation.
I would shit my pants if I stumbled upon something like that.
Because of my back, I can walk much better than I can stand. This device would be perfect for people like me...if it had a footrest.
Oh, they know that. They are motivated by one thing and one thing only - owning the libs - even if it means putting their own families in jeopardy.
Anatoli Petrovich Bugorski (Russian: Анатолий Петрович Бугорский), born 25 June 1942, is a retired Russian particle physicist. He is known for surviving an accident in 1978 when a high-energy proton beam from a particle accelerator passed through his brain.
In 1996, he applied unsuccessfully for disability to receive epilepsy medication. He showed interest in making himself available for study to Western researchers but couldn't afford to leave Protvino. Good job Moscow.

Classic argument to lure parents out of vaccinating their children. "They contain arsenic" - but so do many of the foods we eat every day. And more accurately it should be phrased as "contains tiny traces of arsenic".
I am a big proponent of nuclear power. I know there have been problems but all of these problems can be solved with proper planning. The "too dangerous" argument has been used against steam, hydro generation, and AC power itself.
I always wonder how animals learn all of their unusual skills.
I assume this one was learned by accident. One of them fell onto the wire and just kept going. And his buddies went "Cool."
These dogs probably watched kids do this and emulated them.
But this bear probably did not watch kids do that.
And yet he persisted.
Golden Tortoise Beetles
How in the world was that color a survival aid?
Time Lapse: 30 Minutes' worth of why you don't sleep with a child in your bed.
Watch until the very end...
Husband: This is my ex-girlfriend.
Her: Because I’m his wife now.
Husband: Sometimes I can still hear her voice.
I like to say, "This is my present wife."
My name is Mark, not Spot, Smudge, or Blotch.
My name is Sam, not Surface to Air Missile.
It's "Brandi" like a stripper, not "Brandy" like the drink.
My name is Richard, not Penis, Cock, or Schlong.
My name is Data, not Data.
My name is Bobby, not Robert.
I had a friend in the military whose whole legal name was Bobby Ratliff. He had a hell of a time since the military hates nicknames.
Another friend was named RJ Moore. He had to carry an official card that stated his name was R(only) J(only). Then he was called Ronly Jonly Moore. True.
As a bartender, part of my job was to remember and retell jokes. I first told that joke in 1974.
When I see a group of senators I always wonder what sounds they make when their wife has a go at their butthole with her strap-on.
And they pull this with two horsepower.
How did they get the logs up there? And why wouldn't they put all the smallest logs toward the top?
Every primal nerve in her body is screaming for her not to do that.
If you sit in a chair reading a book you hold you head in the most comfortable position. If you keep your head at the same angle and remove the book, where you are looking in the correct position for your TV. That would be low on the wall like the one illustrated above.
The General (1926) - 95-year-old train crash.
This crew opened one up and found the mother lode of money makers...CIGARETTES!
"I shouldn't have worn so much musk this morning." - Jogger probably
That dog can kiss that "Protect Your Master At All Cost" badge goodbye.
Alan Kahn - author of the speed bag bible and the “undisputed godfather of the speed bag.”

His shirt says Speed Bag Bible. His vibe says Speed Bag Jesus
I found this amazing.

I've never seen it done worse.

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puzzle time
adhere, cashmere, premiere
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